diff --git a/pr_agent/settings/configuration.toml b/pr_agent/settings/configuration.toml
index b464b1e92..9655c95db 100644
--- a/pr_agent/settings/configuration.toml
+++ b/pr_agent/settings/configuration.toml
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ enable_help_text=true
final_update_message = false
[pr_help] # /help #
[pr_config] # /config #
diff --git a/pr_agent/tools/pr_help_message.py b/pr_agent/tools/pr_help_message.py
index 720b470dc..5b86e6d64 100644
--- a/pr_agent/tools/pr_help_message.py
+++ b/pr_agent/tools/pr_help_message.py
@@ -1,106 +1,350 @@
+import os
+import traceback
+import zipfile
+import tempfile
+import copy
+from functools import partial
+from jinja2 import Environment, StrictUndefined
+from pr_agent.algo.ai_handlers.base_ai_handler import BaseAiHandler
+from pr_agent.algo.ai_handlers.litellm_ai_handler import LiteLLMAIHandler
+from pr_agent.algo.pr_processing import retry_with_fallback_models
+from pr_agent.algo.token_handler import TokenHandler
+from pr_agent.algo.utils import ModelType, load_yaml
from pr_agent.config_loader import get_settings
-from pr_agent.git_providers import get_git_provider, GithubProvider
+from pr_agent.git_providers import get_git_provider, GithubProvider, BitbucketServerProvider, \
+ get_git_provider_with_context
from pr_agent.log import get_logger
+def extract_header(snippet):
+ res = ''
+ lines = snippet.split('===Snippet content===')[0].split('\n')
+ highest_header = ''
+ highest_level = float('inf')
+ for line in lines[::-1]:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith('Header '):
+ highest_header = line.split(': ')[1]
+ if highest_header:
+ res = f"#{highest_header.lower().replace(' ', '-')}"
+ return res
class PRHelpMessage:
- def __init__(self, pr_url: str, args=None, ai_handler=None):
- self.git_provider = get_git_provider()(pr_url)
+ def __init__(self, pr_url: str, args=None, ai_handler: partial[BaseAiHandler,] = LiteLLMAIHandler):
+ self.git_provider = get_git_provider_with_context(pr_url)
+ self.ai_handler = ai_handler()
+ self.question_str = self.parse_args(args)
+ if self.question_str:
+ self.vars = {
+ "question": self.question_str,
+ "snippets": "",
+ }
+ self.token_handler = TokenHandler(None,
+ self.vars,
+ get_settings().pr_help_prompts.system,
+ get_settings().pr_help_prompts.user)
+ async def _prepare_prediction(self, model: str):
+ try:
+ variables = copy.deepcopy(self.vars)
+ environment = Environment(undefined=StrictUndefined)
+ system_prompt = environment.from_string(get_settings().pr_help_prompts.system).render(variables)
+ user_prompt = environment.from_string(get_settings().pr_help_prompts.user).render(variables)
+ response, finish_reason = await self.ai_handler.chat_completion(
+ model=model, temperature=get_settings().config.temperature, system=system_prompt, user=user_prompt)
+ return response
+ except Exception as e:
+ get_logger().error(f"Error while preparing prediction: {e}")
+ return ""
+ def parse_args(self, args):
+ if args and len(args) > 0:
+ question_str = " ".join(args)
+ else:
+ question_str = ""
+ return question_str
+ def get_sim_results_from_s3_db(self, embeddings):
+ get_logger().info("Loading the S3 index...")
+ sim_results = []
+ try:
+ from langchain_chroma import Chroma
+ import boto3
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ # Define the local file path within the temporary directory
+ local_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'chroma_db.zip')
+ # Initialize the S3 client
+ s3 = boto3.client('s3')
+ # Download the file from S3 to the temporary directory
+ bucket = 'pr-agent'
+ file_name = 'chroma_db.zip'
+ s3.download_file(bucket, file_name, local_file_path)
+ # Extract the contents of the zip file
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(local_file_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
+ zip_ref.extractall(temp_dir)
+ vectorstore = Chroma(persist_directory=temp_dir + "/chroma_db",
+ embedding_function=embeddings)
+ sim_results = vectorstore.similarity_search_with_score(self.question_str, k=4)
+ except Exception as e:
+ get_logger().error(f"Error while getting sim from S3: {e}",
+ artifact={"traceback": traceback.format_exc()})
+ return sim_results
+ def get_sim_results_from_local_db(self, embeddings):
+ get_logger().info("Loading the local index...")
