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Secure Socket Support

By default, the server and client will use plain TCP sockets to communicate. By configuring a keystore for the server and a truststore for the client, the communication can be switched to secure (TLS) sockets. The sockets are encrypted, and clients will only communicate with trusted servers. The following describes a minimal setup for initial tests, followed by a more elaborate setup later in this document.

Step 1: Create a server KEYSTORE that contains a public and private key.

The server passes the public key to clients. Clients then use that to encrypt messages to the server which only the server can decode with its private key.

keytool -genkey -alias mykey -dname "CN=server" -keystore KEYSTORE -storepass changeit -keyalg RSA

To check, note "Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry" because the certificate holds both a public and private key:

keytool -list -v -keystore KEYSTORE -storepass changeit

Step 2: Create a client TRUSTSTORE to register the public server key

Clients check a list of public keys to identify trusted servers. Clients can technically use the keystore we just created, but they should really only have access to the server's public key, not the server's private key. In addition, you may want to add public keys from more than one server into the client truststore.

First export the server's public key.

keytool -export -alias mykey -keystore KEYSTORE -storepass changeit -rfc -file mykey.cer

Import the certificate into a new client truststore.

keytool -import -alias mykey -file mykey.cer -keystore TRUSTSTORE -storepass changeit -noprompt

To check, note "Entry type: trustedCertEntry" because the truststore contains only public keys:

keytool -list -v -keystore TRUSTSTORE -storepass changeit

While the key and trust files were created with the Java keytool, they are compatible with generic open SSL tools:

openssl pkcs12 -info -in KEYSTORE -nodes

The essential commands are also in

Step 3: Configure and run the demo server

Set environment variable EPICS_PVAS_TLS_KEYCHAIN to inform the server about its keystore. The format of this setting is /path/to/file;password. If you used, that would be demo/KEYSTORE;changeit.

Then run a demo server:

export EPICS_PVAS_TLS_KEYCHAIN="/path/to/KEYSTORE;changeit"
java -cp target/classes org.epics.pva.server.ServerDemo

Step 4: Configure and run the demo client

Set environment variable EPICS_PVA_TLS_KEYCHAIN to inform the client about its truststore. If you used, that would be demo/TRUSTSTORE;changeit. Then run a demo client (-v 5 to see protocol detail):

export EPICS_PVA_TLS_KEYCHAIN="/path/to/TRUSTSTORE;changeit"
java -cp target/classes org.epics.pva.client.PVAClientMain get -v 5 demo
# Or:  ./pvaclient get -v 5 demo

On both the server and the client note how they mention "TLS" in their log messages.


The PVA server and client code logs in the org.epics.pva package. For lower level encryption information, add

For example, when receiving subscription updates for a string PV with status and timestamp, the log messages indicate that the encrypted data size of 74 bytes is almost twice the size of the decrypted payload of 41 bytes:|DEBUG|91|TCP receiver /|2023-05-05 15:57:37.299 EDT||READ: TLSv1.2 application_data, length = 74|DEBUG|91|TCP receiver /|2023-05-05 15:57:37.299 EDT||Raw read (
  0000: 65 27 79 1D 33 5D 7C AB   A6 06 86 31 0D 9C 10 70  e'y.3].....1...p
  0010: 3C 85 58 D3 FD AA 81 57   00 0A 04 DF 37 3D EE 31  <.X....W....7=.1
  0020: C4 2A CE E5 24 A3 E8 F3   F2 B6 7E 64 BE 32 9E 71  .*..$......d.2.q
  0030: F8 29 81 C4 3F 61 D0 E4   D1 D5 A7 BC 5A 21 D0 B8  .)..?a......Z!..
  0040: F5 5F DD 5E DE 59 79 F8   45 86                    ._.^.Yy.E.
)|DEBUG|91|TCP receiver /|2023-05-05 15:57:37.300 EDT||Plaintext after DECRYPTION (
  0000: CA 02 40 0D 21 00 00 00   01 00 00 00 00 02 02 03  ..@.!...........
  0010: 0B 56 61 6C 75 65 20 69   73 20 38 33 B1 5F 55 64  .Value is 83._Ud
  0020: 00 00 00 00 10 0E AD 11   00                       .........


Tests from other hosts may require firewall openings. For RHEL9, use this get both immediate openings and have them persist a reboot:

# Default UDP search port
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5076/udp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5076/udp --permanent

# Default plain TCP port
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5075/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5075/tcp --permanent

# Default secure (TLS) TCP port
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5076/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5076/tcp --permanent

# Show
sudo firewall-cmd --info-zone=public

Use a Certification Authority

Instead of creating a separate key pair for each server and telling each client to trust all those public server keys, we can use a Certification Authority (CA). That way, clients trust the CA, and you can create individual key pairs for servers without need to distribute their public keys to each client.

For a stand-alone demo, we create our own CA, and make its public certificate available as myca.cer:

keytool -genkeypair -alias myca -keystore ca.p12 -storepass changeit -dname "CN=myca" -keyalg RSA -ext BasicConstraints=ca:true
keytool -list -v                -keystore ca.p12 -storepass changeit
keytool -exportcert -alias myca -keystore ca.p12 -storepass changeit -rfc -file myca.cer
keytool -printcert -file myca.cer

Create a truststore that holds the public certificate of our CA. A client that simply wants to trust any CA-signed certificate could use this, it's equivalent to the TRUSTSTORE from the original example.

keytool -importcert -alias myca  -keystore trust_ca.p12 -storepass changeit -file myca.cer  -noprompt
keytool -list -v                 -keystore trust_ca.p12 -storepass changeit

