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938 lines (728 loc) · 33.2 KB

File metadata and controls

938 lines (728 loc) · 33.2 KB

description of all functions and header files included in FlatDraw

header list

Name Short description
binding.h implements bindings
callbacks.h contains callback functions
click_handle.h contains functions for handling clicks
color.h contains color schemes
draw.h contains functions for drawing
fd_format.h contains functions for outputting shapes to a file
figure.h includes functions for creating and processing shapes
geometry.h includes functions for creating and processing geometry
list.h implements a doubly linked list of shapes
error.h implements error handling functions
help.h implements help messages
multi_obj.h combines figure and text
text.h implements text
util.h contains utility functions

headers description


this file includes functions for creating three types of bindings: object bindings, binding of intersection, and vertical bindings

object bindings

object snaps, the cursor is fixed on the object

here white point is the cursor snapped to the edge of the rect

intersection bindings

these bindings are formed at the intersection of 2 objects:

vertical bindings

these bindings are to the x or y of another object:


  • void bl_bind(list *lptr, double *x, double *y); -- this function creates a binding for the x and y coordinates relative to the list of lptr shapes
    • lptr -- pointer to a list of objects
    • x -- the x coordinate of the cursor
    • y -- the y coordinate of the cursor

For all of the following functions:

lptr -- pointer to th list of objects x -- the x coordinate of the cursor y -- the y coordinate of the cursor

  • char *bl_try_make_object_bind(list *lptr, double *x, double *y); -- an internal function that attempts to create an object binding to an object
  • char *bl_try_make_intersection_binding(list *lptr, double *x, double *y); -- tries to create an intersection binding, otherwise similar bl_try_make_object_binding
  • char *bl_try_make_vertical_binding(list *lptr, double *x, double *y); -- tries to create a vertical binding, similar to bl_try_make_object_binding
  • int bl_is_create_binding(figure *target, double x, double y); -- returns 1 if you can create an object binding, 0 otherwise
    • target -- target figure
    • x -- the x coordinate of the cursor
    • y -- the y coordinate of the cursor
  • double bl_get_coords_dif(double c1, double c2); -- returns the difference of the coordinates
    • c1 -- first coordinate
    • c2 -- second coordinate

For all of the following functions:

figure_name -- target figure x -- the x coordinate of the cursor y -- the y coordinate of the cursor

  • int bl_get_binding_possibility_point(figure *point, double x, double y); -- returns the ability to create a binding to a point (1 or 0)
  • int bl_get_binding_possibility_line(figure *line, double x, double y); -- similar to bl_get_binding_possibility_point
  • int bl_get_binding_possibility_rect(figure *rect, double x, double y); -- similar to bl_get_binding_possibility_point
  • int bl_get_binding_possibility_circle(figure *circle, double x, double y); -- similar to bl_get_binding_possibility_point

For all of the following functions:

figure_name -- target figure x -- the x coordinate of the cursor y -- the y coordinate of the cursor

  • void bl_make_binding(figure *fptr, double *x, double *y); -- directly creates a binding
  • void bl_make_binding_point(figure *point, double *x, double *y); -- directly creates a binding to point
  • void bl_make_binding_line(figure *line, double *x, double *y); -- directly creates a binding to line
  • void bl_make_binding_rect(figure *rect, double *x, double *y); -- directly creates a binding to rect
  • void bl_make_binding_circle(figure *circle, double *x, double *y); -- directly creates a binding to circle

  • char *bl_make_vertical_bind_if_possible(list *node, double *x, double *y); -- creates a vertical binding
    • node -- target node
    • x -- the x coordinate of the point
    • y -- the x coordinate of the point


  • BINDING_AREA -- the distance within which the binding is created


contains callback functions for the interface created in main.c


  • DRAW_BUTTONS -- specifies the number of buttons responsible for drawing


  • gboolean draw_area_draw(GtkWidget *area, cairo_t *cr, gpointer data); -- drawing the canvas

    • area -- drawing area
    • cr -- cairo context
    • data -- not used
  • gboolean mouse_move(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, GtkWidget *crd_label); -- tracks the mouse movement

    • widget -- drawing area
    • event -- GdkEvent pointer
    • crd_label -- label the coordinate display
  • gboolean mouse_click(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data); -- tracks mouse clicks

    • widget -- drawing area
    • event -- GdkEvent pointer
    • crd_label -- label the coordinate display
  • gboolean key_press(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data); -- monitors keystrokes of the keyboard. Currently not used

