TutorIA is an open-source project that lets you create and manage tutoring slots, and allows students to sign up for them.
- Git
- Docker / docker-compose
- Environment variables
cp -f .env .env.local
- Environment variables for testing
cp -f .env.test .env.test.local
Change LTI_KEYS_BASE_FOLDER_PATH to '/app' in your .env.local and .env.test.local
Make sure the database name and ports are accurate in the DATABASE_URL
. Otherwise, change the variable accordingly to the database definition in docker-compose.yml
cp -f .php-cs-fixer.dist.php .php-cs-fixer.php
echo " tutorat-local.paris-saclay.fr" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Run this command to execute pre-commit.sh
each time a commit is created:
ln -s ../../bin/pre-commit.sh .git/hooks/pre-commit
docker-compose up --build -d
docker-compose exec php composer install
The previous command will automatically run the not already executed migrations. But the testing database needs to be updated accordingly. To do so run this command:
docker-compose exec -it php sh tests/init-test-database.sh
- Web server : https://tutorat-local.paris-saclay.fr/
- Admin dashboard : https://tutorat-local.paris-saclay.fr/admin/dashboard
- Profiler : https://tutorat-local.paris-saclay.fr/_profiler/
Command to run all tests:
docker-compose exec -it php vendor/bin/phpunit
To run a given testing directory:
docker-compose exec -it php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/<SUBDIRECTORY_NAME>
Moodle URL :
Create Moodle as a Platform :
Audience : http://localhost:9180
Oidc Authentication Url : http://localhost:9180/mod/lti/auth.php
Create an LTI Integration specifying Moodle as a Platform (previously created)
Important Intergration parameters :
Client ID : from the External Tool parameters created in Moodle
Platform Jwks Url : http://moodle:8080/mod/lti/certs.php (Notice that the base URL is different from Moodle URL, because it will be called inside the docker container)
Deployment IDs/Default Deplyment ID : from the External Tool parameters created in Moodle
Add Tutorat as an External Tool in Moodle:
- Go to tool configuration panel :
Click on "configure a tool manually"
Tool Name : Choose your tool name
LTI version : 1.3
Public key type : Key Set URL
Public keyset : https://localhost.centralesupelec.fr/jwks/tutorIaKeySet.json
Initiate login URL : https://tutorat-local.paris-saclay.fr/lti/oidc/initiation
Redirection URLs : https://tutorat-local.paris-saclay.fr/lti/launch
Default launch container : New Window
After creating the External Tool, you can click on the list icon on the created tool to get some other useful information. Example :
Platform ID: http://localhost:9180
Client ID: Ezt2pDP3XQit2ZE
Deployment ID: 2
Public keyset URL: http://localhost:9180/mod/lti/certs.php
Access token URL: http://localhost:9180/mod/lti/token.php
Authentication request URL: http://localhost:9180/mod/lti/auth.php
Select an activity or a course in Moodle -> Click on "Add an activity or resource" -> External Tool
Preconfigured tool : Select the External Tool that you created
You can click on "Show more", then there is "Custom parameters" field where you can send additional information to the External Tool
- Run the php fixer
docker-compose exec -it php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix -v --dry-run
- Run rector
docker-compose exec -it php vendor/bin/rector process --dry-run
- Générer une migration :
docker-compose exec php symfony console make:migration
- Execute migrations:
docker-compose exec -it php bin/console app:sync-migrate
- Create an administrator:
docker-compose exec php symfony console app:create-admin
The documentation is available on our Github project's page.
To edit the documentation, you can serve it localy : docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material
The Github's CI will deploy it once merged.