+ sim_results = []
+ try:
+ from langchain_chroma import Chroma
+ get_logger().info("Loading the Chroma index...")
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ db_path = "./docs/chroma_db.zip"
+ # Extract the ZIP file
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(db_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
+ zip_ref.extractall(temp_dir)
+ vectorstore = Chroma(persist_directory=temp_dir + "/chroma_db",
+ embedding_function=embeddings)
+ # Do similarity search
+ sim_results = vectorstore.similarity_search_with_score(self.question_str, k=4)
+ except Exception as e:
+ get_logger().error(f"Error while getting sim from local db: {e}",
+ artifact={"traceback": traceback.format_exc()})
+ return sim_results
+ def get_sim_results_from_pinecone_db(self, embeddings):
+ get_logger().info("Loading the Pinecone index...")
+ sim_results = []
+ try:
+ from langchain_pinecone import PineconeVectorStore
+ INDEX_NAME = "pr-agent-docs"
+ vectorstore = PineconeVectorStore(
+ index_name=INDEX_NAME, embedding=embeddings,
+ pinecone_api_key=get_settings().pinecone.api_key
+ )
+ # Do similarity search
+ sim_results = vectorstore.similarity_search_with_score(self.question_str, k=4)
+ except Exception as e:
+ get_logger().error(f"Error while getting sim from Pinecone db: {e}",
+ artifact={"traceback": traceback.format_exc()})
+ return sim_results
async def run(self):
- if not self.git_provider.is_supported("gfm_markdown"):
- self.git_provider.publish_comment(
- "The `Help` tool requires gfm markdown, which is not supported by your code platform.")
- return
- get_logger().info('Getting PR Help Message...')
- relevant_configs = {'pr_help': dict(get_settings().pr_help),
- 'config': dict(get_settings().config)}
- get_logger().debug("Relevant configs", artifacts=relevant_configs)
- pr_comment = "## PR Agent Walkthrough 🤖\n\n"
- pr_comment += "Welcome to the PR Agent, an AI-powered tool for automated pull request analysis, feedback, suggestions and more."""
- pr_comment += "\n\nHere is a list of tools you can use to interact with the PR Agent:\n"
- base_path = "https://pr-agent-docs.codium.ai/tools"
- tool_names = []
- tool_names.append(f"[DESCRIBE]({base_path}/describe/)")
- tool_names.append(f"[REVIEW]({base_path}/review/)")
- tool_names.append(f"[IMPROVE]({base_path}/improve/)")
- tool_names.append(f"[UPDATE CHANGELOG]({base_path}/update_changelog/)")
- tool_names.append(f"[ADD DOCS]({base_path}/documentation/) 💎")
- tool_names.append(f"[TEST]({base_path}/test/) 💎")
- tool_names.append(f"[IMPROVE COMPONENT]({base_path}/improve_component/) 💎")
- tool_names.append(f"[ANALYZE]({base_path}/analyze/) 💎")
- tool_names.append(f"[ASK]({base_path}/ask/)")
- tool_names.append(f"[GENERATE CUSTOM LABELS]({base_path}/custom_labels/) 💎")
- tool_names.append(f"[CI FEEDBACK]({base_path}/ci_feedback/) 💎")
- tool_names.append(f"[CUSTOM PROMPT]({base_path}/custom_prompt/) 💎")
- tool_names.append(f"[SIMILAR ISSUE]({base_path}/similar_issues/)")
- descriptions = []
- descriptions.append("Generates PR description - title, type, summary, code walkthrough and labels")
- descriptions.append("Adjustable feedback about the PR, possible issues, security concerns, review effort and more")
- descriptions.append("Code suggestions for improving the PR")
- descriptions.append("Automatically updates the changelog")
- descriptions.append("Generates documentation to methods/functions/classes that changed in the PR")
- descriptions.append("Generates unit tests for a specific component, based on the PR code change")
- descriptions.append("Code suggestions for a specific component that changed in the PR")
- descriptions.append("Identifies code components that changed in the PR, and enables to interactively generate tests, docs, and code suggestions for each component")
- descriptions.append("Answering free-text questions about the PR")
- descriptions.append("Generates custom labels for the PR, based on specific guidelines defined by the user")
- descriptions.append("Generates feedback and analysis for a failed CI job")
- descriptions.append("Generates custom suggestions for improving the PR code, derived only from a specific guidelines prompt defined by the user")
- descriptions.append("Automatically retrieves and presents similar issues")
- commands =[]
- commands.append("`/describe`")
- commands.append("`/review`")
- commands.append("`/improve`")
- commands.append("`/update_changelog`")
- commands.append("`/add_docs`")
- commands.append("`/test`")
- commands.append("`/improve_component`")
- commands.append("`/analyze`")
- commands.append("`/ask`")
- commands.append("`/generate_labels`")
- commands.append("`/checks`")