    • widget -- drawing area
    • event -- Gdkevent pointer
    • data -- not used
bttn (figures)

For all of the following functions:

bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to data -- not used

  • void point_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for point button
  • void line_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for line pp button
  • void line_la_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for line la button
  • void rect_pp_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for rect pp button
  • void rect_wh_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for rect wh button
  • void circle_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for circle button
  • void arc_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for arc button
  • void curs_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for curs button

For all of the following functions:

bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to parent_window -- the parent window of the dialog

  • void circle_prm_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *parent_window); -- callback for parametric circle
  • void arc_prm_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *parent_window); -- callback for parametric arcs
  • void text_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWindow *parent_window); -- callback for text button
bttn (file operations)

For all of the following functions:

bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to parent_window -- the parent window of the dialog

  • void save_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- signal for file saving dialog
  • void open_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- signal for file open dialog
bttn (modify)
  • void del_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *da); -- callback for delete button
    • bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to
    • da -- drawing area

For all of the following functions:

bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to parent_window -- the parent window of the dialog

  • void move_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for move button
  • void cp_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for copy-paste button

  • void dc_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *draw_area); -- callback for decouple button

    • bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to
    • drawing_area -- drawing area
  • void rot_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *parent_window); -- callback for rotation button

    • bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to
    • parent_window -- the parent window of the dialog
bttn (dialog)

For all of the following functions:

bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to data -- not used

  • void line_la_dialog_ok_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for OK button in line la dialog
  • void rect_wh_dialog_ok_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for OK button in the rect wh dialog
  • void arc_dialog_ok_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for OK button in parametric arcs dialog
  • void text_dialog_font_button_set(GtkFontButton *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for font choosing button in text dialog

For all of the following functions:

bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to entry -- a field containing some necessary data

  • void save_dialog_ok_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *entry); -- callback for OK button in save dialog
  • void open_dialog_ok_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *entry); -- callback for OK button in open dialog
  • void rot_dialog_apply_bttn(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *entry) -- callback for apply button in rotation dialog
  • void circle_dialog_ok_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *entry); -- callback for OK button in parametric circle dialog

  • void text_dialog_ok_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkTextBuffer *tb); -- callback for OK button in text dialog

    • bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to
    • tb -- text buffer that contains text
  • void text_dialog_color_button_set(GtkColorButton *bttn, int *color); -- gets the RGB color assigned to the button

    • bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to
    • color -- an array of three elements representing an rgb palette in the range [0; 255]
  • void text_dialog_color_button_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *parent); -- callback for color button in text dialog

    • bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to
    • parent -- the parent window of the dialog

For all of the following functions:

bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to entry -- a field containing some necessary data

  • void set_lay_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *entry); -- callback for set lay button
  • void all_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *entry); -- callback for all lays button
  • void add_projection_lay_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *entry); -- callback for add projection lay button

bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to parent_window -- the parent window of the dialog

  • void options_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *parent_window); -- callback for options button
  • void help_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *parent_window); -- callback for help button

  • void direction_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, gpointer data); -- callback for diarection button in line la, rect wh dialogs

    • bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to
    • data -- unused
  • void prm_bttn_click(GtkWidget *bttn, GtkWidget *elms[]) -- callback for prm / free button, its change free / prm drawing mode

    • bttn -- pointer to the button that the signal is bound to
    • elms -- array of widgets (buttons) to change
  • void unselect(list *node); -- function for unselect

    • node -- figure list
  • void cb_dc(list *lptr); -- function that decouple figure of given node

    • node -- figure list


this section contains functions that handle clicks, and here you can add and select shapes


  • CH_WORK_MODES -- contain work modes of click handler


  • void ch_click_handler(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, int x, int y); -- common function for click handling, that call rest handle functions
    • draw_area -- the area where the click occurs
    • lptr -- figure list
    • x -- the x coordinate of the click
    • y -- the y coordinate of the click
  • void ch_set_draw_mode(int new_mode); -- function for selecting the drawing mode (see figure.h)

    • new_mode -- new value
  • void ch_set_external_figure(figure *fptr); -- function for selecting a external figure (only for multi-step figure: line_pp, rect_pp, circle, arc)

    • fptr -- figure pointer
  • void ch_set_state(int new_state); -- function that set creation step for multi-step figures (see ch_set_external_figure)

    • new_state -- new value
  • int ch_get_draw_mode(); -- function that returns draw mode

For all following functions:

draw_area -- drawing area lptr -- figure list x -- the x coordinate of the cursor y -- the y coordinate of the cursor

