This package contains functions for pre- and post- processing MESH models. MESH is a Free Open Source (FOSS) community hydrological model. MESH is described at
This package is undergoing rapid development, so it is a good idea to watch this repository to find out about each new version.
MESHr depends on several other packages, which you need to install first, from CRAN, before installing MESHr. These packages are:
- grid
- ggplot2
- stringr
- reshape2
- knitr
- hydroGOF
- raster
- rts
- readr
- sp
- hydroTSM
- plyr
To install the dependencies, you can use the menu command Packages | Install in Rstudio, or the command install.packages as in
You will be able to download the complete package, as well as the manual .pdf by clicking on releases, when version 1.0 is released. However, you can download and install the most up-to-date version directly from this repository. The procedure is:
- Install the package "devtools" - you only have to do this once. If you are using Windows, you must install the program Rtools, before installing the devtools package. You can install Rtools from
- Load the devtools library
- Install the package.
The commands are: