Java needs to be installed on the machine like
apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
- Install MongoDB
- Start mongoDB as a daemon like
mongod --fork --logpath mongodb.log
Then create a freecoin dir and copy there the jar and the .lein-env of the uberjar build. Instead of the .lein-env file environmental variables or Java system properties can be used.
We can then start the freecoin app by running java -cp target/uberjar/freecoin-0.2.0-standalone.jar freecoin.main
Freecoin is running on port 8000
Then copy to the same directory the ws sources.
The freecoin-admin tool is running on port 8990
An edn file should be added containing the email configuration
{:email-server :email-user :email-pass :email-address }
The default file is email-config.edn project root but can be set with the env variable EMAIL_CONFIG
- No X11 DISPLAY variable was set -- start with ring server-headless
- Better configuration management (instead of lein-env files)
- Get rid of the ws/index manual dependency (javascript)