A WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) Markdown editor.
WMD was originally developed by John Fraser/Attacklab, and the original demo and download site is still available.
In late 2008, StackOverflow undertook forking the original code because John had apparently disappeared. They successfully de-obfuscated it, and their fork is currently maintained on GitHub.
This, for better or worse, is a fork of StackOverflow's fork. There are many reasons for undertaking this project, but the main goals include:
- Cleaning up the external API to make it easier to understand and interact with
- Allow for OO-style WMD instance creation, including multiple instances per page
- Provide a clean mechanism for extending the editor with custom commands
- Maintain library independence - as StackOverflow are planning on introducing a jQuery dependence with their upcoming "3.0" release
Please note that, as it stands now, this code is far from complete. There are still many bugs to work out, and quite a number of features haven't even been implemented yet. However, the basic framework is there, so feel free to try it out and extend it as much as you like.
I'm currently including Fugue icons in the default distribution, which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
As soon as I have time, I'll replace these with MIT-licensed icons. For now, however, please note that if you use the default icons on your site, you must provide a link back to http://www.pinvoke.com/.