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File metadata and controls

191 lines (179 loc) · 8.69 KB


Important Note

Version 1.16.5 changed translation infos used for the extended details section and added a Stadia Pro requirement to resolutiondesc.

The command debugEnhanced("translation") can also be used via the console on the Stadia website (with Stadia Enhanced installed) to show the loading output of all available translations and the amount of keys that are not defined yet (in other words, defaulting to english).

Available languages

Stadia Enhanced is currently (fully, or partly) available in the following languages:

Your language is currently not supported?

If your language is not currently (partly, or fully) supported, you can help translate the extension by doing the following:

  1. While visiting the Stadia homepage, open your console (Ctrl+Shift+I).
  2. If you have Stadia Enhanced installed, you will see log entries, beginning with an entry for your username, ID and language code.
  3. Submit a copy of the current template below with the values on the right side translated together with your language code via a new entry, so we do not get duplicates and/or more refined translations due to access of multiple people.

Before posting a new topic, make sure the translation isn't already being worked on here.


var translation = {
    default: 'Default',
    native: 'Native',
    hide: 'Hide',
    show: 'Show',
    total: 'Total',
    visible: 'Visible',
    hidden: 'Hidden',
    enabled: 'Enabled',
    disabled: 'Disabled',
    auto: 'Automatic',
    manual: 'Manual',
    all: 'All',
    locked: 'Locked',
    complete: 'Complete',
    incomplete: 'Incomplete',
    games: 'Games',
    allgames: 'All Games',
    leavepro: 'Leaving Pro',
    bundles: 'Bundles',
    addons: 'Add-ons',
    wishlist: 'Wishlist',
    responsive: 'Responsive',
    windowed: 'Windowed Mode',
    fullscreen: 'Fullscreen',
    progames: 'Pro Games',
    onsale: 'On Sale',
    prodeals: 'Pro Deals',
    trials: 'Trials',
    userprofile: 'My Profile',
    usermedia: 'Captures & game states',
    searchbtnbase: 'Search on',
    avatarpopup: 'New avatar URL (empty for default):',
    date: 'Date',
    time: 'Time',
    sessiontime: 'Session time',
    codec: 'Codec',
    resolution: 'Resolution',
    hardware: 'Hardware',
    software: 'Software',
    trafficsession: 'Session traffic',
    trafficcurrent: 'Current traffic',
    trafficaverage: 'Average traffic',
    packetloss: 'Packets lost',
    framedrop: 'Frames dropped',
    latency: 'Latency',
    jitter: 'Jitter Buffer',
    decodetime: 'Decoding Time',
    compression: 'Compression',
    detailed: 'Detailed',
    compact: 'Compact',
    streammon: 'Stream Monitor',
    stream: 'Stream',
    network: 'Network',
    session: 'Session',
    extdetail: 'Extended Details',
    maxresolution: 'Maximum Resolution',
    fps: 'Framerate',
    testdiscl: '<b>Disclaimer:</b> This game has yet to be tested.',
    datadiscl: 'This is the maximum framerate achieved when playing a game in 4K mode (requires Stadia Pro).\
                On games with a resolution/framerate toggle, resolution was picked. \
                This data is provided by <a href="" target="_blank">@OriginaIPenguin</a> \
                and the full database can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.',
    noteOne: '4K Mode',
    noteTwo: '30/60 FPS Toggle',
    noteThree: '60 FPS in 1080p mode',
    noteFour: '30 FPS in 1080p Mode',
    noteFive: 'Not compatible with 4K mode',
    unsupported: 'Unsupported',
    crossfriends: 'No Cross-platform Buddy System',
    filtersettings: 'Filter Settings',
    saturation: 'Saturation',
    contrast: 'Contrast',
    brightness: 'Brightness',
    sharpen: 'Sharpen',
    community: 'Community',
    speedtest: 'Speedtest',
    quickaccess: 'Quick Access',
    messages: 'Messages',
    comfeature: "Community Features",
    avatar: 'Avatar',
