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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 7 revisions

[h2]Introduction[/h2] I have whipped up a very simple and easy-to-use library for automatically building sitemaps for your CodeIgniter web application.


  • [b]NEW[/b]: generate() method to build a complete site map
  • [b]NEW[/b]: easy filtering in case you want to exclude certain controllers or method names (see the sample controller below)
  • Supports templates
  • Can be used to just show pages in one specific controller via the get_links() method


  • CodeIgniter (Built on version 1.53, should work with later versions fine)
  • Extended Parser class -- I created an extension of the parser class, which simply adds a method called sparse() which will allow you to parse a template stored as a string variable instead of a file. You can get the extended library below.
  • PHP5. This library uses PHP5's Reflection class to analyze CodeIgniter controllers.

[h2]Sample controller[/h2] [code] <?php

class Sitemap extends Controller {

function Sitemap()

function index()
    // Show the index page of each controller (default is FALSE)
    $this-&gt;sitemap-&gt;set_option('show_index', true);

    // Exclude all methods from the "Test" controller
    $this-&gt;sitemap-&gt;ignore('Test', '*');

    // Exclude all methods from the "Job" controller
    $this-&gt;sitemap-&gt;ignore('Job', '*');

    // Exclude a list of methods from any controller
    $this-&gt;sitemap-&gt;ignore('*', array('view', 'create', 'edit', 'delete'));

    // Exclude this controller
    $this-&gt;sitemap-&gt;ignore('Sitemap', '*'); 

    // Show the sitemap
    echo '&lt;h1&gt;Sitemap&lt;/h1&gt;';
    echo $this-&gt;sitemap-&gt;generate();


?> [/code]

[h2]Setup[/h2] Just copy and paste both of the libraries below into your application/libraries folder:

[h3]Sitemap.php[/h3] [code] <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');


  • A very simple sitemap link generator
  • This class uses the PHP5 Reflection class to find all the public methods
  • in a CodeIgniter controller class and generate a list of links.
  • @author Jonathon Hill
  • @license CodeIgniter license
  • @requires MY_Parser extended Parser class [added sparse() for parsing templates stored in a string var]
  • @requires CodeIgniter 1.6 and PHP5
  • @version 1.1

*/ class Sitemap {

 * CodeIgniter base object reference
 * @var object
private $CI;

 * Sitemap links template
 * @var string
private $template = '<h2><a href="{section_index}">{section_text}</a></h2><ul>{links}<li><a href="{link_url}">{link_text}</a></li>{/links}</ul>';
private $template_file; // optional sitemap template file

 * Hide the index page by default
 * @var boolean
private $show_index = false;

 * Method names to ignore
 * @var array
private $ignore = array(
    '*' => array(

 * Sitemap object initialization
function __construct() {
    $this->CI =& get_instance();

 * Set configuration option(s).
 * Usage:
 *     $this->sitemap->set_option($option, $value);
 *     $this->sitemap->set_option(array(
 *         'option' => 'value',
 *         ...
 *     ));
 * Options:
 *     template           (string) template stored in string
 *     template_file   &#40;string&#41; template stored in file
 *     show_index      (bool) show or hide the index page
 * @param mixed  $option
 * @param mixed  $value
 * @return boolean
function set_option($option, $value)
        foreach($option as $opt => $val)
            if($opt == 'ignore') continue;
            if(isset($this->$opt)) $this->$opt = $val;
        return true;
    elseif(isset($this->$option) && $option != 'ignore')
        $this->$option = $value;
        return true;
        return false;

 * Return a configuration option
 * @param string $option
 * @return mixed
function get_option($option)
    return ($this->$option)? $this->option : false;

 * Ignore a controller or specific pages in a controller
 * Usage:
 *     $this->sitemap->ignore('controller', '*');    // completely ignore a controller
 *     $this->sitemap->ignore('controller', array('page1', 'page2'));    // ignore certain pages
 * @param string $controller
 * @param mixed $pages
function ignore($controller, $pages)
    $controller = strtolower($controller);
    if(is_array($pages)) {
        array_walk_recursive($pages, 'Sitemap::stl_callback');
    else {
        $pages = strtolower($pages);

    if(isset($this->ignore[$controller]) AND is_array($this->ignore[$controller])) $pages = array_merge($this->ignore[$controller], (array) $pages);
    $this->ignore[$controller] = $pages;

 * Build a list of pages in a controller
 * @param string $page        (optional) Build all the links for a specific controller
 * @return string
function get_links($class = null)
    // Use the PHP5 Reflection class to introspect the controller
    $controller = new ReflectionClass($class);

    $data['links'] = array();
    $data['section_index'] = strtolower(site_url($class));
    $data['section_text'] = ucwords(strtr($class, array('_'=>' ')));

    foreach($controller->getMethods() as $method)
        // skip methods that begin with '_'
        if(substr($method->name, 0, 1) == '_') continue;

        // skip globally ignored names
        if(in_array(strtolower($method->name), $this->ignore['*'])) continue;

        // skip ignored controller methods
        if(isset($this->ignore[strtolower($class)]) AND in_array(strtolower($method->name), (array) $this->ignore[strtolower($class)])) continue;

        // skip index page
        if($method->name == 'index' && !$this->show_index) continue;

        // skip old-style constructor
        if(strtolower($method->name) == strtolower($class)) continue;

        // skip methods that aren't public
        if(!$method->isPublic()) continue;

        // build link data for parser class
        $data['links'][] = array(
            'link_url' => strtolower(site_url("$class/$method->name")),
            'link_text'=> ucwords(strtr($method->name, array('_'=>' '))),

    return ($this->template_file)?
        $this->CI->parser->parse($this->template_file, $data, true) :
        $this->CI->parser->sparse($this->template, $data, true);

 * Build a complete sitemap from your CI application controllers
 * @return string
function generate()

    $sitemap = '';
    $controllers_path = APPPATH.'controllers/';
    foreach(get_filenames($controllers_path, true) as $controller) {
        list($class, $ext) = explode('.', ucfirst(basename($controller)));
        if($ext != 'php') continue;     // skip anything other than PHP files
        if(isset($this->ignore[strtolower($class)]) AND $this->ignore[strtolower($class)] == '*') continue;    // skip controllers marked as 'ignore'
        if(!class_exists($class)) include($controller);  // include the class for access
        $sitemap .= $this->get_links($class) . "\n";

    return $sitemap;

 * Callback wrapper function for strtolower
 * Has 2 args to prevent warnings from the strtolower() function
static function stl_callback($a, $b) { return strtolower($a); }

} [/code]

[h3]MY_Parser.php[/h3] [code] <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • Sparser Class

  • @package CodeIgniter

  • @subpackage Libraries

  • @category Parser

  • @author Jonathon Hill

  • @link */ class MY_Parser extends CI_Parser {


    • Parse a string

    • Parses pseudo-variables contained in the specified string,

    • replacing them with the data in the second param

    • @access public

    • @param string

    • @param array

    • @param bool

    • @return string */ function sparse($template, $data, $return = FALSE) { $CI =& get_instance();

      if ($template == '') { return FALSE; }

      foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { $template = $this->_parse_pair($key, $val, $template);
      } else { $template = $this->_parse_single($key, (string)$val, $template); } }

      if ($return == FALSE) { $CI->output->final_output = $template; }

      return $template; }

} // END Sparser Class ?> [/code]

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