##Important Commands: Prefix commands with '!' when entering into chat, prefix with "sm_" when entering into console
'!' styles are faster to type, 'sm_' styles are preferable when binding frequently used commands as they do not take up chat space
- Scoremod info and commands: https://www.github.com/breezyplease/static-scoremod
- !current to print the percentage distance of the map currently covered by survivors
- !boss/!tank/!witch to print the percentage distance through map at which boss will spawn"
- !toggleretry to toggle skipping to the next map when wiping
- !join to join survivors from spec
- !return to return to saferoom if respawned out of world
- !respawn to respawn in saferoom if respawned dead
- !limit to set the limit for an SI class
- !waveinterval to set the time in seconds between SI waves (default 30)
- !supportpercent to set the percentage of tank's health at which his support wave will spawn (default 50)
##Full plugin details list Cvars may be entered into the 'halfbaked' or 'bakersdozen' .cfg files to auto load the configured setting
###AI improvements
- ai_aggressivespecials.smx
- special infected are aggressive upon spawn and do not ever run away
- ai_targeting.smx
- special infected are assigned health bonus target preferences
- ai_smokersettings.smx
- smokers attack faster and take damage like in versus
- ai_hunterpouncing.smx
- hunters pounce as fast as players, in a zig zag pattern
- (cvar) ai_fast_pounce_proximity "At what distance to start pouncing fast"; default 1000
- ai_jockeybehaviour.smx
- jockeys alternate jumps and pounces, and cause stumble
- (cvar) ai_hop_activation_proximity "How close a jockey will approach before it starts hopping"; default 500
- (cvar) ai_jockey_stumble_radius"Stumble radius of a jockey landing a ride"; default 50
- ai_chargefromclose.smx
- chargers only charge when they are close to survivors
- (cvar) ai_charge_proximity "How close a charger will approach before charging"; default 500
- ai_tankbehaviour.smx
- tanks do not throw rocks
###Versus simulation
- static_scoremod.smx
- distance points + health bonus (!scoring/sm_scoring for more info)
- (cmd) !mapinfo
- (cmd) !scoring
- (cmd) !bonus/!health/!score
- (cmd) !setscore
- survivor_reset.smx
- full health, single pistol at the start of every round
- pillsonly.smx
- only pills spawn on the map; each survivor is given a pill upon leaving saferoom
- mapskipper.smx
- Skips to next map when survivors wipe
- (cmd) !toggleretry cmd
- (cvar) enable_retry cvar
- coopbosses.smx
- spawns exactly one tank on every map, spawns one extra tank on finales
- (cmd) !boss/!tank/!witch
- special_infected_wave_spawner
- spawns infected in waves; creates custom cvars not related to versus 'limit' cvars
- (cmd) !waveinterval
- (cmd) !limit
- (cmd) !supportpercent
- (cvar) siws_wave_interval "Interval in seconds between special infected waves"; default 30
- (cvar) siws_max_specials; default 6
- (cvar) siws_smoker_limit; default 1
- (cvar) siws_boomer_limit; default 1
- (cvar) siws_hunter_limit; default 1
- (cvar) siws_spitter_limit; default 1
- (cvar) siws_jockey_limit; default 1
- (cvar) siws_charger_limit; default 1
- (cvar) siws_tank_support_health_percent "SI support wave spawns upon tank health falling below this percent"; default 50
- autowipe.smx
- wipes survivors after a period of time if they are all incapped/pinned
- survivormanagement.smx
- (cmd) !join
- (cmd) !return
- (cmd) !respawn
- l4d2_playstats_fixed.smx
- prints then resets stats after wipes
- l4d_tank_damage_announce_fixed.smx
- correct damage percents for coop tanks