Coaches can help you set up development tools on your laptop if you wish to continue discovering Clojure after the ClojureBridge London event.
Tool | Is it installed? | Install guide |
Java 8 or above | java -version |
Java install |
Leiningen | lein version |
Leiningen install |
Git | git --version | |
Clojure is a hosted language and runs on top of Java or JavaScript (and other platforms). The Java Runtime Environment (JRE is needed to run Clojure.
Leiningen is a build tool for running Clojure code, creating and managing projects.
Git can be used to version your Clojure code, so you can go back to earlier versions if you make a mistake.
Install guides are provided for all these editors.
{% tabs atom="Atom", vscode="VSCode", emacs="Emacs/Spacemacs", intellij="IntelliJ", vim="Vim style"%}
{% content "atom" %}
Atom & ProtoREPL install guide is flexible and simple to use editor. The ProtoREPL plugin adds support for Clojure and ClojureScript.
Proton offers a simple mnemonic menu as an alternative to the somewhat cumbersome keybindings in Proton also gives you a simple text configuration to manage all your packages quickly.
{% content "vscode" %}
Microsoft VSCode & Calva install guide
{% content "emacs" %}
Emacs & Spacemacs install guide
Spacemacs is a community configuration bring Emacs and Vim together. Spacemacs uses a mnemonic menu system that makes it easy to learn.
Spacemacs, Practicalli guides you through Clojure development, documenting with org-mode, Git version control with Magit, Vim editing modes and dozens of other features.
<iframe width="780" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>{% content "intellij" %}
{% content "vim" %}
We don't directly support Vim (although we will do our best to help). You can use Vim with the fireplace plugin to work with your Clojure REPL.
Both Spacemacs and Atom/Proton have great support for Vim style editing and so are a viable alternative.
If you wish to use Vim, take a look at some of these articles for help.
- Clojure and Vim: An overview - its very possible
- Clojure docs: Clojure with Vim and fireplace.vim
- Writing Clojure in Vim
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