  • void ch_add_point(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- creates new point by x, y in figure list lptr, and draw it in draw_area
  • void ch_add_line_pp(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- creates new line_pp by x, y in figure list lptr, and draw it in draw_area
  • void ch_add_line_la(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- creates new line_la by x, y in figure list lptr, and draw it in draw_area
  • void ch_add_rect_pp(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- creates new rect_pp by x, y in figure list lptr, and draw it in draw_area
  • void ch_add_rect_wh(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- creates new rect_wh by x, y in figure list lptr, and draw it in draw_area
  • void ch_add_circle(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- creates new circle by x, y in figure list lptr, and draw it in draw_area
  • void ch_add_arc(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- creates new arc by x, y in figure list lptr, and draw it in draw_area
  • void ch_add_circle_prm(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- creates new circle by x and y, and draw it in draw_area
  • void ch_add_arc_prm(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- creates new arc by x and y, and draw it in draw_area

For all following functions:

draw_area -- drawing area lptr -- figure list x -- the x coordinate of the cursor y -- the y coordinate of the cursor

  • void ch_click_cursor_select(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- handle a click, when select Cursor mode
  • void ch_click_cursor_unselect_all(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- unselect all selected

For all following functions:

lptr -- figure list x -- the x coordinate of the cursor y -- the y coordinate of the cursor

  • list *ch_click_cursor_select_text(list *lptr, double x, double y); -- function for text selecting
  • list *ch_click_cursor_select_figure(list *lptr, double x, double y); -- function for figure selecting

For all following functions:

draw_area -- drawing area lptr -- figure list x -- the x coordinate of the cursor y -- the y coordinate of the cursor

  • void ch_move(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- figure moving
  • void ch_cp(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- figure copy-paste
  • void ch_rotate(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- figure rotation
  • void ch_text(GtkWidget *draw_area, list *lptr, double x, double y); -- add text

For all following functions:

lptr -- figure list

  • void ch_text_move(list *lptr); -- text move
  • void ch_copy_text(list *lptr); -- text copy-paste

For all following functions:

lptr -- figure list

  • void ch_fugure_move(list *lptr); -- service function for moving all selected figures
  • void ch_copy_offset(list *lptr); -- service function for copy-paste all selected figures with moving
  • void ch_rot(list *lptr); -- service function for rotation all selected figuresaround base point
  • void ch_proc_text(list *lptr); -- sets text coordinates
  • void ch_click_cursor_unselect_text(list *lptr); -- unselect all selected text

  • void ch_unselect_last(); -- function that unselect last selected


thats header contain enum and functions for colorisation


  • DEF_COLORS -- thats enum contain color set for FlatDraw


  • void cl_set_color(cairo_t *cr, int color_set); -- set drawing color for cairo context cr, form color_set (see DEF_COLORS)

    • cr -- cairo context
    • color_set -- color mode (see DEF_COLORS)
  • void cl_set_color_fg(cairo_t *cr, int fg_color_set); -- set drawing color for cairo context cr, from VM colorset (see figure.h)

    • cr -- cairo context
    • fg_color_set -- figure color mode (see VISIBLE_MODES in figure.h)


that header defines drawing functions



For all following functions:

fptr -- figure pointer

  • void dl_draw_figure(figure *fptr); -- common function for drawing figure thats call rest functions
  • void dl_draw_figure_list(list *lptr); -- similar to dl_draw_figure, but takes a list of figures
  • void dl_draw_point(figure *fptr); -- draw point
  • void dl_draw_line_pp(figure *fptr); -- draw line_pp
  • void dl_draw_rect_pp(figure *fptr); -- draw rect_pp
  • void dl_draw_circle(figure *fptr); -- draw circle
  • void dl_draw_arc(figure *fptr); -- draw arc
  • void dl_draw_preview(figure *fptr); -- draw preview figure (is a milti-step figure, thats not finished, see click_handle.h)

  • void dl_draw_text(text *tptr); -- draw text
    • tptr -- text pointer
  • void dl_set_cairo_context(cairo_t *cr); -- set a cairo context

    • cr -- cairo context
  • void dl_set_preview_coords(double px, double py); -- set a curcor position, for drawing a preview figure

    • px -- preview x coordinate
    • py -- preview y coordinate
  • void dl_set_show_preview(int val); -- enable or disable drawing preview figure

