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File metadata and controls

1411 lines (1117 loc) · 66.8 KB

Table of Contents

Example Project

This project provides an example implementation and use of the CubiCapture library module. From this project you can get the basic idea of how to implement the scanning and scan playback with CubiCapture to your app.

For your app the next step would be to upload the scan to your server and use CubiCasa Conversion API.

CubiCapture library module

CubiCapture library module provides a scanning Fragment which can be used to scan a floor plan with an Android device. The scanning Fragment saves scan files into a zip file, which your app can upload to the CubiCasa back-end for processing. CubiCapture also provides a scan playback Fragment which can be used to review the scan and to see any warnings that were shown during the scan, as well as any room labels that were added.

Updating to CubiCapture 3.1.3

  • Update your app to use the CubiCapture 3.1.3 library module
  • Update the app level build.gradle dependencies (see Implementation below)

Note! If you've previously implemented version 3.1.1 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • If you used speech recognition, the RECORD_AUDIO and INTERNET permissions, and android.speech.RecognitionService can be removed from the AndroidManifest.xml
  • Update your scanning Activity to use portrait orientation. Add android:screenOrientation="portrait" to the activity tag of the scanning Activity in the AndroidManifest.xml, and add requestedOrientation = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT to the onCreate() method of the scanning Activity
  • See the changes to the UI, including new scan guides/warnings, the new vertical tilt warning, and the end scan confirmation dialog. Refer to UI settings if you want to customize the colors, drawables, dimensions, or strings, and update your resource values accordingly.
  • Remove window.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON) and CubiCapture.registerCallback(activity: Activity) as these are now handled by the CubiCapture SDK
  • Check if you want to enable the photo capturing option
  • See Release Notes for CubiCapture methods that have been changed to properties, renamed variables, removed views, methods, and properties, and new, changed, and removed status codes. Update your code accordingly

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.10.1 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • Replace the CubiCapture and ScanPlayback <fragment> tags with the <> tags
  • Handle the new status code 107, "Device is too hot to start scanning." to show user an error message after the aborted scan

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.9.0 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • Update your minSdkVersion to API level 29 or higher
  • Rename getFile(code: Int, file: File) and getStatus(code: Int, description: String) methods as as onFile(code: Int, file: File) and onStatus(code: Int, description: String), respectively
  • If you want to disable the low storage warnings, see the new storageWarningsEnabled below General UI settings
  • Check if you want to handle the new status code 103, "Missing callback"

For older update guides, see Archived Update Guides

Release Notes


  • Performance improvements
  • Updated CubiCapture's targetSdkVersion to API level 34
  • Updated dependencies (see Implementation below)


  • Scanning orientation is now portrait
  • Added photo capturing option
  • New UI, scan guides and end scan confirmation dialog
  • Added vertical tilt warning
  • Added camera permission handling
  • Dropped speech recognition and depth capturing
  • Aborting scan if the device is in the wrong orientation for too long
  • Improved drift detection: Scan now aborts if device position shows unnatural "sliding" behavior, while "jumps" do not cause the scan to abort
  • CubiCapture now adds flags to keep the screen on
  • Removed registerCallback(activity: Activity). Callback is now registered automatically
  • setTimerEnabled(enabled: Boolean) is now timerEnabled: Boolean, setBackButtonEnabled(enabled: Boolean) is now backButtonEnabled: Boolean, setRecordButtonEnabled(enabled: Boolean) is now recordButtonEnabled: Boolean, setWarningSound(resId: Int) is now trackingWarningSoundResId: Int, setAutoZippingEnabled(enabled: Boolean) is now autoZippingEnabled: Boolean, and CubiEventListener method getPropertyType(): PropertyType is now propertyType: PropertyType
  • Removed reminder views, hint labels, matchHintLabelWidth: Boolean, requestLocationServices: Boolean, TrueNorth.ENABLED_AND_REQUEST, setNewView(), and setOrderInfo()
  • scanFolderName and allScansFolder renamed as scanDirectoryName and allScansDirectory, respectively
  • Updated dependencies (see Implementation below). Removed com.facebook.shimmer:shimmer dependency
  • New status codes 14, "The device was in the wrong orientation for too long.", 116, "Device position jumped in an unnatural manner.", and CAMERA permission related codes 120-124
  • Changes to status codes 0, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, and 23
  • Removed status codes 20, 22, 31-49, 59, 95-98, and 103


  • CubiCapture and ScanPlayback Fragments now support the <> tag instead of the <fragment> tag
  • Scan is now aborted if the thermal state is critical or higher on startup
  • New status code 107, "Device is too hot to start scanning."
  • Scan data is no longer affected by enabled code shrinking


  • Setting the property type is now required. Added a new CubiEventListener method getPropertyType(): PropertyType which must be used to set the PropertyType
  • propertyType: PropertyType variable is now deprecated
  • getFile(code: Int, file: File) and getStatus(code: Int, description: String) methods renamed as onFile(code: Int, file: File) and onStatus(code: Int, description: String), respectively
  • Added new storageWarningsEnabled variable for enabling/disabling low storage warnings. See General UI settings for more information
  • Added new customization options for processing screen text color and progress bar color. See ccProcessingTextColor and ccProgressBarColor under Colors and alphas
  • New status code 103, "Missing callback"
  • CubiCapture's minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion have been updated to API levels 29 and 33, respectively
  • Updated dependencies (see Implementation below)

For older release notes, see Archived Release Notes


Term Description
Scan The process of capturing the surroundings in indoor space using the phone's camera.
ARCore Google's Augmented Reality library that is used in CubiCapture library for scanning.
Tracking The process of aligning the device to it's surroundings properly. We use ARCore to track where the phone is relative to the world around it.
Sideways walk An error which occurs during a scan when the user walks sideways. Walking sideways makes it hard to track the position of the device and can affect the quality of the scan.


This implementation was made with Android Studio Koala Feature Drop | 2024.1.2 Patch 1 using Gradle plugin version 8.6.1.

Setting up

Start by downloading the Android library module.

Add the CubiCapture library module to your project:

  1. Place the cubicapture-release-3.1.3.aar file to your project's app/libs/ folder.
  2. In Android Studio navigate to: File -> Project Structure -> Dependencies -> app -> In the Declared Dependencies tab, click + and select JAR/AAR Dependency.
  3. In the JAR/AAR Dependency dialog, enter the path as libs/cubicapture-release-3.1.3.aar and select implementation as configuration. -> Press OK, Apply and OK .
  4. Check your app's build.gradle file to confirm a that in contains the following declaration: implementation files('libs/cubicapture-release-3.1.3.aar').

Add the following lines to the app level build.gradle inside the dependencies branch:

implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"
implementation files('libs/cubicapture-release-3.1.3.aar')
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'com.jaredrummler:android-device-names:2.1.1'

// Implement the following if 'CubiCapture.trueNorth' is set to 'ENABLED':
implementation ''

// Implement the following if using 'ScanPlayback':
implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.3.2'
implementation 'androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:1.4.1'

Add CubiCapture fragment to your projects scanning layout .xml file:

    android:layout_height="match_parent" />

To allow your scanning Activity to consume more RAM, to lock screen orientation to portrait and to prevent multiple onCreate() calls add the following code to your AndroidManifest file inside your scanning Activity's activity tag - Example:


Declare a lateinit variable for CubiCapture in your scanning Activity:

private lateinit var cubiCapture: CubiCapture

Initialize the CubiCapture lateinit variable in onCreate():

cubiCapture = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as CubiCapture

Implement CubiEventListener interface to your scanning Activity - Example:

class ExampleActivity : AppCompatActivity(), CubiEventListener

Add the following function to receive status updates from CubiEventListener:

override fun onStatus(code: Int, description: String) { }

Add the following function to receive scan folder and zip file as File from CubiEventListener:

override fun onFile(code: Int, file: File) { }

Set the scan output directory name - Example:

cubiCapture.scanDirectoryName = UUID.randomUUID().toString()

Set the directory where all scan directories will be stored - Example:

cubiCapture.allScansDirectory = getExternalFilesDir(null) ?: filesDir

Set the property type - Example:

val selectedPropertyType: PropertyType = // ...
cubiCapture.propertyType = selectedPropertyType

Possible values for the PropertyType are SINGLE_UNIT_RESIDENTIAL, TOWNHOUSE, APARTMENT, and OTHER.

Add your app's version information to the scan data (optional). Example:

cubiCapture.appVersion = BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME // e.g. String "1.2.3"
cubiCapture.appBuild = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE // e.g. Int 25

Override the onWindowFocusChanged() function to call CubiCapture's onWindowFocusChanged() to allow CubiCapture to handle its processes correctly when the current Window of the activity gains or loses focus:

override fun onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus: Boolean) {
    cubiCapture.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus, this)

You should also prevent Navigation bar back presses during saving. Example:

// Overriding the back press to move the app to background when saving
onBackPressedDispatcher.addOnClickListener(this) {
    if (saving) {
    } else {
    // The saving variable is set to true when onStatus() receives code 2.

You should check that the device has ARCore installed and that it's up-to-date before starting the scanning activity.

Scanning requires the CAMERA permission to be granted. The permission is already declared in the library's manifest. Upon start, CubiCapture checks whether the permission is granted and shows a missing permission view if it is not.

To declare your app to be AR Required, add the following entry to your AndroidManifest.xml file inside the application tag:

<!-- "AR Required" app, requires "Google Play Services for AR" (ARCore)
to be installed, as the app does not include any non-AR features. -->
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="required" />

Remember to always call finish() when your activity is done and should be closed to avoid memory leaks. You should call finish() when you receive status code 5 or 19.

True north detection

True north detection can be used to enable the CubiCapture to capture the heading relative to the "true north" to the scan. This information can then be used to add the information the floor plan (e.g. compass). In order to the true north data to be collected, the Location Services must be turned on and the location permission must be granted. No position data is collected by the CubiCapture.

True north detection trueNorth has the following two settings:

Name Description
TrueNorth.DISABLED True north detection disabled
TrueNorth.ENABLED True north detection enabled

Example, where we enable the true north detection:

cubiCapture.trueNorth = TrueNorth.ENABLED

trueNorth is set to TrueNorth.ENABLED by default.

If you are going to use true north detection you need to declare the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permissions in your app's manifest file, and request the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission before the scan. You also need to implement the Google Play services' location library by adding it to the app level build.gradle dependencies (see the build.gradle implementation in the start of Implementation above).

Get available storage space estimation

getAvailableStorageMinutes(File) is a function which returns an estimation in minutes of the maximum scan length the device can store. This will be useful in a case where user's available storage space is running low and you want to inform the user about it before starting your scanning activity.


val availableMinutes = CubiCapture().getAvailableStorageMinutes(mainStorage)
if (availableMinutes <= 60) {

Scan playback

Scan playback is a Fragment which can be used to review the scan and to see any warnings that were shown during the scan, as well as any room labels that were added. The Fragment has a media control panel that can be used to play/pause, jump between scan events and video frames one by one. All the scan events can be found in the Events list, which can be used to easily jump between the events. The active events are displayed in the area above the Events list. The video playback speed can be changed from the top bar which appears when the video is in paused state.

To implement the ScanPlayback, first add the required dependencies (see Implementation).

