Texture contributors:
- Reticule - Red targeting reticule - Dridzt
- RedArrow - Red arrow pointing downwards - DohNotAgain
- NeonReticule - Neon version of the reticule - mezmorizedck
- NeonRedArrow - Neon version of the red arrow - mezmorizedck
- RedChevronArrow - Red inverted triple chevron - OligoFriends
- PaleRedChevronArrow - Pale red version of the chevron - OligoFriends
- arrow_tip_green - Green 3D arrow - OligoFriends
- arrow_tip_red - Red 3D arrow - OligoFriends
- skull - Skull and crossbones - OligoFriends
- circles_target - Red concentric circles in the style of a target - OligoFriends
- red_star - Red star with gold outline - OligoFriends
- greenarrowtarget - Neon green arrow with a red target - mezmorizedck
- BlueArrow - Blue arrow pointing downwards - Imithat
- bluearrow1 - Abstract style blue arrow pointing downwards - Imithat
- gearsofwar - Gears of War logo - Imithat
- malthael - Malthael (Diablo) logo - Imithat
- NewRedArrow - Red arrow pointing downwards, same style as BlueArrow - Imithat
- NewSkull - Skull with gas mask - Imithat
- PurpleArrow - Abstract style purple arrow pointing downwards - Imithat
- Shield - Kite shield with sword and crossed spears/polearms - Imithat
- NeonGreenArrow - Green version of the neon red arrow - Nokiya420
- Q_FelFlamingSkull - Fel green flaming skull - ContinuousQ
- Q_RedFlamingSkull - Red flaming skull - ContinuousQ
- Q_ShadowFlamingSkull - Shadow purple flaming skull - ContinuousQ
- Q_GreenGPS - Green map pin/GPS symbol - ContinuousQ
- Q_RedGPS - Red map pin/GPS symbol - ContinuousQ
- Q_WhiteGPS - White map pin/GPS symbol - ContinuousQ
- Q_GreenTarget - Green target arrow - ContinuousQ
- Q_RedTarget - Red target arrow - ContinuousQ
- Q_WhiteTarget - White target arrow - ContinuousQ
- Hunters_Mark - Red Hunter's Mark Arrow - thisguyyouknow
- Arrows_Towards - Red Arrows Towards Nameplate - Inokis
- Arrows_Away - Red Arrows Away From Nameplate - Inokis
- Arrows_SelfTowards - Blue Arrows Towards Nameplate - Inokis
- Arrows_SelfAway - Blue Arrows Away From Nameplate - Inokis
- Arrows_FriendTowards - Green Arrows Towards Nameplate - Inokis
- Arrows_FriendAway - Green Arrows Away From Nameplate - Inokis
- Arrows_FocusTowards - Yellow Arrows Towards Nameplate - Inokis
- Arrows_FocusAway - Yellow Arrows Away From Nameplate - Inokis
- green_arrow_down_11384 - Green arrow pointing downwards - Iconpacks via Hayan
- CyanChevronArrow - Cyan inverted triple chevron - Tushar Saxena and OligoFriends
- GreenChevronArrow - Green inverted triple chevron - Tushar Saxena and OligoFriends
- PurpleChevronArrow - Purple inverted triple chevron - Tushar Saxena and OligoFriends
- YellowChevronArrow - Yellow inverted triple chevron - Tushar Saxena and OligoFriends
- NeonCyanArrow - Neon cyan arrow pointing downwards - Tushar Saxena and mezmorizedck
- NeonPurpleArrow - Neon purple arrow pointing downwards - Tushar Saxena and mezmorizedck
- NeonYellowArrow - Neon yellow arrow pointing downwards - Tushar Saxena and mezmorizedck