This repository aims at storing the materials for a meta analysis of Zipf's law for cities in the literature, available interactively: and presented in a published article: The application itself aims at presenting a dynamic and open meta review of Zipf's law, based on a large scale interactive review of urban literature. It allows interactive queries into a pool of empirical papers formatted in a comparable way. It provides a summary of the numeric, spatial and temporal distribution of alpha found in this vast literature. It provides a static and dynamic meta analysis of Zipf's law and its evolution over time. It disentangles the statistical effects of the regression specification, of fixed study effects, of characteristics of territories and their evolution, as well as of historical events and public policies.
# data/meta_zipf.csv
This table reviews and describes empirical estimations of zipf's law for cities taken from the literature, along with the specifications of the regressions and the significance of results.
# data/meta_refs.csv
This table reviews and describes the references from which empirical estimations are collected.
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Allen1954 : no access to the journal volume,
Lasuen1967 : no access to the journal volume,
Lagopoulos : no access to the journal volume,
deVries1984 : no access to the book,
Eaton/Eckstein1997 : the regressions of the paper are multi criteria and not comparable to the ones reported here,
davis/Weinstein2002: the regression is performed on population density and not comparable to the ones reported here.