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Smooth Pixel Filtering

A shader snippet allowing for "smooth pixelated" filtering, eliminating most aliasing artifacts. This requires the Filter flag of the texture to be set and supports Mipmapping and Anisotropic Filtering. The effect looks similar to super-sampling but there should be no noticable impact on performance.

Note: Only the shader using "manual" filtering will work on GLES 2


In 2D, this will eliminate aliasing artifacts (often called jitter) on the texture and greatly improve the smoothness of scaled or rotated graphics. Integer scales will remain pixel-perfect while non-integer scales produce a softer, antialiased look. It is useful for the final scaling pass or when rendering low resolution pixel art in a higher resolution game.

Here's a video by Heartbeast showing the effect in motion:

edample 2D example 2D_2x


In 3D the same benefits apply but are often more impactful because of the varying perspective and sometimes steep camera angles.

example 3D


Files Description
SmoothPixel.shader 2D shader
SmoothPixelManual.shader Alternative 2D shader with manual filtering *
SmoothPixel3D.shader 3D example shader for the algorithm

* This one requires you to calculate the width of the filter manually which is a bit cumbersome. It's only recommended for special use cases or when you're having compatibility issues.

The Algorithm

Here's the basic algorithm. The filtering happens automatically and is based on the derivatives of the uv parameter.


  • smp texture sampler
  • uv texture coordinate
  • pixel_size size of one pixel of the texture (1.0 / dimensions)
vec4 texturePointSmooth(sampler2D smp, vec2 uv, vec2 pixel_size)
	vec2 ddx = dFdx(uv);
	vec2 ddy = dFdy(uv);
	vec2 lxy = sqrt(ddx * ddx + ddy * ddy);
	vec2 uv_pixels = uv / pixel_size;
	vec2 uv_pixels_floor = round(uv_pixels) - vec2(0.5);
	vec2 uv_dxy_pixels = uv_pixels - uv_pixels_floor;
	uv_dxy_pixels = clamp((uv_dxy_pixels - vec2(0.5)) * pixel_size / lxy + vec2(0.5), 0.0, 1.0);
	uv = uv_pixels_floor * pixel_size;
	return textureGrad(smp, uv + uv_dxy_pixels * pixel_size, ddx, ddy);