Update README.md
Change sorting of players in table during the game based on player score
Show explosion for dying bots
Stay connected after end of round (Depends of the mode of the server)
Think about statistical evaluations like number of turns for every bot over multiple rounds
Show projectiles when player is shooting
Show more clearly which bot killed whom
Create replay file for every game mode for testing
Add option to follow specific player (for 3d mode)
Bug: Should stop auto play and reset traced players (probably also reset rotation) when loading a new replay
Torus rotation only initially rotates around the expected axes
Allow to reset torus rotation
Improve color contrast of torus
Bug: Sound shall only be initialized after first user interaction, otherwise Chrome etc. might prevent it
Allow to turn off sound
Bug: Rotation of 3D-Torus does not work in Safari
Highlight winner or top 3 in player table
Show explosion for dying bots
Create replay file for every game mode for testing
Update README.md
Persist spectator URL across reloads
Animate transition between 2d and 3d mode
Add a welcome message when no replay is loaded yet, maybe the image of the flyer
Update favicon + page title
Highlight view radius of current turn (to differentiate it from previous turns)
Add input for start turn of trace
Show sensible error message when loaded replay file is obviously corrupt
Switch sprite picker on game mode
Add nicer lighting for 3d mode
Implement 3d mode
Add download button to save current replay as file (makes sense when spectated via websocket)
Show sensible error message when "Connect" fails
Adjust turn delay values
Bug: reset turn index on subsequent spectations
Enable player trace
Draw player sprites based on orientation
Enable view radius and discovered area
Support map sizes different from 32x32 (hard-coded in gl perspective currently)
UI theming
Create or import sprite atlas
Evaluate vertical orientation
Show player table
Jump to beginning, end, enter turn
Open websocket for spectator mode
Bug: Map offset by 1
Autoplay maybe buffering?