Add ScanPlayback fragment to your projects scan playback's XML layout file:

	android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Declare a lateinit variable for ScanPlayback in your scan playback Activity:

private lateinit var scanPlayback: ScanPlayback

Initialize the ScanPlayback lateinit variable in onCreate():

scanPlayback = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as ScanPlayback

Implement ScanPlaybackListener interface to your scan playback Activity - Example:

class ViewScanActivity : AppCompatActivity(), ScanPlaybackListener

Add the following function to receive updates when the playing state changes (playing/paused):

override fun onIsPlayingChanged(isPlaying: Boolean) { }

Set the scan folder of the scan you want to playback with setScanFolder(scanFolder: File) in onCreate(). This function will return true if the scan folder has a video file, otherwise false. Example:


Set on View.OnClickListener for the top bar's back button. Example:

scanPlayback.setOnBackButtonClickListener {

Photo capturing

Starting with release 3.1.1, the CubiCapture SDK now includes the option to enable users to take photos during scanning. These photos are included in the scan directory and the scan zip file.

Enable or disable photo capturing (disabled by default):

cubiCapture.photoCapturingEnabled = true

Safe mode

Safe mode can be used to disable the ARCore's Depth API to prevent any native ARCore crashes caused by any possible bugs in ARCore's Depth API. We recommend implementing a Safe mode setting to your app. The setting should only be visible to users with a Depth API supported device, and user should enable the Safe mode if they are experiencing stability issues while scanning. Enabling the Safe mode will disable the Depth API and Too close -warning.

To check if the device is Depth API supported, check the value of depthApiSupported: Boolean after receiving code 1 from onStatus(code: Int, description: String). Save this value to, for example, SharedPreferences. And then use the saved value to determine if the Safe mode setting should be visible to the user or not.

Then enable or disable the Safe mode based on the user's selection. Example:

val settings = getSharedPreferences("settings", 0)
cubiCapture.safeMode = settings.getBoolean("safeMode", false)

safeMode: Boolean is set to false by default. Value is ignored on devices which do not support Depth API, because the Depth API and Too close -warning is disabled on those devices by default.

Warning sound

Warning sound is played when the ARCore's TrackingState is not TRACKING.

To change the tracking warning sound call:

cubiCapture.trackingWarningSoundResId = R.raw.new_warning_sound

Automatic and manual zipping

Enable or disable automatic zipping after scan (enabled by default):

cubiCapture.autoZippingEnabled = false

Manually zip the scan folder if automatic zipping is disabled. Call this after scan files are saved successfully. Returns the Zip file if successful, or null if zipping failed.

val zipFile = cubiCapture.zipScan(scanFolderPath) // Pass scan folder path as String

Manual zipping zipScan() method expects the scan folder to contain the following files; arkitData.json, config.json and video.mp4. If any of the files above doesn't exist, zipScan() returns null.

Here's an example directory structure where zipScan() method would successfully zip the scan directories ScanDirectoryA and ScanDirectoryB:

└── AllScansDirectory
    ├── ScanDirectoryA
    │   ├── arkitData.json
    │   ├── config.json
    │   ├── video.mp4
    │   ├── feedback.json
    │   └── scanLog.json
    │   └── photo_capturer.json
    └── ScanDirectoryB
        ├── arkitData.json
        ├── config.json
        ├── video.mp4
        ├── feedback.json
        └── scanLog.json
        └── photo_capturer.json

Note that the photo_capturer.json will be only present if photos were taken.

UI settings


Show or hide the scan timer (visible by default):

cubiCapture.timerEnabled = false

Show or hide CubiCapture's back button (visible by default):

cubiCapture.backButtonEnabled = false

Enable or disable the record button (enabled by default):

cubiCapture.recordButtonEnabled = false

Enable or disable low storage warnings (enabled by default):

cubiCapture.storageWarningsEnabled = false

Colors and alphas

To change the colors or alphas of the default CubiCapture graphics you have to redefine the default colors in your applications colors.xml file.