- commands.append("`/custom_prompt`")
- commands.append("`/similar_issue`")
- checkbox_list = []
- checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
- checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
- checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
- checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
- checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
- checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
- checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
- checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
- checkbox_list.append("[*]")
- checkbox_list.append("[*]")
- checkbox_list.append("[*]")
- checkbox_list.append("[*]")
- checkbox_list.append("[*]")
- checkbox_list.append("[*]")
- checkbox_list.append("[*]")
- checkbox_list.append("[*]")
- if isinstance(self.git_provider, GithubProvider) and not get_settings().config.get('disable_checkboxes', False):
- pr_comment += f"
Tool | Description | Trigger Interactively :gem: |
- for i in range(len(tool_names)):
- pr_comment += f"\n\n\n{tool_names[i]} | \n{descriptions[i]} | \n\n\n{checkbox_list[i]}\n |
- pr_comment += "
- pr_comment += f"""\n\n(1) Note that each tool be [triggered automatically](https://pr-agent-docs.codium.ai/usage-guide/automations_and_usage/#github-app-automatic-tools-when-a-new-pr-is-opened) when a new PR is opened, or called manually by [commenting on a PR](https://pr-agent-docs.codium.ai/usage-guide/automations_and_usage/#online-usage)."""
- pr_comment += f"""\n\n(2) Tools marked with [*] require additional parameters to be passed. For example, to invoke the `/ask` tool, you need to comment on a PR: `/ask ""`. See the relevant documentation for each tool for more details."""
+ if self.question_str:
+ get_logger().info(f'Answering a PR question about the PR {self.git_provider.pr_url} ')
+ if not get_settings().openai.key:
+ if get_settings().config.publish_output:
+ self.git_provider.publish_comment(
+ "The `Help` tool chat requires an OpenAI API key, which is not configured.")
+ else:
+ get_logger().error("The `Help` tool chat requires an OpenAI API key, which is not configured.")
+ return
+ # Initialize embeddings
+ from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
+ embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(model="text-embedding-ada-002",
+ api_key=get_settings().openai.key)
+ # Get similar snippets via similarity search
+ if get_settings().pr_help.force_local_db:
+ sim_results = self.get_sim_results_from_local_db(embeddings)
+ elif get_settings().pinecone.api_key:
+ sim_results = self.get_sim_results_from_pinecone_db(embeddings)
+ else:
+ sim_results = self.get_sim_results_from_s3_db(embeddings)
+ if not sim_results:
+ get_logger().info("Failed to load the S3 index. Loading the local index...")
+ sim_results = self.get_sim_results_from_local_db(embeddings)
+ # Prepare relevant snippets
+ relevant_pages_full, relevant_snippets_full_header, relevant_snippets_str =\
+ await self.prepare_relevant_snippets(sim_results)
+ self.vars['snippets'] = relevant_snippets_str.strip()
+ # run the AI model
+ response = await retry_with_fallback_models(self._prepare_prediction, model_type=ModelType.REGULAR)
+ response_yaml = load_yaml(response)
+ response_str = response_yaml.get('response')
+ relevant_snippets_numbers = response_yaml.get('relevant_snippets')
+ # prepare the answer
+ answer_str = ""
+ if response_str:
+ answer_str += f"### Question: \n{self.question_str}\n\n"
+ answer_str += f"### Answer:\n{response_str.strip()}\n\n"
+ answer_str += f"#### Relevant Sources:\n\n"
+ paged_published = []
+ for page in relevant_snippets_numbers:
+ page = int(page - 1)
+ if page < len(relevant_pages_full) and page >= 0:
+ if relevant_pages_full[page] in paged_published:
+ continue
+ link = f"{relevant_pages_full[page]}{relevant_snippets_full_header[page]}"
+ # answer_str += f"> - [{relevant_pages_full[page]}]({link})\n"
+ answer_str += f"> - {link}\n"
+ paged_published.append(relevant_pages_full[page])
+ # publish the answer
+ if get_settings().config.publish_output:
+ self.git_provider.publish_comment(answer_str)
+ else:
+ get_logger().info(f"Answer: {response}")
- pr_comment += f"Tool | Command | Description |
- for i in range(len(tool_names)):
- pr_comment += f"\n\n\n{tool_names[i]} | {commands[i]} | {descriptions[i]} |
- pr_comment += "
- pr_comment += f"""\n\nNote that each tool be [invoked automatically](https://pr-agent-docs.codium.ai/usage-guide/automations_and_usage/) when a new PR is opened, or called manually by [commenting on a PR](https://pr-agent-docs.codium.ai/usage-guide/automations_and_usage/#online-usage)."""
