- Enter the sbt environment:
- Choose the webapp project:
project saulWebapp
- Spin up the webapp:
; to specify a port, include it afterrun
To stop it, use Ctrl+D
After spinning up the server, go to localhost:9000
through any web browser.
There will be a new user guidance for showing how to use saulWebapp.
Following the conversations on the webpage will lead you through every step of using the webapp.
Click X
or cancel to exit the tutorial.
The left panel is the code editor. The right panel is the graph visualization and result display window.
- All files in the editor's filenames should be the same as their class name. For example,
class testModel extends DataModel {
This file's filename should be testModel.scala
or testModel.java
All files should have the same package name. If there is only one file, the package name is not required.
All import statements must be included as usual.
There are three running options: Compile, Populate and Run.
-requires a subclass of DataModel
presents in editor
Will generate the schema graph of the datamodel.
-requires a subclass of DataModel
presents in editor
-requires main method (main(args : Array[String]): Unit = { }
) presence in editor
Will generate a populated graph of the trained datamodel.
-requires main method (main(args : Array[String]): Unit = { }
) presence in editor
Will print the output of the program.
Example toy code:
package test
import edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.saul.datamodel.DataModel
object testModel extends DataModel {
val firstNames = node[String]
val lastNames = node[String]
val name = edge(firstNames,lastNames)
val prefix = property(firstNames,"prefix")((s: String) => s.charAt(1).toString)
val prefix2 = property(firstNames,"prefix")((s: String) => s.charAt(0).toString)
def main(args : Array[String]): Unit ={
name.populateWith(_.charAt(0) == _.charAt(0))
Result for above example: http://imgur.com/WjsYfYT
Graph Query methods