    interface: 'Interface',
    shortcut: 'StadiaIcons',
    shortcuttitle: 'Install a shortcut for',
    shortcutdesc: 'Allows you to install a shortcut for a game on your device.',
    stadiadatabase: 'Stadia Database',
    stadiadatabasedesc: 'Displays a "Extended Details" section on the store page of games, which showcases framerate, resolution and more about the game.',
    contactdev: 'Contact developer/publisher',
    stadiahunters: 'Stadia Hunters',
    stadiahuntersdesc: 'Access to the Stadia Hunters community, including achievement tracking, guides, leaderboards and more. The perfect companion for achievement hunters.',
    stadiahunterstitle: 'on Stadia Hunters',
    stadiahunterslogin: 'Click to login',
    stadiahuntersnotfound: 'User not found',
    stadiahunterslevel: 'Level',
    stadiahuntersworldrank: 'World Rank',
    stadiahuntersxphover: 'Level Progress',
    gridsize: 'Grid Size',
    griddesc: 'Changes the amount of games per row in the library.',
    clock: 'Clock',
    clockdesc: 'Displays the current time on the friends list, as a in-game overlay, or both.',
    friendslist: 'Friends List',
    igoverlay: 'In-Game Overlay',
    listoverlay: 'List & Overlay',
    filter: 'Game Filter',
    filterdesc: 'Allows you to sort your library by hiding games. The filter can be toggled via the symbol, top-right above your games in the library.',
    invitebase: 'Copy invite link',
    inviteactive: 'Copied!',
    gamelabel: 'Game Labels',
    gamelabeldesc: 'Removes labels like "Pro" from games on the homescreen.',
    dimoverlay: 'Dimmed Overlay',
    dimoverlaydesc: 'Removes the dimming effect when opening the Stadia menu during gameplay.',
    homegallery: 'User Gallery',
    homegallerydesc: 'Hides the "Captures" area at the bottom of the homescreen.',
    quickprev: 'Message Preview',
    quickprevdesc: 'Hides the message preview in the friends list.',
    quickrep: 'Quick Reply',
    quickrepdesc: 'Hides the quick reply option in chats.',
    offlinefriend: 'Offline Friends',
    offlinefrienddesc: 'Hides offline friends in the friends list.',
    invisiblefriend: 'Invisible Friends',
    invisiblefrienddesc: 'Hides friends with unknown online status in the friends list.',
    notification: 'Notifications',
    notificationdesc: 'Display a notification when Stadia Enhanced updated to a new version ("Auto" hides after 5 seconds, "Manual" stays until user interaction).',
    streammode: 'Streaming Mode',
    streammodedesc: 'Enable to make certain elements (i.e. the friends list) unreadable while streaming (via tools like OBS / Discord).',
    forcefocus: 'Force Focus',
    forcefocusdesc: 'Enable to stop games from pausing automatically when not focused.',
    catprev: 'Category Preview',
    catprevdesc: 'Hides the category tags when hovering over a game.',
    streammondesc: 'Activate to start the monitor whenever a game starts.',
    resolutiondesc: 'The targeted resolution for game streams. 1440p and 2160p require VP9 and Stadia Pro.',
    codecdesc: 'The codec used for game streams.',
    confirmreset: 'Are you sure you want to reset the settings?',
    statistics: 'Statistics',
    gamesfinished: 'Games Finished',
    achievements: 'Achievements',
    achievementsunlocked: 'Achievements Unlocked',
    totalPlayTime: 'Total Playtime',
    splitstore: 'Split Store Lists',
    splitstoredesc: 'Splits store lists into two columns for a better overview.',
    inlineimage: 'Image Preview',
    inlinedesc: 'Replaces image links for common file formats (jpg/gif/png) with a clickable preview.',
    familyelements: 'Family-sharing options',
    familyelementsdesc: 'Hides the "Share this game with family" options.',
    donations: 'Donations',
    reportbug: 'Report a bug',
    exportset: 'Export settings',
    importset: 'Import settings',
    importerror: 'The file you are trying to open does not contain a valid Stadia Enhanced profile.',
    resetsettings: 'Reset settings'