A workshop by @somehats and @matteomenapace.
Based on explorableexplanations.com by @ncase.
- What are explorable Explanations?
- Working in pairs, analyse an eE and then present it to everyone else.
- What type of themes lend themselves to eE? Good and bad examples.
- Systems: whole vs parts, interactions and interdependencies, feedback loops.
- Working in small teams, jot down a few ideas for eE: these can be issues you care about, or things you'd like to explain to others through eE. If you're stuck, we'll have some ideas for you.
- Paper-prototype your ideas!
- We will share open-source code for eE that you can remix.
- Explorable Explanations by Bret Victor
- Explorable Explanations by Nicky Case
- I Do And I Understand by Nicky Case
- Explorable Explanations Design Patterns by Nicky Case
- Persuasive Games by Ian Bogost
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