Here's all the default colors and alphas defined in CubiCapture library:

<!-- Scan and processing view texts colors -->
<color name="cc_scan_text_color">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="cc_processing_text_color">#FFFFFF</color>

<!-- Scan back button background color. Only visible when fullscreen guide is shown -->
<color name="cc_scan_button_back_color">#131619</color>

<!-- Scan timer background color -->
<color name="cc_scan_timer_background_color">#B62138</color>

<!-- Recording button colors -->
<color name="cc_record_button_inner_color">#B62138</color>
<color name="cc_record_button_outer_color">#FFFFFF</color>

<!-- Scan top guide colors -->
<color name="cc_guide_top_warning_solid_color">#5E1B2B</color>
<color name="cc_guide_top_warning_stroke_color">#ECA80D</color>
<color name="cc_guide_top_info_solid_color">#1D4357</color>
<color name="cc_guide_top_info_stroke_color">#5DB2A7</color>

<!-- Request permission button background and text color -->
<color name="cc_permission_request_button_background_color">#FDFDFD</color>
<color name="cc_permission_request_button_text_color">#131619</color>

<!-- Scan dialog background and button colors -->
<color name="cc_dialog_background_color">#0C2F46</color>
<color name="cc_dialog_button_positive_text_color">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="cc_dialog_button_negative_text_color">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="cc_dialog_button_positive_gradient_start_color">#1D4357</color>
<color name="cc_dialog_button_positive_gradient_end_color">#008674</color>
<color name="cc_dialog_button_negative_stroke_color">#FFFFFF</color>

<!-- Processing view progress bar color -->
<color name="cc_processing_progress_bar_color">#FFFFFF</color>

<!-- Scan playback text color for events and playback speed spinner -->
<color name="ccPlaybackMainTextColor">#FFFFFF</color>

<!-- Scan playback text color for "Events", "Frame" and "Time" texts -->
<color name="ccPlaybackControllerTextColor">#569789</color>

<!-- Scan playback main background color -->
<color name="ccPlaybackBackgroundColor">#071d29</color>

<!-- Scan playback top bar background color -->
<color name="ccPlaybackTopBarBackgroundColor">#80071d29</color>

<!-- Scan playback events container background color -->
<color name="ccEventsContainerBackgroundColor">#80071d29</color>

<!-- Scan playback controller background color -->
<color name="ccPlaybackControllerBackgroundColor">#163241</color>

<!-- Scan playback controller button tint -->
<color name="ccPlaybackControllerButtonTint">#569789</color>

<!-- Scan playback event colors -->
<color name="ccPlaybackWarningColor">#B85E1B2B</color>
<color name="ccPlaybackSpaceLabelColor">#B8569789</color>

<!-- Scan playback timeline colors -->
<color name="ccTimelineBackgroundColor">#3A3A3A</color>
<color name="ccTimelineWarningColor">#B85E1B2B</color>
<color name="ccTimelineSpaceLabelColor">#B8569789</color>
<color name="ccTimelineThumbColor">#FFFFFF</color>

<!-- Scan playback scrollbar color -->
<color name="ccPlaybackScrollbarColor">#FFFFFF</color>

For example, if you want to change the color and alpha of the scan timer's background, you can define the new color in your applications colors.xml file like so:

<!-- Scan timer background color -->
<color name="cc_scan_timer_background_color">#FF000000</color>

The colors can be defined with color notation #RRGGBBs or with a color notation including a hexadecimal alpha value #AARRGGBBs.


To change the CubiCapture's default layout sizes, margins and text sizes you have to override the library's default dimensions by defining the dimensions in your applications dimens.xml file. To override the library's default dimensions, you need to have the dimens.xml file created to the values directory where the colors.xml file is as well.