- if get_settings().config.publish_output:
- self.git_provider.publish_comment(pr_comment)
+ if not isinstance(self.git_provider, BitbucketServerProvider) and not self.git_provider.is_supported("gfm_markdown"):
+ self.git_provider.publish_comment(
+ "The `Help` tool requires gfm markdown, which is not supported by your code platform.")
+ return
+ get_logger().info('Getting PR Help Message...')
+ relevant_configs = {'pr_help': dict(get_settings().pr_help),
+ 'config': dict(get_settings().config)}
+ get_logger().debug("Relevant configs", artifacts=relevant_configs)
+ pr_comment = "## PR Agent Walkthrough 🤖\n\n"
+ pr_comment += "Welcome to the PR Agent, an AI-powered tool for automated pull request analysis, feedback, suggestions and more."""
+ pr_comment += "\n\nHere is a list of tools you can use to interact with the PR Agent:\n"
+ base_path = "https://pr-agent-docs.codium.ai/tools"
+ tool_names = []
+ tool_names.append(f"[DESCRIBE]({base_path}/describe/)")
+ tool_names.append(f"[REVIEW]({base_path}/review/)")
+ tool_names.append(f"[IMPROVE]({base_path}/improve/)")
+ tool_names.append(f"[UPDATE CHANGELOG]({base_path}/update_changelog/)")
+ tool_names.append(f"[ADD DOCS]({base_path}/documentation/) 💎")
+ tool_names.append(f"[TEST]({base_path}/test/) 💎")
+ tool_names.append(f"[IMPROVE COMPONENT]({base_path}/improve_component/) 💎")
+ tool_names.append(f"[ANALYZE]({base_path}/analyze/) 💎")
+ tool_names.append(f"[ASK]({base_path}/ask/)")
+ tool_names.append(f"[GENERATE CUSTOM LABELS]({base_path}/custom_labels/) 💎")
+ tool_names.append(f"[CI FEEDBACK]({base_path}/ci_feedback/) 💎")
+ tool_names.append(f"[CUSTOM PROMPT]({base_path}/custom_prompt/) 💎")
+ tool_names.append(f"[SIMILAR ISSUE]({base_path}/similar_issues/)")
+ descriptions = []
+ descriptions.append("Generates PR description - title, type, summary, code walkthrough and labels")
+ descriptions.append("Adjustable feedback about the PR, possible issues, security concerns, review effort and more")
+ descriptions.append("Code suggestions for improving the PR")
+ descriptions.append("Automatically updates the changelog")
+ descriptions.append("Generates documentation to methods/functions/classes that changed in the PR")
+ descriptions.append("Generates unit tests for a specific component, based on the PR code change")
+ descriptions.append("Code suggestions for a specific component that changed in the PR")
+ descriptions.append("Identifies code components that changed in the PR, and enables to interactively generate tests, docs, and code suggestions for each component")
+ descriptions.append("Answering free-text questions about the PR")
+ descriptions.append("Generates custom labels for the PR, based on specific guidelines defined by the user")
+ descriptions.append("Generates feedback and analysis for a failed CI job")
+ descriptions.append("Generates custom suggestions for improving the PR code, derived only from a specific guidelines prompt defined by the user")
+ descriptions.append("Automatically retrieves and presents similar issues")
+ commands =[]
+ commands.append("`/describe`")
+ commands.append("`/review`")
+ commands.append("`/improve`")
+ commands.append("`/update_changelog`")
+ commands.append("`/add_docs`")
+ commands.append("`/test`")
+ commands.append("`/improve_component`")
+ commands.append("`/analyze`")
+ commands.append("`/ask`")
+ commands.append("`/generate_labels`")
+ commands.append("`/checks`")
+ commands.append("`/custom_prompt`")
+ commands.append("`/similar_issue`")
+ checkbox_list = []
+ checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
+ checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
+ checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
+ checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
+ checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
+ checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
+ checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
+ checkbox_list.append(" - [ ] Run ")
+ checkbox_list.append("[*]")
+ checkbox_list.append("[*]")
+ checkbox_list.append("[*]")
+ checkbox_list.append("[*]")
+ checkbox_list.append("[*]")
+ checkbox_list.append("[*]")
+ checkbox_list.append("[*]")
+ checkbox_list.append("[*]")
+ if isinstance(self.git_provider, GithubProvider) and not get_settings().config.get('disable_checkboxes', False):
+ pr_comment += f"Tool | Description | Trigger Interactively :gem: |
+ for i in range(len(tool_names)):
+ pr_comment += f"\n\n\n{tool_names[i]} | \n{descriptions[i]} | \n\n\n{checkbox_list[i]}\n |
+ pr_comment += "
+ pr_comment += f"""\n\n(1) Note that each tool be [triggered automatically](https://pr-agent-docs.codium.ai/usage-guide/automations_and_usage/#github-app-automatic-tools-when-a-new-pr-is-opened) when a new PR is opened, or called manually by [commenting on a PR](https://pr-agent-docs.codium.ai/usage-guide/automations_and_usage/#online-usage)."""
