Releases: Catrobat/Catroid
Releases · Catrobat/Catroid
New in 0.9.24:
- Multitouch sensors
- New control bricks: When screen is touched, simple If (without else), Wait until, Repeat until
- Raspberry Pi
- NFC tag_id
- Many improvements
More recent features: - 2D physics
- change colors
- merging
- persistent backpack (copy/paste)
- face detection
- flash and video
- Arduino
- vibration
- lists
- display variables
- Lego Mindstorms robot
- Phiro robot
- landscape mode
- image + media assets
- download program as Android apps via sharing website
- 2D physics engine
- NFC support
- change/set colors
- many improvements, e.g., a persistent backpack and new languages as well as bug fixes
Other recent features: backpack, merging of programs, face detection, flash and video, Arduino, vibration, lists, display variables, Lego Mindstorms, Phiro, landscape mode, image + media assets, and downloading of programs as Android apps via sharing website
- Backpack.
- UI fixes regarding hardware management (Camera/Sensor unavailability).
- Bugfixes regarding Camera/Facedetection/Flash/Vibration issues.
- Refactored NewProjectDialog.
- New default program.
- VideoBrick.
- Removed FaceDetection settings.
- Open Authentication for Facebook and Google+.
- Added logout.
- Lists
- Text in formulas
- Lego Mindstorms NXT sensors
- Phiro support
- Face detection and localization
- Merge 2 programs
- Download a user program as an Android app via sharing website
- Up-to-date encryption of communication between Pocket Code and sharing website => API 16
- Lot of bug fixes