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Mobile Money Mobile Money Php documentation


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Chipdeals-momo-api is a Mobile Money API that allows you to build a quick, simple and excellent payment experience in your web and native app.This the official Php laravel library

You can request payment and send money to any mobile money wallet


Laravel 8 or higher


composer require chipdeals/momo-api

Quick Start

Initialize Chipdeals Momo API with your API Key (Get apikey here) and start

$momo = new \Chipdeals\MomoApi\Momo();

//Collect 500 XOF from the +22951010200 Mobile Money wallet.
$collection = $momo

//Send 2000 XOF to the +22951010200 Mobile Money wallet.
$deposit = $momo

Quick check possible responses with sandbox tests


The package needs to be configured with your account's API key, which is available in the when you get access to Chipdeals Sandbox.

You can get your apiKey here

Collect Money

Collect limitation

Simple collection

For example to request 2000 XOF from the +22951010200 Mobile Money wallet, the following code can be used

$momo = new \Chipdeals\MomoApi\Momo();

$collection = $momo
  ->amount(2000) //Amount of the transaction
  ->currency("XOF") // Any valid currency
  ->from("22951010200") // Sender phone number with country code préfix
  ->isWaveAccount(false) //optional. Required only for wave operator
  ->useOtp(123456) //Required only for Orange Money Burkina. Get it from user after they generate it for your amount by doing: *144*4*6*montant# 
  ->firstName("Iyam") // First name of the sender
  ->lastName("EVERICH") // Last name of the sender
  ->merchantOrderId("collection-test00001") //optional. If added we will check if it is uniq for your account

echo "<br/>" . $collection->getReference();

Collect with a webhook to get response as soon as the payment is processed.

$collection = $momo
  ->amount(2000) //Amount of the transaction
  ->currency("XOF") // Any valid currency
  ->from("22951010200") // Sender phone number with country code préfix
  ->firstName("Iyam") // First name of the sender
  ->lastName("EVERICH") // Last name of the sender
  ->webhook("https:// mydomain/payment-status") // Url where we will send you transaction data on progress

echo "<br/>" . $collection->getReference();

See webhook you get

Disburse Money

Simple Disbursement

You can also send 2000 XOF to the +22951010200 Mobile Money wallet, with the following code

$momo = new \Chipdeals\MomoApi\Momo();

$deposit = $momo
  ->amount(2000) //Amount of the transaction
  ->currency("XOF") // Any valid currency
  ->to('22951010200') // Recipient phone number with country code préfix
  ->isWaveAccount(false) //optional. Required only for CI wave operator
  ->merchantOrderId("deposit-test00001") //optional. If added we will check if it is uniq for your account

echo "<br/>" . $deposit->getReference();

Disburse with a webhook to get response as soon as the deposit is processed.

$deposit = $momo
  ->amount(2000) //Amount of the transaction
  ->currency("XOF") // Any valid currency
  ->to('22951010200') // Recipient phone number with country code préfix
  ->webhook("https:// mydomain/payment-status") // Url where we will send you transaction data on progress

echo "<br/>" . $deposit->getReference();

See webhook you get

Get transaction status

Get status of a transaction of reference dd1e2d17-5c21-4964-b58d-198fd2aac150

$momo = new \Chipdeals\MomoApi\Momo();

$reference = "ba32a171-cbea-45fd-8848-ac5b77580be3"
$transaction = $momo->getStatus($reference);

echo $transaction->getReference() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getMerchantOrderId() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getPhoneNumber() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getCountryCode() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getOperator() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getFirstName() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getLastName() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getOriginalCurrency() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getOriginalAmount() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getCurrency() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getAmount() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getStatus() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getStatusMessage() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getStatusCode() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getStartTimestampInSecond() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->getEndTimestampInSecond() . "<br/>";
echo $transaction->checkIsCollection() . "<br/>"; 
echo $transaction->getOperatorReference() . "<br/>"; 
echo $transaction->getPaymentLink() . "<br/>";

echo "<pre>";
Collection transactionData Sample
  [reference] => ba32a171-cbea-45fd-8848-ac5b77580be3 //reference of the transaction
  [merchantOrderId] => collection-test0001 //internal reference of the transaction
  [phoneNumber] => 22990630401 //sender phone number
  [currency] => XOF //currency
  [operator] => MTN //sender operator
  [firstName] => Iyam //sender firstName
  [lastName] => EVERICH //sender lastName
  [originalCurrency] => USD //currency you entered
  [originalAmount] => 2000 //amount you entered
  [amount] => 1251002 //amount in customer's local currency
  [status] => success //transaction status (success|pending|error)
  [statusMessage] => Successfully processed transaction //transaction status details are here
  [statusCode] => 200 //status of the payment (See Status Message Code section)
  [startTimestampInSecond] => 1668184816 //timestamp in second of the moment when the transaction started
  [endTimestampInSecond] => 0 //timestamp in second of the moment when the transaction is finished
  [operatorReference] => zprojtbtci //reference that operator sent to customer by sms
  [isCollection] => true 
  [paymentLink] => //payment link that allow you customers to finish the transaction. It is available for operators like Wave
Disbursement transactionData Sample
  [reference] => a0903015-a86d-46c3-98ce-bb36639d6d09 //reference of the transaction
  [phoneNumber] => 22990630401 //recipient phone number
  [currency] => XOF //currency
  [operator] => MTN //recipient operator
  [firstName] => 
  [lastName] => 
  [originalCurrency] => XOF //currency you entered
  [originalAmount] => 2000 //amount you entered
  [amount] => 2000 //amount in customer's local currency
  [status] => success //transaction status (success|pending|error)
  [statusMessage] => Successfully processed transaction //transaction status details are here
  [statusCode] => 200 //status of the disbursement (See Status Message Code section)
  [startTimestampInSecond] => 1668229766 //timestamp in second of the moment when the transaction started
  [endTimestampInSecond] => 0 //timestamp in second of the moment when the transaction is finished
  [operatorReference] => zprojtbkci //reference that operator sent to customer by sms
  [isCollection] => false