Now create a server keypair for use by the IOC:

keytool -genkeypair -alias myioc -keystore ioc.p12 -storepass changeit -dname "CN=myioc" -keyalg RSA
keytool -list -v                 -keystore ioc.p12 -storepass changeit

It starts out as a "self-signed certificate" with myioc as both "owner" and "issuer". Create a certificate signing request. The CSR could be sent to a commercial CA, but we sign it with our own CA.

keytool -certreq -alias myioc -keystore ioc.p12 -storepass changeit -file myioc.csr
keytool -gencert -alias myca  -keystore ca.p12  -storepass changeit -ext SubjectAlternativeName=DNS:myioc -ext KeyUsage=digitalSignature -ext ExtendedKeyUsage=serverAuth,clientAuth -infile myioc.csr -outfile myioc.cer
keytool -printcert -file myioc.cer

Import the signed certificate into the ioc keystore. Since ioc.cer is signed by myca, which is not a generally known CA, we will get an error "Failed to establish chain" unless we first import myca.cer to trust out local CA.

keytool -importcert -alias myca  -keystore ioc.p12 -storepass changeit -file myca.cer  -noprompt
keytool -importcert -alias myioc -keystore ioc.p12 -storepass changeit -file myioc.cer
keytool -list -v                 -keystore ioc.p12 -storepass changeit

We can now run the server with EPICS_PVAS_TLS_KEYCHAIN=/path/to/ioc.p12;changeit and clients with EPICS_PVA_TLS_KEYCHAIN=/path/to/trust_ca.p12;changeit.

See for a copy of the essential commands. You can create additional server files ioc1.p12, ioc2.p12 and have each IOC use its own key pair. Clients will trust them without any changes to the trust_ca.p12 as long as the IOC certificates are signed by your CA.

Add client certificate

Using certificates as described so far results in encrypted communication. Clients trust servers either because a server's public key is directly known to the client, or a server's certificate is signed by a CA known to the client. Servers, on the other hand, do not know for certain who the client is. Authentication is handled by the client sending a name, typically based on the user name provided by the operating system. This is called "ca authentication" because it mimics the Channel Access behavior.

By adding a client certificate that is signed by the CA, the client identifies via that signed certificate. This is called "x509 authentication".

Create a client certificate that uses the name "Fred F." for x509 authentication:

keytool -genkeypair -alias myclient -keystore client.p12 -storepass changeit -dname "CN=Fred F." -keyalg RSA
keytool -list -v                 -keystore client.p12 -storepass changeit

Sign the client certificate with the CA and update the client file with that signed certificate:

keytool -certreq -alias myclient -keystore client.p12 -storepass changeit -file myclient.csr
keytool -gencert -alias myca     -keystore ca.p12     -storepass changeit -ext SubjectAlternativeName=DNS:client -ext KeyUsage=digitalSignature -ext ExtendedKeyUsage=serverAuth,clientAuth -infile myclient.csr -outfile myclient.cer
keytool -printcert -file myclient.cer

keytool -importcert -alias myca  -keystore client.p12 -storepass changeit -file myca.cer  -noprompt
keytool -importcert -alias myclient -keystore client.p12 -storepass changeit -file myclient.cer
keytool -list -v                 -keystore client.p12 -storepass changeit

In the last step, note that the file client.p12 uses an "alias" and "DNSName" of "myclient", and an "owner" of CN=Fred F.. The latter "Common Name" listed as the "owner" is used as the client name with x509 authentication.

We can now run the server with EPICS_PVAS_TLS_KEYCHAIN=/path/to/ioc.p12;changeit and a client with EPICS_PVA_TLS_KEYCHAIN=/path/to/client.p12;changeit. The server will identify the client as "Fred F.".

By default, the server supports clients with certificate and x509 authentication, but client certificates are not required. By setting EPICS_PVAS_TLS_OPTIONS="client_cert=require", the server will abort the initial TLS handshake for clients that do not have a certificate.

In total, we now have the following:

  • KEYSTORE, TRUSTSTORE: Server keystore and client truststore from the first, minimalistic example. All IOCs could use the KEYSTORE and all clients the TRUSTSTORE, but example becomes cumbersome when we want to add certificates that are specific to IOCs, or if clients should use x509 authentication.

  • ca.p12: Keystore with public and private key of our Certification Authority (CA). This file needs to be guarded because it allows creating new IOC and client keystores.

  • myca.cer: Public certificate of the CA. Imported into any *.p12 that needs to trust the CA.

  • trust_ca.p12: Truststore with public certificate of the CA. Equivalent to myca.cer, and some tools might directly use myca.cer, but trust_ca.p12 presents it in the commonly used PKCS12 *.p12 file format. Clients can set their EPICS_PVA_TLS_KEYCHAIN to this file to communicate with IOCs, resulting in encryption and "ca" authentication.

  • ioc.p12: Keystore with public and private key of an IOC. The public key certificate is signed by the CA so that clients will trust it. To be used with EPICS_PVAS_TLS_KEYCHAIN of IOCs.

  • myioc.cer, myioc.csr: Public IOC certificate and certificate signing request. Intermediate files used to sign the IOC certificate. May be deleted.

  • client.p12: Keystore with public and private key of a client, providing a client name for x509 authentication. Clients can set their EPICS_PVA_TLS_KEYCHAIN to this file to communicate with IOCs using x509 authentication. If the server runs with EPICS_PVAS_TLS_OPTIONS="client_cert=require", the clients MUST use a client certificate like client.p12. Clients with just trust_ca.p12 will fail during the initial TLS handshake.

  • myclient.cer, myclient.csr: Intermediate files used to sign the client certificate. May be deleted.

The example can be extended by creating one certificate per IOC and one per client, and by adding one or more intermediate CA levels instead of directly signing IOC and client certificates with the "root" CA.