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Commission on Chicago Landmarks

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Contact: 312.744.3200


Landmarks Commission meeting


The Commission on Chicago Landmarks (CCL) is responsible for recommending buildings, structures, sites and districts for legal protection as official Chicago landmarks. Staffed by the Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Planning and Development (DPD), the commission is also responsible for reviewing proposed alterations to existing landmarks and districts, as well as proposed demolitions of structures considered to be historically or architecturally significant. Established in 1968, the commission has nine members that are appointed by the mayor with City Council consent. Meetings are generally held on the first Thursday of every month at City Hall, 121 N. La Salle St., Room 201-A and begin at 12:45 p.m.



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  • Rafael M. Leon, Chair
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  • Ernest C. Wong, Vice Chair
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  • Paola Aguirre
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  • Suellen Burns
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  • Gabriel Ignacio Dziekiewicz
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  • Tiara Hughes
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  • Lynn Osmond
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  • Richard Tolliver
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  • Maurice Cox, DPD Commissioner
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Upcoming CCL and Permit Review Committee (PRC) meetings may be hosted virtually per City Ordinance, state guidelines, and a recently adopted CCL rules amendment.


Rules for virtual CCL and PRC meetings are available now for review. A brief summary of the public comment section of the rules is available below:

  • Written statements are the preferred method of public comment and will be accepted up to 24 hours in advance of the meeting at ccl@cityofchicago.org.
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  • Verbal statements for all agenda items will take place at the beginning of each meeting, versus after each presentation.
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  • Members of the public wishing to speak must fill out a speaking request form. Forms must be submitted at least 48 hours before the meeting to ccl@cityofchicago.org.
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  • A maximum of 15 members of the public will be permitted to comment on each proposal due to technical limitations. Selected speakers will be chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each will be given instructions on how to provide up to three minutes of testimony.
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  • The PRC will meet immediately after CCL concludes and follow identical rules on public comment.
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Questions on the rules can be directed to ccl@cityofchicago.org.


Click here to access the live stream on the day of the meeting.


2021 Meeting Schedule

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Jan. 7 Draft Agenda
Feb. 4
March 4


April 1  
May 6
June 3


July 1
Aug. 5  
Sept. 2


Oct. 7
Nov. 4
Dec. 2


2020 Meeting Schedule

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Jan. 9 Minutes
Feb. 6 Minutes
March 5 Minutes April 2 Cancelled
May 7 Minutes
CCL Comments
PRC Comments
CCL Video
PRC Video


June 4 Minutes
CCL Comments
PRC Comments
CCL Video
PRC Video


July 1 Special Meeting Minutes
CCL Comments
CCL Video
July 9 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video


Aug. 6 Minutes
CCL Comments
CCL Video
PRC Video
Sept. 3 Minutes
CCL Comments
PRC Comments

CCL Video
PRC Video


Oct. 1 Agenda
CCL Comments
PRC Comments - Pt. 1
PRC Comments - Pt. 2
PRC Comments - Pt. 3
PRC Comments - Pt. 4
PRC Comments - Pt. 5
PRC Comments - Pt. 6
CCL Video
PRC Video


Nov. 5 Agenda
CCL Comments
CCL Video
PRC Video
Dec. 3 Agenda
CCL Comments
CCL Video
PRC Video


2020 Preservation Excellence Awards


DPD and the CCL hosted the annual Preservation Excellence Awards virtually on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020. The Commission honored nine unique projects with 2020 “Preservation Excellence Awards,” including the restoration of a former rapid transit building in Washington Park, the adaptive re-use of a former YMCA/YWCA headquarters on the Near West Side, and the mixed-use repurposing of historic structures in Pullman.


For more information on the winners, see the DPD news section.


Upcoming Public Hearings


Public hearings are distinct from regular commission meetings. Hearings are scheduled regarding certain proposed landmark designations, permit applications, or other processes and provide the opportunity for all interested persons to present evidence and testimony with regard to the matter under consideration. Hearings allow the commission to gather relevant facts and information to assist the commission in its decision-making process.


Upcoming public hearings for the Commission on Chicago Landmarks will also be held virtually in accordance with a set of rules effective July 27, 2020.