Here's all the default dimensions defined in CubiCapture library:

    Scan back button padding, background radius and background margin

    - Scan back button's width and height wraps the content
    - Scan timer is constrained to vertically center the scan back button
    - Scan back button's background margin is applied to the original background drawable item
<dimen name="cc_scan_button_back_padding">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_scan_button_back_background_radius">10dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_scan_button_back_background_margin">12dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan timer vertical and horizontal paddings and background radius  -->
<dimen name="cc_scan_timer_padding_vertical">4dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_scan_timer_padding_horizontal">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_scan_timer_background_radius">36dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan top guide horizontal and top margins and vertical and horizontal paddings -->
<dimen name="cc_guide_top_margin_top">12dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_guide_top_margin_horizontal">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_guide_top_padding_vertical">12dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_guide_top_padding_horizontal">16dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan top guide icon height -->
<dimen name="cc_guide_top_icon_height">48dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan top guide text margins -->
<dimen name="cc_guide_top_text_margin_start">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_guide_top_info_text_margin_top">4dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan top guide background radius and stroke width -->
<dimen name="cc_guide_top_background_radius">8dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_guide_top_background_stroke_width">2dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan fullscreen guide padding -->
<dimen name="cc_guide_fullscreen_padding">32dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan fullscreen guide icon height -->
<dimen name="cc_guide_fullscreen_icon_height">72dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan fullscreen guide text margins -->
<dimen name="cc_guide_fullscreen_title_text_margin_top">32dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_guide_fullscreen_info_text_margin_top">16dp</dimen>

<!-- Record button size and margin bottom -->
<dimen name="cc_button_record_size">64dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_button_record_margin_bottom">32dp</dimen>

<!-- Photo capture button and thumbnail image size, and photo capture button icon size -->
<dimen name="cc_button_capture_image_size">48dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_button_capture_icon_size">24dp</dimen>

<!-- Request permission button radius, padding horizontal and margin top -->
<dimen name="cc_permission_request_button_radius">100dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_permission_request_button_padding_horizontal">32dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_permission_request_button_margin_top">32dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan dialog dimensions -->
<dimen name="cc_dialog_padding">32dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_dialog_margin">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_dialog_info_text_margin_top">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_dialog_button_positive_margin_top">24dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_dialog_button_negative_margin_top">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_dialog_background_radius">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_dialog_button_radius">100dp</dimen>
<dimen name="cc_dialog_button_negative_stroke_width">1dp</dimen>

<!-- Processing view progress bar size scale -->
<dimen name="cc_progress_bar_size_scale">1.6</dimen>

<!-- Processing view processing text margin -->
<dimen name="cc_processing_text_margin">16dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan timer text size -->
<dimen name="cc_text_size_scan_timer">14dp</dimen>

<!-- Heading 1 text size -->
<dimen name="cc_text_size_heading_1">20dp</dimen>

<!-- Heading 2 text size -->
<dimen name="cc_text_size_heading_2">16dp</dimen>

<!-- Body 1 text size -->
<dimen name="cc_text_size_body_1">16dp</dimen>

<!-- Body 2 text size -->
<dimen name="cc_text_size_body_2">14dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan playback controller button width percent -->
<dimen name="cc_controller_button_width_percent">0.10</dimen>

<!-- Scan playback small text size (Used for all texts except active events) -->
<dimen name="cc_playback_text_size_small">14dp</dimen>

<!-- Scan playback big text size (Used for active events) -->
<dimen name="cc_playback_text_size_big">20dp</dimen>

For example, if you want to change the size of the record button, you can define the new size in your application's dimens.xml file like this:

<dimen name="cc_button_record_size">80dp</dimen>


To change CubiCapture's default texts you have to override the library's default strings by redefining the strings in your applications strings.xml file.

Here's all the default texts defined in CubiCapture library:

<!-- Displayed when the ARCore is initializing -->
<string name="cc_tracking_initializing_title">Start scanning</string>
<string name="cc_tracking_initializing_info">Move your device so we can begin tracking your position</string>

<!-- Displayed if tracking is lost due to excessive motion -->
<string name="cc_tracking_excessive_motion_title">Slow down</string>
<string name="cc_tracking_excessive_motion_info">You are moving too fast, try to move the device more slowly</string>

<!-- Displayed if tracking is lost due to insufficient visual features -->
<string name="cc_tracking_insufficient_features_title">Not enough visual features</string>
<string name="cc_tracking_insufficient_features_info">We have trouble tracking your position</string>

