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Asm2vec and Doc2vec

Our implementation of Asm2vec and Doc2vec is constituted by two components. The first one takes as input the ACFG disasm data and it produces as output the random walks over the selected functions. Those are then taken as input by the second part, which implements the machine learning component.

Part 1

The first part of the Asm2vec tool is implemented in a Python3 script called We also provide a Docker container with the required dependencies.

The input of the script is a folder with the JSON files extracted via the ACFG disasm IDA plugin:

  • For the Datasets we have released, the JSON files are already available in the features directory. Please, note that features are downloaded from GDrive as explained in the README.
  • To extract the features for a new set of binaries, run the ACFG disasm IDA plugin following the instructions in the README.

There are a number of configurable parameters, such as:

  • -a2v or -d2v, if the output must be compatible with the Asm2vec or the Doc2vec (PV-DM or PV-DBOW) model
  • --num_rwalks, --max_walk_len and --max_walk_tokens are used to configure the number and length of each random walk
  • --min_frequency is the minimum number of occurrences for a token to be selected
  • --workers defines the number of parallel processes: the higher the better, but depends on the number of CPU cores.

The script will produce a folder with the following output:

  • A file called random_walks_{model}.csv that contains the random walks over the selected functions
  • A file called vocabulary.csv with the list of tokens selected to train the neural network
  • A file called counter_dict.json which maps each token to its frequency counter
  • A file called vocabulary_dropped.csv with the list of infrequent tokens that are discarded during the analysis
  • A file called id2func.json which maps each selected function to a numerical ID
  • A file called i2v_preprocessing.log that contains the logs of the analysis and may be useful for debugging.

Instructions with Docker

These are the concrete steps to run the analysis within the provided Docker container:

  1. Build the docker image:
docker build -t asm2vec .
  1. Run the script within the docker container:
docker run --rm -v <path_to_the_acfg_disasm_dir>:/input -v <path_to_the_output_dir>:/output -it asm2vec /code/ -d [--workers 4] [-a2v, -d2v] -i /input -o /output/

You can see all the command line options using:

docker run --rm -it asm2vec /code/ --help

Example (1): run the script for the training part of Dataset-1 with -a2v:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/../../DBs/Dataset-1/features/training/acfg_disasm_Dataset-1_training:/input -v $(pwd):/output -it asm2vec /code/ -d -w4 -a2v -i /input -o /output/a2v_preprocessing_Dataset-1-training

Example (2): run the script for the training part of Dataset-1 with -d2v:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/../../DBs/Dataset-1/features/training/acfg_disasm_Dataset-1_training:/input -v $(pwd):/output -it asm2vec /code/ -d -w4 -d2v -i /input -o /output/d2v_preprocessing_Dataset-1-training

When processing validation or testing data, use the -v (--vocabulary) option to give in input the training vocabulary.

Example (3): run the script for the testing part of Dataset-1 with -a2v:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/../../DBs/Dataset-1/features/testing/acfg_disasm_Dataset-1_testing:/input -v $(pwd)/a2v_preprocessing_Dataset-1-training:/training_data -v $(pwd):/output -it asm2vec /code/ -d -w4 -a2v -i /input -v /training_data/vocabulary.csv -o /output/a2v_preprocessing_Dataset-1-testing

Part 2

The machine learning component of Asm2vec is implemented on top of Gensim 3.8. For the details of the implementation, please refer to the patch that we created. The script is used to run the training and inference for the Asm2vec and Doc2vec (PV-DM or PV-DBOW) models. The Docker container of Part 1 includes the required dependencies for the neural network part too.

The script takes in input:

  • The output of, including the selected vocabulary, the random walks and the tokens frequency.
  • The {model}_checkpoint (only if the model is used in inference mode, i.e., during validation and testing).

There are a number of configurable parameters, such as:

  • Use the --pvdm, --pvdbow or --asm2vec option to select the model to use (it must be the same for training and inference)
  • Select --train, or --inference mode
  • Configure the number of epochs via the --epochs parameter
  • Use the --workers option to select the number of parallel workers to use.

The code of contains others hardcoded parameters that are marked as # FIXED PARAM. Experimenting with different values for those parameters has to be studied.

The model will produce a folder with the following output when launched in training mode:

  • A file called {model}_checkpoint which contains a backup of the model after training. This can be reused for the inference
  • A file called i2v.log which contains the logs of the analysis and may be useful for debugging.

The model will produce a folder with the following output when launched in inference mode:

  • A CSV called embeddings.csv which contains the embedding produced by the model for each function in the dataset
  • A file called i2v.log which contains the logs of the analysis and may be useful for debugging.

Note: at inference time, the Asm2vec and Doc2vec models require updating the internal weights for a number of epochs (similarly to what happens during the training). However, only the matrix corresponding to the functions is updated, while the matrix of the tokens is fixed. This behavior is different from the other traditional machine learning models.

The similarity between two functions is computed using the cosine similarity between the corresponding embeddings.

Instructions with Docker

  1. Run the neural network model
docker run --rm -v <path_to_i2v_preprocessing_output_folder>:/input -v $(pwd):/output -it asm2vec /code/ -d [--asm2vec, --pvdm, --pvdbow] [--train, --inference, --log] -e1 -w4 --inputdir /input/ -o /output/output_folder

You can see all the command line options using:

docker run --rm -it asm2vec /code/ --help

Example (1): train the Asm2vec model on Dataset-1.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/a2v_preprocessing_Dataset-1-training:/input -v $(pwd):/output -it asm2vec /code/ -d --asm2vec --train -e1 -w4 --inputdir /input/ -o /output/asm2vec_train_Dataset-1-training

Example (2): run the Asm2vec model in inference mode on the testing data of Dataset-1.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/a2v_preprocessing_Dataset-1-testing:/input -v $(pwd)/asm2vec_train_Dataset-1-training:/checkpoint -v $(pwd):/output -it asm2vec /code/ -d --asm2vec --inference -e1 -w4 --inputdir /input/ -c /checkpoint -o /output/asm2vec_inference_Dataset-1-testing

How to use Asm2vec and Doc2vec models on a new dataset of functions

The following are the main steps that are needed to run the Asm2vec and Doc2vec models on a new dataset of functions.


  1. Create a CSV file with the selected functions for training. Example here. idb_path and fva are the "primary keys" used to uniquely identify a function. The only requirement is to have the same function (i.e., the same function name) to be compiled under different settings (e.g., compilers, architectures, optimizations). The more the variants for each function, the better the model can generalize.
  2. Extract the features using the ACFG disasm IDA plugin following the instructions in the README. The idb_path for the selected functions must be a valid path to an IDB file to run the IDA plugin correctly.
  3. Run the script following the instructions in Part 1.
  4. Run the script in training mode (--train) following the instructions in Part 2.

Validation and testing

  1. Create a CSV file with the pairs of functions selected for validation and testing. Example here. (idb_path_1, fva_1) and (idb_path_2, fva_2) are the "primary keys".
  2. Extract the features using the ACFG disasm IDA plugin following the instructions in the README. idb_path_1 and idb_path_2 for the selected functions must be valid paths to the IDBs file to run the IDA plugin correctly.
  3. Run the script following the instructions in Part 1.
  4. Run the script in inference mode (--inference) following the instructions in Part 2.
  5. Compute the function similarity using the cosine similarity between the corresponding embeddings.

Additional notes

  • The Asm2vec and Doc2vec (PV-DM or PV-DBOW) models can only compare functions compiled for the same architecture, in other words it cannot be used for the XC (cross-compiler) test case. However, the models can be trained with functions from different architectures at the same time.

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Gensim is released under LGPL-2.1 license.