@AUTHOR hugo-lucca @DATE 1. June 17 @VERSION for Neon 3
- Edit Globals.java (in package globals) and set DebuggerIsOn and TestingIsOn to false
- ... and assert DB settings ForceNewDB and ForDBVersionLT are also ok.
- Assert, RUN->external tools->external configurations->JRE configs are ok, with the following steps:
- in Eclipse click Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration
- deactivate any filters in navigation and select your ant project
- select the JRE tab
- click on "Installed JREs" button.
- click on Add (!!!) button. (Select Standard VM, where applicable.)
- click on Directory button.
- browse to your JDK version (not JRE) of your installed Java (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_04).
- Click Finish and OK.
- Select the JDK at Separate JRE and click Close.
- Re-run your Ant script — have fun!
- See also: stackoverflow.com/questions/1558780/why-does-ant-tell-me-that-java-home-is-wrong-when-it-is-not
- Assert, the OS environment variable JAVA_HOME references the JDK \bin directory containing javac.exe. If not do install JDK (before doing this step).
- copy (do not move) all .css files from views.styles to the views folder
- open file build.fxbuild
- fill out the fields with a '*' and click on link "ant build and run" (Build directory should be: ${project}/build)
- select the JAR file in build*dist* folder
- Context menu->Export->JAR executabe to a target folder
- delete all .css in views (undo step 5)