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Building Instruments

Windows (MinGW)

  1. Install Chocolatey Package Manager.

Run the following command in ADMINISTRATIVE powershell:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
  1. Install required tools via Chocolatey.

Run the following command in ADMINISTRATIVE shell:

choco install 7zip.install
choco install git.install
choco install strawberryperl
choco install cmake.portable
choco install ninja
choco install golang
  1. Open Git Bash from Start Menu and run
git clone
cd yass

Windows (MSYS2)

  1. Download and run MSYS2 installer from MSYS2 site.
  2. Install required tools

Run MSYS2 CLANG64 in Start Menu:

pacman -S mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-clang \
          mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-gcc-compat \
          mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-perl \
          mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-go \
          mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-cmake \
          mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-ninja \
          mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-nasm \

Notes: you might need to get GOROOT manually after install mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-go package by running:

export GOROOT=/clang64/lib/go
export GOPATH=/clang64
  1. Compiling the program.

Run MSYS2 CLANG64 in Start Menu:

git clone
cd yass
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DGUI=on ..
ninja yass

Windows (MSVC)

  1. Make sure you have Git for Windows installed.
  2. Make sure you have Perl, CMake (3.16 or later), Ninja, Golang and NASM installed and put them in PATH.
  • A recent version of Perl is required. On Windows, Active State Perl has been reported to work, as has MSYS Perl. Strawberry Perl also works but it adds GCC to PATH, which can confuse some build tools when identifying the compiler (removing C:\Strawberry\c\bin from PATH should resolve any problems).
  1. Make sure you use Visual Studio 2019 (or 2022).
  • Make sure you have Visual Studio with C++ selected from download page.
  1. Make sure you have clang-cl in PATH:
  • Download and Run LLVM installer from GitHub Binary download page.

  • Choose Add LLVM to System Path.

Notes: please make sure you have LLVM (17.0 or above).

  1. Compile the program with Release configuration.

Run x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 (or 2022) in Start Menu:

git clone
cd yass
mkdir build
cd build
set CC=clang-cl
set CXX=clang-cl
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DGUI=on ..
ninja yass


  1. Make sure you have both of Xcode and Homebrew installed:

Run in Terminal:

xcode-select -s /Applications/
xcode-select --install
xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch

Run in Terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Install the required build tools via homebrew

Run in Terminal:

brew install ninja cmake go p7zip
  1. Compile the program with Release configuration.
git clone
cd yass
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DGUI=on ..
ninja yass


  1. Install GNU C++ Compiler:

Run in Console:

sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git
  1. Install required dependencies:

Run in Console:

sudo apt-get install -y cmake ninja-build pkg-config perl gettext libgtk-3-dev golang

Notes: please make sure you have GCC (7.1 or above) and CMake (3.16 or above).

You might want to give these APT/PPA sites a look if the requirements are not meet:

  1. Compile the program with Release configuration.

Run in Console:

git clone
cd yass
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DGUI=on -DENABLE_GOLD=off -DUSE_LIBCXX=off -DUSE_GTK4=off ..
ninja yass

Fedora/RHEL/CentOS/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux

  1. Install GNU C++ Compiler:

Run in Console:

sudo yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ make python bash coreutils diffutils patch git
  1. Install required dependencies:

Run in Console:

sudo yum install -y cmake ninja-build pkg-config perl gtk3-devel gettext golang

or (for RHEL/CentOS users)

sudo yum install -y cmake3 ninja-build pkg-config perl gtk3-devel gettext golang

Notes: please make sure you have GCC (7.1 or above) and CMake (3.16 or above).

You might want to enable CodeReady (for RHEL), PowerTools (for CentOS) and EPEL repo before above commands:

  • CodeReady (for RHEL 7):
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-*-optional-rpms \
                           --enable rhel-*-extras-rpms \
                           --enable rhel-ha-for-rhel-*-server-rpms
  • CodeReady (for RHEL 8): subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

  • PowerTools (for CentOS 8): yum-config-manager --enable powertools

  • EPEL 8: yum install -y

  • CodeReady (for RHEL 9): subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms

  • CRB (for CentOS 9): yum-config-manager --enable crb

  • EPEL 9: yum install -y

  1. Compile the program with Release configuration.

Run in Console:

git clone
cd yass
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DGUI=on -DENABLE_GOLD=off -DUSE_LIBCXX=off -DUSE_GTK4=off ..
ninja yass


  1. Install Clang Compiler:

It is impossible to upgrade system compiler without upgrading OS, so you have to install latest Clang (not required since FreeBSD 14.1):

Run in Console:

pkg install llvm18-lite
  1. Install required dependencies:

Run in Console:

pkg install -y git cmake ninja pkgconf perl5 gettext gtk3 go
  1. Compile the program with Release configuration.

Run in Console:

git clone
cd yass
export PATH="/usr/local/llvm18/bin:$PATH"
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DGUI=on -DUSE_GTK4=off ..
ninja yass