    • val -- new value
  • int dl_is_need_draw(figure *fptr); -- returns 1 if need draw, 0 otherwise
    • fptr -- figure pointer
  • void dl_switch_display_all_lays(); -- switch displaying all lays
  • void dl_switch_show_preview(); -- switch showing preview figure
  • void dl_send_preview_figure(figure *fptr); -- send to draw system a preview figure
    • fptr -- figure pointer
  • int dl_get_preview(); -- returns whether or not a thumbnail is shown


this header defines functions for working with .fd files


  • FD_FORMAT_END -- this symbol declarates end of figure defenition


  • void fdl_target_file(char *name); -- specifies the name of the target file
    • name -- name of target file
  • void fdl_write_object_stream(FILE *stream, list *lptr); -- writes lptr to stream

    • stream -- file stream, wich object will be written
    • lptr -- figure list
  • void fdl_write_from_list(list *lptr); -- writes figures from list to target file

    • lptr -- figure list
  • void fdl_read_string(figure *fptr, char *str); -- reads string from .fd file

    • fptr -- figure pointer
    • str -- buffer
  • void fdl_read_file(list *lptr); -- read figures from target file to list

    • lptr -- figure list

For all following functions:

stream -- the file stream from which the shape will be read lptr -- figure list

  • void fdl_pars_figure(FILE *stream, list *lptr); -- extract figure from file
  • void fdl_pars_text(FILE *stream, list *lptr); -- extract text from file


this header contains functions for working with figures


  • figure -- this struct defines a base figure
typedef struct {
	double x; // base x coord
	double y; // base y coord

	// additionals
	double a1;
	double a2;
	double a3;

	int type; // figure type (see FG_TYPES)

	int visible; // figure visible mode (see VISIBLE_MODES)

	int lay; // layer of the figure
} figure;


  • FG_TYPES -- this enum defines figure types
enum FG_TYPES {
	FG_TYPE_NONE // cursor
  • VISIBLE_MODES -- this enum defines visible modes of figure
	VM_HIDE = 0,


  • figure *figure_new(double type, double x, double y, double a1, double a2, double a3); -- this function creates a new figure by given parametrs, default visibility - VM_SHOW

    • type -- type of the figure
    • x -- x coordinate
    • y -- y coordinate
    • a1 -- additional argument 1
    • a1 -- additional argument 2
    • a1 -- additional argument 3
  • figure *figure_new_point(double x, double y); -- creates new point by x, y

    • x -- x coordinate
    • y -- y coordinate
  • figure *figure_new_line_pp(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2); -- creates new line_pp by x1, y1 and x2, y2

    • x1 & y1 -- start point
    • x2 & y2 -- end point
  • figure *figure_new_rect_pp(double x, double y, double w, double h); -- creates new rect_pp by x1, y1, and x2, y2

    • x -- x coordinate
    • y -- y coordinate
    • w -- weight
    • h -- height
  • figure *figure_new_circle(double x, double y, double r); -- creates new circle by x, y with R radii

    • x -- x coordinate
    • y -- y coordinate
    • r -- radii
  • figure *figure_new_arc(double xc, double yc, double r, double angle1, double angle2); -- creates new arc by xc, yc, starts in angle1 and end in angle2 (doesn't work)

  • void figure_free(figure *fptr); -- free allocated figure

    • fptr -- figure pointer
  • void figure_free_list(list *lptr); -- free allocated figure from list

    • lptr -- figure list
  • int figure_get_current_lay(); -- returns current working layer

  • figure *figure_get_from_node(list *lptr); -- extract figure from node of list

    • lptr -- figure list
  • void figure_set_visible_by_lay_list(list *lptr, int lay, int vm_mode); -- set visible mode for figures on given layer

    • lptr -- figure list
    • lay -- layer number
    • vm_mode -- visible mode
  • void figure_set_current_lay(int new_lay); -- set currunt working layer

    • new_lay -- layer number
  • int figure_is_line(figure *fptr); -- returns 1 if it is line, 0 otherwise

    • fptr -- figure pointer
  • int figure_is_projection_lay_list(list *lptr, int lay); -- returns 1 if lay is a projection lay, 0 otherwise

    • lptr -- figure list
    • lay -- layer number

For all following functions:

lptr -- figure list base (p, l, r) -- figure pointer angle -- the angle at which the shape will be rotated

  • void figure_rotate(list *lptr, figure *base, double angle); -- rotates the figure contained in the lptr around the base point by an angle
  • void figure_rotate_point(figure *base, figure *p, double angle); -- rotates point p around base by an angle
  • void figure_rotate_line(figure *base, figure *l, double angle); -- rotates line l around base by an angle
  • void figure_rotate_rect(figure *base, figure *r, double angle, list *lptr); -- rotates rectangle r around base by an angle
  • figure *figure_rect_decompose(figure *rect); -- decomposes rect to 4 lines

