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This example software was created by us and the community to use the CircuitSetup Split Single Phase Energy Meter in different applications.


  • ATM90E32_Basic_SPI is a Basic Arduino sketch - this is a basic example that shows how to use the ATM90E32 library in Arduino. It simply outputs values to the serial window. The basis for this was created by Tisham Dhar for his ATM90E26 Featherwing meter.
  • ATM90E32_MQTT - an Arduino sketch using MQTT to send energy meter data via a Wemos D1. Created by digiblur
  • Home_Assistant_MQTT - an Arduino sketch to send data to Home Assistant using MQTT. Includes the Home Assistant sensor file. Thanks to Richard Talley for supplying this.
  • Raspberry Pi + MongoDB - Using a Raspberry Pi to communicate with the energy meter and send energy data to MongoDB
  • MySQL to Home Assistant - Send data to a MySQL database via Arduino Ethernet, then read the database in Home Assistant. By Aaron Cake

ATM90E32 Libraries

  • CircuitPython - The ATM90E32 library converted to work with Adafruit's CircuitPython. Created by BitKnitting
  • MicroPython - The ATM90E32 library converted to work with MicroPython. Created by BitKnitting
  • ESPHome - direct integration for ESPHome, which allows you to more easily import energy data directly into home automation systems like Home Assistant. Created by thompsa. Some more details on setting up the meter with ESPHome, by digiblur
    • HA-ESPHome_energy_meter.yaml - ESPHome setup config. The default calibration values have been loaded (9V AC Transformer, 120A/40mA CTs) Created by digiblur
    • ESPHome Documentation for the ATM90E32 sensor