This repo contains copies of proxy apps to consider, and build scripts to set them up and run them.
Each app has a separate folder, with a Makefile. You should be able to just run "make" to run the app. The Makefile knows how to build the app, set up datasets if needed, and run it. For python apps (sar, mot), the Makefile will also set up a virtualenv folder with the necessary third party libraries.
High-performance Geometric Multigrid
Laurence Unstructured Lagrangian-Eulerian Shock Hydrodynamics
Multiple-Object Tracking is a computer vision problem where multiple objects (such as pedestrians) are detected and their motion tracked over time.
Synthetic Aperture RADAR is a mapping algorithm which stitches together large amounts of raw RADAR data to assemble a high quality map of the ground surface.
Self-Consistent Field, a.k.a. Hartree Fock. This is a quantum chemistry algorithm, from NWChem.
Tensor Contraction Engine, generating Coupled Cluster method code. This is a quantum chemistry algorithm, from NWChem.