Aug. 18, 2020 10 a.m. - CANCELLED | Access the live stream on the day of the hearing


Members of the public interested in appearing at an upcoming hearing must fill out one of the forms below and submit it to CCL@cityofchicago.org. Those seeking party status by right or by request should fill out one of the first two forms, while the general public should fill out the third form. Questions on the process can be directed to CCL@cityofchicago.org.

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2019 Meeting Minutes

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Jan. 10 Minutes
Feb. 7 Minutes
March 7 Minutes
April 4 Minutes
May 2 Minutes
May 16 Minutes
June 6 Minutes

July 11 PRC Minutes
Aug. 1 Minutes
Sept. 5 Minutes


Oct. 3 Minutes
Nov. 7 Minutes
Dec. 5 Minutes


2018 Meeting Minutes

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Jan. 11 Minutes
Feb. 1 Minutes
March 8 Minutes
April 12 Cancelled
May 3 Minutes
June 7 Minutes
July 12 Minutes
Aug. 2 Minutes
Sept. 6 Minutes
Oct. 4 Minutes
Nov. 1 Minutes
Dec. 6 Minutes

2017 Meeting Minutes

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Jan. 5 Minutes
Feb. 2 Minutes
March 2 PRC Minutes
April 6 Minutes
May 4 Minutes
June 1 Minutes
July 6 Minutes
Aug. 3 Minutes
Sept. 7 Minutes
Oct. 5 Minutes
Nov. 2 Minutes
Dec. 7 Minutes

2016 Meeting Minutes

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Jan. 7 Minutes
Feb. 4 Minutes
March 3 Minutes
April 7 Minutes
May 5 Minutes
June 2 Minutes
July 7 Minutes
Aug. 4 Minutes
Sept. 1 Minutes
Oct. 6 Minutes
Nov. 3 Minutes
Dec. 1 Minutes

2015 Meeting Minutes

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Jan. 8 PRC Minutes
Feb. 5 Minutes
March 5 Minutes
April 9 PRC Minutes
May 13 Minutes
June 4 Minutes
July 9 Minutes
Aug. 6 Minutes
Sept. 2 Cancelled
Oct. 1 Minutes
Nov. 5 Minutes
Dec. 3 Minutes

2014 Meeting Minutes

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Jan. 9 Minutes
Feb. 6 Minutes
March 6 Minutes
March 13 PRC Minutes
April 3 Minutes
May 1 Minutes

June 5 Minutes
July 9-10 Minutes
Aug. 7 Minutes
Sept. 4 Minutes

Oct. 2 PRC Minutes
Nov. 6 Minutes
Dec. 4 Minutes

2013 Meeting Minutes

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Jan. 10 Minutes
Feb. 7 Minutes
March 7 Minutes
April 4 Minutes
May 2 Minutes
June 6 Minutes
June 27 Minutes
July 11 Minutes
Aug. 1 Minutes
Sept. 5 Minutes
Oct. 3 Minutes
Nov. 7 Minutes
Dec. 5 Minutes

2012 Meeting Minutes

- - - - - - - - - -
Jan. 5 Minutes
Feb. 2 Minutes
March 1 Minutes
April 5 Minutes
May 3 Minutes
June 7 Minutes
July 12 Minutes
Aug. 2 Minutes
Sept. 6 Minutes
Oct. 4 Minutes
Nov. 1 Minutes
Dec. 6 Minutes

2011 Meeting Minutes

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Jan. 6 Cancelled
Feb. 3 Minutes
March 3 Minutes
April 7 Minutes
May 5 Minutes
June 2 Minutes
July 7 Minutes
Aug. 4 Minutes
Sept. 1 Minutes
Oct. 6 Minutes
Nov. 3 Minutes
Dec. 1 Minutes

2010 Meeting Minutes

- - - - - - - - - -
Jan. 7 Minutes
Feb. 4 Minutes
March 4 Cancelled
April 1 Minutes
May 6 Minutes
June 3 Minutes
July 1 Minutes
Aug. 5 Minutes
Sept. 2 Minutes
Oct. 7 Minutes
Nov. 4 Minutes
Dec. 2 Minutes

2009 Meeting Minutes

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Jan. 8 Minutes
Feb. 5 Minutes
March 5 Minutes
April 2 Minutes
May 7 Minutes
June 4 Minutes
July 9 Minutes
Aug. 6 Minutes
Sept. 3 Minutes
Oct. 1 Minutes
Nov. 5 Minutes
Dec. 3 Minutes
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