List of section ideas
- Registration (sign up button, date, location, etc.)
- Current sponsor (details of the current sponsor, sponsor messaging)
- ClojureBridge overview (description of the event)
- Clojure Showcase (some projects that demonstrate what Clojure can do)
- Learning paths (links to the various curriculums)
- Clojure Installation (how to set up a development environment)
- ClojureBridge Schedule (what happens and when)
- Resources (documentation, how to practice clojure, books, videos, etc)
- Coaching guide (documentation to help coaches coach the students)
- Sponsors guide (how to sponsor ClojureBridge and what to get out of it)
- Past events (overview of all previous events, date, location, sponsors, etc.)
- Models of learning (ideas on how to learn more effectively)
Create a function for each section of the website you want to add.
####HINT::Reagent examples Introduction to Reagent has many simple examples of functions you can include in the website
Guide to Reagent has even more examples
(defn website-title []
[:section {:class "hero"}
[:h1 (get-in @app-state [:website :title])]
[:h4 (get-in @app-state [:website :description])]])