    • rect -- rect to be decouple
  • void figure_fill(figure *fptr, double x, double y, double a1, double a2, double type); -- fill allocated figure given parametrs

    • fptr -- figure pointer
    • x -- x coordinate
    • y -- y coordinate
    • a1 -- additional argiment 1
    • a2 -- additional argiment 1
    • type -- figure type (see FIGURE_TYPES)
  • void figure_copy(figure *dst, figure *src); -- copy dst parametrs to src

    • dst -- target figure
    • src -- source figure


this header contains geometry processing functions


  • PI -- it is pi


  • double gel_calculate_lenght(figure *line); -- calculates line lenght

    • line -- the line whose length will be calculated
  • char *gel_calculate_intersection(figure *line1, figure *line2, figure *p); -- calculate intersection of 2 lines

    • line1 -- first line
    • line2 -- second line
    • p -- result point
  • void gel_calculate_line_la(figure *point, double lenght, double angle); -- convert line_la to line_pp

    • point -- start point of line
    • lenght -- line lenght
    • angle -- line angle
  • double gel_calculate_line_angle(figure *l); -- calculates angle of line

    • l -- line
  • double gel_calculate_heron_formula(double a, double b, double c); -- calculates square by heron formula

    • a -- first side
    • b -- second side
    • c -- third side

For all following functions:

line -- line by 2 points

  • double gel_lf_calculate_k(figure *line); -- calculates k from linear function by given line
  • double gel_lf_calculate_b(figure *line); -- calculates b from linear function by given line

  • int gel_lf_is_parallel(figure *line1, figure *line2); -- return 1 if lines are parallel
    • line1 -- first line
    • line2 -- second line
  • double gel_convert_grades_to_rads(double grades); -- converts grades to rads

    • grades -- value in grades
  • double gel_convert_rads_to_grades(double rads); -- converts rads to grades

    • rads -- value in rads
  • double gel_convert_angle_by_crd(figure *l, double a); -- converts angle a by given coordiantes (in view of the coordinate quarter)

    • l -- line
    • a -- angle for conversion
  • void gel_convert_crd_by_angle(figure *l, double a, double lx, double ly); -- converts given coordinates in view of angle a

    • l -- start point of line
    • a -- angle
    • lx -- end point of line (x)
    • ly -- end point of line (y)
  • figure *gel_get_middle_point(figure *line); -- return middle point of line

    • line -- line
  • double gel_get_line_angle(figure *l); -- return angle of line

    • l -- line
  • double gel_get_max_lenght(figure *a, figure *b, figure *c); -- returns the length of the longest line

    • a -- first line
    • b -- second line
    • c -- third line
  • figure *gel_get_equal_point(figure *line1, figure *line2); -- returns point where lines begins or ends otherwise NULL

    • line1 -- first line
    • line2 -- second line
  • figure *gel_get_arc_center(figure *l1, figure *l2); -- returns center of the arc

    • l1 -- first line
    • l2 -- second line
  • int gel_is_middle_point_area(figure *line, double x, double y, int area); -- returns 1 if point by x y is a middle point of line in area
    • line -- line
    • x -- x coordinate of point
    • y -- y coordinate of point
    • area -- valid area

For all following functions:

l/r/c/p1/area -- base figure p/p2 -- the figure lying (or not lying) on (inside) the base

  • int gel_is_point_in_line(figure *l, figure *p); -- returns 1 if point p lies on the line
  • int gel_is_point_in_rect(figure *r, figure *p); -- similar to gel_is_point_in_line
  • int gel_is_point_in_circle(figure *c, figure *p); -- similar to gel_is_point_in_line
  • int gel_is_point_in_point(figure *p1, figure *p2); -- similar to gel_is_point_in_line
  • int gel_is_point_in_area(figure *area, figure *p); -- similar to gel_is_point_in_line
  • void gel_rotate_point(double *x, double *y, double angle); -- rotate point with x and y coordinates on angle around (0; 0)
    • x -- x coordinate
    • y -- y coordinate
    • angle -- rotate angle


this header contains functions for working with twice-linked lists


  • list -- structure of 1 element of list
typedef struct __list__ {
	struct __list__ *prev;
	struct __list__ *next;

	void *data;

	OBJ_TYPE dt; // data type
} list;
  • OBJ_TYPE -- enum of object types
typedef enum {


