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Crispy Grid

Why should I use it?

In short, Crispy Grid closes the gap between easy-to-use grids for simple web pages and doing everything by hand due to layout complexity.

Reason 1: No need for bending CSS layout semantics

CSS grid frameworks like Blueprint and try to realize their higher level concepts using only margins and relative positioning.

Often, this is in conflict with CSS box semantics. In CSS, whitespace surrounding content should be expressed as padding of the containing element. Margins should be used for defining whitespace among sibling elements.

A common workaround for paddings and margins within a grid is using inner wrapping elements which are save to style. This is unsemantic and clutters up the template.

Crispy respects padding and border box properties.

Unlike Lucid Grid (which I recommend as an alternative), padding and border width can be set along with the column width in one statement. Crispy does the calculation for you.

Reason 2: There is no problem about being specific

Whenever you try to realize a page that simply does not fit into the predefined columns, you are likely to catch yourself fighting with the grid. Likewise, most grids are not meant to be applied on more than the big containers (navigation, sidebar, main, etc.). Yet it would be nice to have a tool for specifying the layout of the inner elements in a smart way.

Crispy tries to support you even if you go beyond the main grid.


  1. In your Gemfile add:

    source '' do gem 'rails-assets-ChristianPeters--crispy-grid' end

  2. Run bundle install.

  3. Customize and import the grid in your application stylesheet:

Configuration for a Single Device

Tell Crispy Grid to use a single device by setting the singular configuration options $device, $grid-column-width, and grid-gutter-width.

// Copy this into your app in order to customize the grid
$device: desktop
$grid-column-width: 30px
$grid-gutter-width: 10px
$grid-columns: 24

// Import Crispy Grid below the configuration
@import crispy-grid/grid

Configuration for Multiple Devices

In $devices you can list all devices you whish to respond to. The nth entry of any of the following lists belongs to the nth device (the order of $devices matters). The first device is the default for all grid helpers. Consider to set mobile as default device when following the mobile-first design approach.

// Copy this into your app in order to customize the grid
$devices: desktop, tablet, handheld-640, handheld-320
$grid-column-widths: 30px, 30px, 20px, 20px
$grid-gutter-widths: 10px, 10px, 5px, 5px
$grid-columns: 30, 24, 24, 13

// Import Crispy Grid below the configuration
@import crispy-grid/grid

Configuration for using border-box

By default, Crispy Grid mimics this more natural behavior for a box-sizing: content-box setting by doing calculations. If you start a new project and do not have to support IE7, we recommend you to use box-sizing: border-box instead. When switching an old project to border-box-sizing you need to tell Crispy Grid so. This is as simple as initializing it with $grid-box-sizing like so

$grid-box-sizing: border-box

// Import Crispy Grid below the configuration

Setting the $grid-box-sizing to border-box will tell the grid to ignore its padding calculations as they are no longer needed when using the border-box box-model. However this will not apply border-box to your elements. Most likely you'll want to apply border-box to all your elements. The way Paul Irish recommends looks like this when using Compass.


In most cases this will be the way to go. However, there might be the edge cases where you don't want to apply border-box to all your elements. That's why setting the box-model is not part of Crispy Grid's $grid-box-sizing option.

On Fluid Grids

Crispy is fully capable of creating percentage based grids. However, when creating a fluid grid border-box should be used. Nesting columns is tricky with fluid grids. Crispy provides the fluid-sub-column mixin to help with nested columns. (See below)



The only things you need to know for using Crispy Grid are these 3 mixins:

  1. +grid-container
  • Include this in your container element(s) that contain your whole grid.
  1. +column
  • This is the most important mixin. Include e.g. +column(5) to span 5 columns, each having a gutter to the right-hand side.
  1. +last
  • Use this to indicate that a column is the last one in a row. It just removes the right gutter.

Use might also find these mixins useful:

  1. +last-column
  • This combines +column and +last. You should favor it over the two in order to reduce CSS output.
  1. +row
  • Use this for columns that span the whole row. This mixin just calls +column with the configured count of $grid-columns.
  1. +fluid-sub-column
  • This resets the percentage values for nested fluid columns. Just provide the intended colspan and the parent colspan (+fluid-sub-column(2, 4)) and Crispy will calculate a width and gutter as if the column was not nested.


Options for +column, +last-column, +row, +fluid-sub-column

  • $colspan
    • Specifies the number of grid columns the element should span
    • If the element does not fit into the grid, you can also specify a fixed width.
    • It is the only mandatory parameter.
    • Examples: +column(5), +column(120px), +row($colspan: 23)
  • $device
    • Relevant if you have configured multiple devices
    • Default: default-device() - that is the value of $device or the first one in $devices
    • The device must be contained in your $devices configuration.
    • Examples: +column(3, $device: tablet), +last-column(1, $device: handheld-320)
  • $padding
    • Now the fun stuff: Even when you use the browser default setting box-sizing: content-box, it is ensured that you do not break the grid by setting padding or a border.
    • Default: 0
    • Reduces the resulting width attribute of your column (unless you configured $grid-box-sizing: border-box)
    • It is applied to both left and right by default.
    • padding-top and padding-bottom are out of scope - just set them separately.
    • Just like $colspan, you can also specify a number of columns.
    • Examples: +column(5, $padding: 10px), +column(10, $padding: 1) - they will have the same overall width as +column(5) / +column(10)
  • $differing-right-padding
    • Override $padding for the right side or exclusively set $padding for the right side
    • Default: false
    • Examples: +column(5, $padding: 10px, $differing-right-padding: 15px), +column(5, $differing-right-padding: 10px)
  • $border-width
    • Same principle as $padding
    • This just sets the CSS border-width property when using $grid-box-sizing: border-box. Otherwise, it also effects the width property.
  • $differing-right-border-width
    • Same principle as $differing-right-padding
  • $gutter
    • Customize the gutter (i.e. right margin) of a column
    • Default: grid-gutter-width($device)
    • Does not affect the "inner gutters"; i.e. if your grid-gutter-width() is 10px, +column(5, $gutter: 15px) will just add 5px overall whitespace, not 5*5px.
  • $left-gutter
    • Normally, gutters are only right with Crispy Grid. But you might have your reasons.
    • Default: false
    • Examples: +column(5, $gutter: 10px, $left-gutter: 10px), +last-column($left-gutter: 10px)
  • $subtract-border-from
    • Sometimes you could say +column(10, $padding: 1) if there wasn't a 1px border that tries to ruin your grid (because you rely on box-sizing: content-box).
    • You can use e.g. +column(10, $padding: 1, $border-width: 1px, $subtract-border-from: padding) instead of +column(10, $padding: 29px, $border-width: 1px).
    • Default: false
    • Possible values: padding, left-padding, right-padding, gutter, left-gutter, right-gutter
    • Example: +column(10, $border-width: 2px, $subtract-border-from: gutter)
    • This option does nothing useful when using $grid-box-sizing: border-box.

Options for +grid-container

  • $device
    • see above
  • $colspan
    • Default: grid-columns($device)
    • see above
  • $padding: 0
    • Unlike with columns, paddings and borders of a container do not affect its inner width.
    • So the real grid starts with within the container paddings
    • Example: +grid-container($colspan: 24, $padding: 30px) still leaves 24 full columns to its content
  • $differing-right-padding
    • see above
  • $border-width
    • see above
  • $differing-border-width
    • see above
  • $left-margin
    • Normally containers should be horizontally centered on the page.
    • Default: auto
    • If you wish to enforce to have whitespace around your container even if the browser window is not bigger than your content, you should do so by setting $padding.
  • $right-margin
    • see above


There is one. Have a look at it.
