Note from 2021: Just use TypeScript lol
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npm install typesjs # Node
bower install typesjs # Browser
var t = require('typesjs');
t("String", String);
t(23, Number);
t([], Array);
t([], String); // Throws a TypeError.
If you need a variable to be a String
, for example, typesjs can halt your code safely when it's not.
t.check('Lorem', String); // Returns true.
t.check(1999, String); // Returns false.
will return a boolean
based on the match.
try {
t([], String);
} catch(e) {
// ...
blocks are your friend here.
function Message(text) {
this.text = text;
var message = new Message('Lorem');
t(message, Message);
Custom types are fully supported.
t(undefined, String); // Throws a TypeError.
t(undefined, String, false); // Returns true.
Just pass false
or "optional"
as the third parameter. This will allow for null
and undefined
t(undefined, String, "optional"); // Returns true.
Passing "optional"
is more verbose, but perhaps more readable.
t("23", [Number, String]);
Just pass an array of types.
t.enabled = false;
When disabled, typesjs will always return true
Note: This changes the global setting for all the code using TypesJS. Only use this in applications and never in libraries.
Feel free to make a GitHub issue, or pull request. Thanks.