  • list *list_init_node(list *parent); -- creates new node with parent
    • parent -- parent (previous) node

For all following functions:

node -- figure list

  • void list_free_node(list *node); -- free node
  • void list_free_list(list *node); -- free all list
  • list *list_get_last(list *root); -- returns last element of the list

    • root -- some node (or root) of list
  • void *list_get_data(list *lptr); -- returns data field of the list

    • lptr -- node pointer
  • void list_add_node(list *root); -- add new node to end of list

    • root -- root of the list
  • void list_set_data(list *node, void *new_data); -- set data field of the list

    • node -- node pointer
    • new_data -- new value
  • void list_show(list *root); -- prints list to console

    • root -- root of the list
  • void list_crawl(list *root, void (*func)(list*)); -- crawls list and call func for each node

    • root -- foor of the list
    • func -- function to be called for each node


this header contains functions and symbols for error handling


  • ERROR_TYPES -- this enum stores errors codes


  • void el_set_par_window(GtkWidget *window); -- sets parent window for error dialog
    • window -- parent window widget
  • void el_call_error(int err_type); -- calls dialog by given code

    • err_type -- error type (see ERROR_TYPES)
  • void el_call_dialog(char *msg); -- creates dialog with given text

    • msg -- custom message


this header contains help messages and functions for processing them


  • HELP_CODES -- this enum stores help messages codes
	HC_MAIN = 0,


  • char *hl_get_help(int code); -- returns help message by code
    • code -- help code (see HELP_CODES)
  • void hl_set_widget(GtkWidget *label); -- sets label for help messages

    • label -- label, that will used for hints showing
  • void hl_set_help(int code); -- sets help message by code

    • code -- help code (see HELP_CODES)


this header contains functions for combine text and figures


  • multi_obj -- this struct implements multi_obj -- common interface for figure and text
typedef struct {
	double x;
	double y;

	int visible;

	int lay;
} multi_obj;



For all following functions:

lptr -- list pointer

  • void mol_free_from_node(list *lptr); -- common interface for freeing up memory
  • void mol_draw_obj_from_node(list *lptr); -- common interface for drawing objects (figure and text)
  • figure *mol_conv_to_figure(list *lptr); -- converts multi_object to point

For all following functions:

lptr -- list pointer

  • multi_obj *mol_extract(list *lptr); -- extracts multi_obj from a list node
  • multi_obj *mol_extract_from_text(list *lptr); -- extract multi_obj from text structure
  • multi_obj *mol_extract_from_figure(list *lptr); -- extract multi_obj from figure structure

For all following functions:

lptr -- list pointer mo -- multi_obj pointer

  • void mol_apply(list *lptr, multi_obj *mo); -- writes multi_obj to list node
  • void mol_apply_text(list *lptr, multi_obj *mo); -- writes multi_obj to text
  • void mol_apply_figure(list *lptr, multi_obj *mo); -- writes multi_obj to figure


this header contains functions for text processing


  • text -- implements text
typedef struct {
	char *buffer;

	char *font;

	int size;

	int color_r;
	int color_g;
	int color_b;

	int visible;

	double x;
	double y;

	int lay;
} text;



For all following functions:

tptr -- text pointer

  • void tl_free(text *tptr); -- frees text
  • void tl_free_buffer(text *tptr); -- free buffer of text
  • text *tl_new(char *font, int size, int r, int g, int b); -- creates new text

    • font -- font
    • size -- text size
    • r & g & b -- RGB palette in the range [0; 255]
  • void tl_add_buffer(text *tptr, char *buf); -- adds buffer to text

    • tptr -- text pointer
    • buf -- buffer


this header contains utility functions

  • double ul_map(double x, double in_min, double in_max, double out_min, double out_max); -- converts a value from one system of units to another

    • x -- converted value
    • in_min & in_max -- values of range [in_min; in_max] which contains x
    • out_min & out_max -- values of range [out_min; out_max]
  • void ul_get_colors(int *arr, GtkWidget *color_entry); -- writes colors of color_entry to arr

    • arr -- the array to return the palette to
    • color_entry -- a field containing the feed text: R G B
  • void ul_pars_font(char *str, char *font_name, char *font_size); -- parses a string like "font-name font-size", returns the result in arguments

    • str -- str cantaining text: "Font-name font-size"
    • font_name -- a buffer in which to return the name of the font
    • font_size -- a buffer int which to return the size of the font

FlatDraw v0.17 17.02.2021 by Centrix14