+ pr_comment += f"""\n\n(2) Tools marked with [*] require additional parameters to be passed. For example, to invoke the `/ask` tool, you need to comment on a PR: `/ask ""`. See the relevant documentation for each tool for more details."""
+ elif isinstance(self.git_provider, BitbucketServerProvider):
+ # only support basic commands in BBDC
+ pr_comment = generate_bbdc_table(tool_names[:4], descriptions[:4])
+ else:
+ pr_comment += f"Tool | Command | Description |
+ for i in range(len(tool_names)):
+ pr_comment += f"\n\n\n{tool_names[i]} | {commands[i]} | {descriptions[i]} |
+ pr_comment += "
+ pr_comment += f"""\n\nNote that each tool be [invoked automatically](https://pr-agent-docs.codium.ai/usage-guide/automations_and_usage/) when a new PR is opened, or called manually by [commenting on a PR](https://pr-agent-docs.codium.ai/usage-guide/automations_and_usage/#online-usage)."""
+ if get_settings().config.publish_output:
+ self.git_provider.publish_comment(pr_comment)
except Exception as e:
- get_logger().error(f"Error while running PRHelpMessage: {e}")
- return ""
\ No newline at end of file
+ get_logger().exception(f"Error while running PRHelpMessage: {e}")
+ return ""
+ async def prepare_relevant_snippets(self, sim_results):
+ # Get relevant snippets
+ relevant_pages = []
+ relevant_snippets = []
+ relevant_snippets_full = []
+ relevant_pages_full = []
+ relevant_snippets_full_header = []
+ th = 0.75
+ for s in sim_results:
+ page = s[0].metadata['source']
+ content = s[0].page_content
+ score = s[1]
+ relevant_snippets_full.append(content)
+ relevant_snippets_full_header.append(extract_header(content))
+ relevant_pages_full.append(page)
+ if not relevant_pages:
+ relevant_pages.append(page)
+ relevant_snippets.append(content)
+ elif score > th:
+ if page not in relevant_pages:
+ relevant_pages.append(page)
+ relevant_snippets.append(content)
+ # build the snippets string
+ relevant_snippets_str = ""
+ for i, s in enumerate(relevant_snippets_full):
+ relevant_snippets_str += f"Snippet {i}:\n\n{s}\n\n"
+ relevant_snippets_str += "-------------------\n\n"
+ return relevant_pages_full, relevant_snippets_full_header, relevant_snippets_str
+def generate_bbdc_table(column_arr_1, column_arr_2):
+ # Generating header row
+ header_row = "| Tool | Description | \n"
+ # Generating separator row
+ separator_row = "|--|--|\n"
+ # Generating data rows
+ data_rows = ""
+ max_len = max(len(column_arr_1), len(column_arr_2))
+ for i in range(max_len):
+ col1 = column_arr_1[i] if i < len(column_arr_1) else ""
+ col2 = column_arr_2[i] if i < len(column_arr_2) else ""
+ data_rows += f"| {col1} | {col2} |\n"
+ # Combine all parts to form the complete table
+ markdown_table = header_row + separator_row + data_rows
+ return markdown_table
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 854e1d67a..05f13ad76 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Jinja2==3.1.2
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ gunicorn==22.0.0
+# help bot
# Uncomment the following lines to enable the 'similar issue' tool
# pinecone-client
# pinecone-datasets @ git+https://github.com/mrT23/pinecone-datasets.git@main