Get Your balance

Get your Chipdeals account's balance

$momo = new \Chipdeals\MomoApi\Momo();

$balances =  $momo->getBalances();

foreach ($balances as $balanceKey => $balance) {
  echo $balance->getCountryCode() . "<br/>";
  echo $balance->getOperator() . "<br/>";
  echo $balance->getCurrency() . "<br/>";
  echo $balance->getAmount() . "<br/>";

  echo "<pre>";

Balance sample:

    [countryCode] => BJ
    [operator] => MTN
    [currency] => XOF
    [amount] => 19000


Webhooks are an important part of your payment integration. They allow Chipdeals notify you about events that happen on your account, such as a successful payment or a failed transaction.

A webhook URL is an endpoint on your server where you can receive notifications about such events. When an event occurs, we'll make a POST request to that endpoint, with a JSON body containing the details about the event, including the type of event and the data associated with it.

Structure of a webhook payload

All webhook payloads follow the same basic structure:

  • an event field describing the type of event
  • a data object. The contents of this object will vary depending on the event, but typically it will contain details of the event, including:
    • a reference containing the ID of the transaction
    • a status describing the status of the transaction. possible values are success, pending or error
    • a statusMessageCode, containing a specific code that identify an exact state of the transaction. See all statusMessageCode
    • a statusMessage, cantaining an human undertandable descrption of the exact state of the transaction
    • transaction details

Here are some sample webhook payloads for transfers and payments

Implementing a webhook

Creating a webhook endpoint on your server is the same as writing any other API endpoint, but there are a few important details to note:

Responding to webhook requests To acknowledge receipt of a webhook, your endpoint must return a 200 HTTP status code. Any other response codes, including 3xx codes, will be treated as a failure. We don't care about the response body or headers.

Be sure to enable webhook retries on your dashboard. If we don't get a 200 status code (for example, if your server is unreachable), we'll retry the webhook call every 90 minutes for the next 36 hours.

More Info

Collection and disburssement parametters

- phoneNumber parameter

You specify the phoneNumber of a collection with method from(phoneNumber: sting)

And for a disbursement you specify phoneNumber with method to(phoneNumber: sting)

Those methode are locking for a string containing the phone number of the money sender for collection and the money recipient for disbursement.

The PhoneNumber should respect this format:


where the three X represent the country phone préfix (229 | 237 for example), and the O are the phone number in the country. The number of O can change with the country but the prefix should be 3.

- currency parameter

You specify the currenct of a transaction with the method currency(currency: string)

The currency should be a string of 3 character.

If you add a currency that is not the currency localy used in the country of the phone number of the transaction, we will convert the amount of the transaction into local currency.

Our conversion rate evoluate like the market.

- amount parameter

You specify the amount of a transaction with the method amount(transactionAmount: number)

It is a number.

We will check if the currency that you specify for the transaction is the local currency of the phone number's country and then we will convert the amount into local currency before perform the transaction with the customer

- firstName and lastName parameters

You respectively specify firstName and lastName with methods firstName(senderFirstName: string) and lastName(senderLastName: string)

Those parametters are required to perform secured collection request.

Disbursement doesn't need them.

If you make 3 request per day with unspesified firstName and | or lastName we will block the 4th and the other. We recommand you to specify fisrtName and lastName for all your collection request.

In sandbox test, you have no probleme with firstName and lastName specification, you can do as you like But be careful for Live

Status Message Code

Code Relative Status Meaning
200 ✔️ -- success Transaction successful
201 🕟 -- pending Data in validation
202 🕟 -- pending Transaction pending
203 🕟 -- pending Data are validated, server is working
204 🕟 -- pending Waiting for ussd push validation
400 ❌ -- error Incorrect data enter in the request
401 ❌ -- error Parameters not complete
402 ❌ -- error Payment PhoneNumber is not correct
403 ❌ -- error Deposit PhoneNumber is not correct
404 ❌ -- error Timeout in USSD PUSH/ Cancel in USSD PUSH
406 ❌ -- error Payment phoneNumber got is not for mobile money wallet
460 ❌ -- error Payer’s payment account balance is low
461 ❌ -- error An error occured while paying
462 ❌ -- error This kind of transaction is not supported yet, processor not found
5XX ⛔️ -- error An unknow error occured on the api

Sandbox tests

You can use your test apikey or all users test apikey : test_FOdigzgSopV8GZggZa89 to make sandbox requsts.

All valid phone number you used in sandbox will send you valid responses as it was the live mode.

For exemple, if you use the phone number 22951010581 you will get a response with status message code 201 (what means pending see more here). Some seconds laters, you will get status messages codes 202, 203 and 200 (200 means success).

It is the same thing for others phone number with a small exception to allow errors case handling by implementor.

Sandbox Phone number -> final status message code
22951010402 402
22951010403 403
22951010404 404
22951010460 460
22951010461 461
22951010462 462
22951010200 200

For Live apiKey and Live Responses requests Contact us


Unsecured collect limitation

When you are making a collection request, you have posibility to specify or not the payer's firstName and lastname. By not specifying firstName and lastName, you can make quick test.

But when firstName and lastName are not specified your collection request is not secured. And you are alowed to perform at most 3 unsecured collection resquest per day. More request will be just blocked.

You cannot perform unsecured collection request for more than 500 XOF.

Contact us

Call us or write us to get your apikey and start getting payment

E-mail: Website: Phone: +22990630401 Whatsapp: +22990630401

Copyright (C) 2022 Chipdeals Inc -