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Social Wallet API

The Social Wallet API is made to facilitate the integration of blockchain functions into existing front-end applications, providing an easy backend of documented REST API endpoints that are validated and, in case of error, report meaningful messages. It also gives the opportunity to add metadata to transactions which can be very useful for grouping, labeling and filtering as well as adding some context.

The Social Wallet API allows to make calls to mongo db and to running blockchain nodes that are compatibile with Bitcoin Core and support the generic Bitcoin RPC. Overtime more implemenations will be provided for different distributed ledger implementations and storages.

The Social wallet API can also operate with only the DB without any blockchain connection, which is great for experimentation, testing or situations where the complexity of a distributed ledger is not required.

software by

Getting started | Prerequisites | Running | Running the tests | Deployment | Todos | Acknowledgements | License | change log

Build Status Clojars Project Freecoin project stats License: AGPL v3

This REST API interface is so far meant for low-level access of wallets built using the Freecoin toolkit.

Getting Started

The Social Wallet API is written in Clojure and is fully cross-platform: one can run it locally on a GNU/Linux machine, as well on Apple/OSX and MS/Windows.


Please install

  1. A JDK. The software is tested on openJDK versions 7 and 8 as well as with oracleJDK 8 and 10. Make sure that the env var JAVA_HOME is set to the JDK install dir like mentioned here.
  2. MongoDB community edition. The software has been tested on Mongo v3.6.4. Earlier versions might not work due to loss of precision (Decimal128 was not introduced).
  3. leiningen which is used for dependency management like:
mkdir ~/bin
wget -O ~/bin/lein
chmod +x ~/bin/lein

For instance on Devuan systems one can install all necessary dependencies using apt and the following packages: apt-get openjdk-7-jdk libversioneer-clojure haveged.

Running the Social Wallet API

First of all check the configuration in resources/social-wallet-api.yaml and adjust its contents to your setup. Here a sample configuration:

# verbosity level of messages
log-level: debug

# open freecoin specific section
# indentation matters: mind the initial spaces of following sections
  # If an apikey is added to the config, for that particular installation an apikey will be created, stored and required with every request. Device-id should be replaced with the device/client-app name/id.
  apikey: device-id ## optional
# configuration for the database holding local transactions
    host: localhost
    port: 27017
    db:   freecoin
    currency: Commoncoin # You can set this to the name of the local currency to be used on the DB

## All the configurations below are optional and multiple can be added

# configuration of the 'faircoin' blockchain
# visualised name of the currency
    currency: fair
# number of confirmations to consider a transaction as valid
    number-confirmations: 6
# frequency of confirmations checks in milliseconds
    frequency-confirmations-millis: 20000
# path to the rpc configuration holding username and password
    rpc-config-path: /home/user/.faircoin2/faircoin.conf
# deposit to an address watch expiration time in milliseconds
    deposit-expiration-millis: 3600000
# frequency of deposit checks in milliseconds
    frequency-deposit-millis: 60000

# configuration of the 'bitcoin' blockchain
# visualised name of the currency
    currency: btc
# number of confirmations to consider a transaction as valid
    number-confirmations: 6
# frequency of confirmations checks in milliseconds
    frequency-confirmations-millis: 20000
# path to the rpc configuration holding username and password
    rpc-config-path: /home/user/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

Once correctly configured, from inside the social-wallet-api source directory one can use various commands to run it live (refreshing live changes to the code) using:

  • lein ring server (which will start and spawn a browser on it)
  • lein ring server-headless (will start without browser)

One can also use lein uberjar to build a standalone jar application, or lein uberwar to build a standalone war application ready to be served from enterprise infrastructure using JBoss or Tomcat.

Running the tests

To run all tests one need to run lein midje on the project dir

Run only the fast tests

Some of the tests are marked as slow. If you want to avoid running them you can either

lein midje :filter -slow

or use the alias

lein test-basic


Even though there are many ways to deploy this software, a dockerised version is provided in this project. For more details look into the docker folder. Please keep in mind that we do not recommend docker for production due to some security concerns.


This table summarizes which are the available methods for the different backends.

method database blockchain
tags.list βœ… 🚫
transactions(...).new βœ… 🚫
transactions(...).list βœ… βœ…
transactions(...).get βœ… βœ…
balance βœ… βœ…
label βœ… βœ…
address 🚫 βœ… 🚫 βœ… 🚫 βœ…
deposits.check 🚫 βœ…

Articles & Guides


  • Multicurrency on the DB


The Social Wallet API is Free and Open Source research and development activity funded by the European Commission in the context of the Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation (CAPSSI) program. Social Wallet API uses the underlying Freecoin-lib blockchain implementation library and adopted as a component of the social wallet toolkit being developed for the Commonfare project (grant nr. 687922) .


This project is licensed under the AGPL 3 License - see the LICENSE file for details

Additional permission under GNU AGPL version 3 section 7.

If you modify Freecoin-lib, or any covered work, by linking or combining it with any library (or a modified version of that library), containing parts covered by the terms of EPL v 1.0, the licensors of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work. Your modified version must prominently offer all users interacting with it remotely through a computer network (if your version supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive the Corresponding Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge, through some standard or customary means of facilitating copying of software. Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for the parts of the libraries (dependencies) covered by the terms of EPL v 1.0 used as well as that of the covered work.