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Nearby Fish (/etc) Store Finder


This Python script utilizes the Overpass API to find nearby fish, coral, and aquarium stores based on their geographical coordinates. The script allows you to specify a radius in meters to search for various types of shops related to fish.



  • Query the Overpass API for nearby stores.
  • Support for multiple types of shops (pet, aquarium, seafood, etc.).
  • Retrieve various attributes such as name, phone, email, social media links, and location.
  • Append results to a text file for easy access.


  • Python 3.x
  • Requests library


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd Overpass-API
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    If you haven't already installed the requests library, do so using pip:

    pip install requests


  1. Set the latitude, longitude, and search radius:

    Example below is 10 miles surounding Portland, Oregon

    latitude = 45.512230
    longitude = -122.658722
    meters = 16000  # Set the desired search radius in meters

    Query for this script is:

       node[shop=pet](around:{meters}, {latitude}, {longitude});
       node[shop=aquarium](around:{meters}, {latitude}, {longitude});
       node[shop~fish](around:{meters}, {latitude}, {longitude}); // Finds any shop w/ "fish" anywhere in the description
       node[shop=seafood](around:{meters}, {latitude}, {longitude});
       node[product~fish](around:{meters}, {latitude}, {longitude});
     out body;

    And can be modified according to/with these sources

    Query Builder/Tester

    Search Parameters/Syntax

    Types of Shops (Not an Exhaustive List, Some Stores use Fish/Fishmonger instead of "Fishing" for instance)

    ChatGPT, write me an Overpass API Query to find my local Gamestops

  2. Run the script:

    Execute the script to find nearby fish stores and append the data to a text file called stores.txt.

  3. Check the results:

    After running the script, the results will be appended to stores.txt. Each entry includes:

    • Name
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • Website
    • Social Media Links (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)
    • Location (latitude and longitude)

Example Script

Here is a brief overview of the script functionality:

import requests

def get_nearby_fish_stores(latitude, longitude, meters):

def write_to_file(data, filename):

# Example usage:
latitude = 45.512230
longitude = -122.658722
meters = 16000  # 10 Miles
data = get_nearby_fish_stores(latitude, longitude, meters)

if data:
    write_to_file(data, 'stores.txt')
    print("Data appended to stores.txt")


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue for any enhancements or bug fixes.


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.