Thank you for contributing to LiSA! We appreciate your contributions, whether they are bug reports, feature suggestions, or code improvements.
Feel free to submit an issue or, even better a pull request, and we’ll review :)
Make sure Python 3.10.x || Python 3.11.x && Node.js >=18 are installed.
Run all commands in the project root.
Powershell is recommended for windows.
- If you are a collaborator, clone the repository.
git clone
- If you are an external contributor, fork this repository to your account and then clone it to your local device.
Create python virtual environment
python -m venv ./venv # OR python3.10 -m venv ./venv
Activate the virtual environment
# For Windows ./venv/Scripts/activate # For Linux & macOS source ./venv/bin/activate
Install the dependencies using the
file.pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Run backend as a separate process
(if you are making changes in the backend directory)
.python backend/
& paste the following contentVITE_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:6969 VITE_SOCKET_URL=ws://localhost:9000
Install yarn
npm i -g yarn
Install node modules
Start dev app
yarn start
Build backend
yarn build:python
Make distributable packages
yarn make # For additional debug logs DEBUG=* yarn make DEBUG=electron-* yarn make