This repository contains example configurations for the Community Solid Server, to get you started quickly.
You can launch the Community Solid Server with the following user interfaces:
# Load the configurations to your device
git clone
cd Recipes
# Pick the configuration of your choice, and install its dependencies
cd mashlib # or penny
npm ci --omit=dev
The Mashlib configurations are in the mashlib
# Start the server with your documents folder as the root container
npx community-solid-server -c config-mashlib.json -f ~/Documents/
# Start the server in development mode (authenticated as a specific user)
npx community-solid-server -c config-mashlib-dev.json -f ~/Documents/
The Penny configurations are in the penny
# Start the server with your documents folder as the root container
npx community-solid-server -c config-penny.json -f ~/Documents/
The configurations provided here are just one possible combination of CSS features. You can use the following links to generate alternative configurations that also include the necessary statements for the relevant interfaces: