In this exercise we will write functions to split and join strings together.
Take your name and the name of another student in the group and create a combined name
Create a collection of two people. Each person should have a two part name, eg. "Ada Lovelace"
Give your collection a name so you can use it in later exercises on this page.
(def famous-scientists ["Ada Lovelace" "Anne-Marie Imafidon"])
Define a function called
. The function should take one argument, which is a string of a persons name, first and last as one string. The behaviour of the function splits the names into two strings Then call the function with a name to split
(defn name-split
"Splits a name into first & last names"
(clojure.string/split name #" "))
;; (name-split "Ada Lovelace")
;; =>["Ada" "Lovelace"]
clojure.string/split function will split a string on a given pattern (regular expression), such as a space:
#" "
Write a function to jumble up the first and last names to create a new person
For example, take the first name from the first person and join it with the last name from the second person
(defn jumble-names [names]
(let [first-person (first names)
second-person (second names)
first-person-first-name (first (name-split first-person))
second-person-second-name (second (name-split second-person))]
(str "Hello " first-person-first-name " " second-person-second-name)))
(jumble-names famous-scientists)
;; => "Hello AdaImafidon"
Remember, the
function defines local names that you can use for temporary values. Using several names with thelet
function can make this challenge a little simpler to solve