You can use Fluent Bit's HTTP output plugin to send your FireLens log events to SolarWinds Loggly using the HTTP/S Bulk Endpoint. The Loggly HTTP/S Bulk Endpoint is available at /bulk/TOKEN/
and can be used with tags with /bulk/TOKEN/tag/TAG/
AWS recommends that you store sensitive information (like the URI containing your Loggly customer token) using secretOptions, as shown in the example task definition. This is optional - it is also valid to specify the token as part of the URI in the options map:
"logConfiguration": {
"logDriver": "awsfirelens",
"options": {
"Name": "http",
"Host": "",
"URI": "/bulk/<token>/tag/<tag>/",
"Port": "443",
"tls": "on",
"Format": "json_lines",
"Json_date_key": "timestamp",
"Json_date_format": "iso8601",
"Retry_limit": "False"