<!-- Displayed if tracking is lost due to poor lighting conditions -->
<string name="cc_tracking_insufficient_lighting_title">It is too dark here</string>
<string name="cc_tracking_insufficient_lighting_info">Please turn on the lights if possible</string>

<!-- Displayed if the user is walking sideways -->
<string name="cc_guide_sideways_title">Do not walk sideways</string>
<string name="cc_guide_sideways_left_info">Turn left and point the camera in your walking direction</string>
<string name="cc_guide_sideways_right_info">Turn right and point the camera in your walking direction</string>

<!-- Displayed title and info text for the rotate warning -->
<string name="cc_guide_rotate_title">Rotate your device</string>
<string name="cc_guide_rotate_info">Keep your device in an upright (portrait) orientation</string>

<!-- Displayed if the device is tilted forward too much -->
<string name="cc_guide_raise_device_title">Raise the device</string>
<string name="cc_guide_raise_device_info">You are pointing too much at the floor. Please raise the device a bit</string>

<!-- Displayed if the user is rotating/turning too fast -->
<string name="cc_guide_fast_rotation_title">You are turning too fast</string>
<string name="cc_guide_fast_rotation_info">Avoid fast turns for best scanning results</string>

<!-- Displayed if the user is scanning too close to objects -->
<string name="cc_guide_too_close_title">You are too close</string>
<string name="cc_guide_too_close_info">Keep more distance from the objects you are scanning</string>

<!-- Displayed if the device's storage space is running low -->
<string name="cc_guide_low_storage_title">Low on storage</string>
<!-- Note! Always include the %1$d in the info string! -->
<string name="cc_guide_low_storage_info">Only %1$d minutes of scanning time left</string>

<!-- Displayed if the device experiences thermal throttling -->
<string name="cc_guide_throttling_title">Your device is getting hot</string>
<string name="cc_guide_throttling_info">You can continue scanning but go slowly</string>

<!-- Displayed if camera permission is not granted -->
<string name="cc_permission_camera_title">No camera access</string>
<string name="cc_permission_camera_info">Cannot scan without camera permission. Please allow access to the camera</string>

<!-- Displayed if permission is not granted -->
<string name="cc_permission_request_button_text">Turn on</string>

<!-- Displayed if record button is pressed to finish scan -->
<string name="cc_dialog_finish_scan_title">Finish scan?</string>
<string name="cc_dialog_finish_scan_info">Are you sure you want to finish this scan?</string>

<!-- Displayed if back button is pressed to cancel scan -->
<string name="cc_dialog_cancel_scan_title">Cancel scan?</string>
<string name="cc_dialog_cancel_scan_info">Are you sure you want to cancel this scan?</string>

<!-- Displayed positive and negative texts for scan dialogs -->
<string name="cc_dialog_button_positive_text">Yes</string>
<string name="cc_dialog_button_negative_text">No</string>

<!-- Displayed in the processing view after recording is finished -->
<string name="cc_processing_text">Processing scan.\nPlease do not exit the application.</string>

<!-- Scan playback speed spinner text. Always include the %1$s in the string!-->
<string name="cc_playback_speed_text">Playback speed: %1$s</string>
<!-- Scan playback speed spinner text for normal speed -->
<string name="cc_playback_normal_speed_text">Normal</string>

<!-- Scan playback events header text -->
<string name="cc_playback_events_header_text">Events</string>

<!-- Scan playback frame text. Always include the %1$s in the string!-->
<string name="cc_playback_frame_text">Frame: %1$s</string>
<!-- Scan playback time text. Always include the %1$s in the string!-->
<string name="cc_playback_time_text">Time: %1$s</string>

<!-- Scan playback active event texts -->
<string name="cc_playback_excessive_motion">Moving too fast</string>
<string name="cc_playback_insufficient">Insufficient lighting or features</string>
<string name="cc_playback_sideways">Walking sideways</string>
<string name="cc_playback_floor">Scanning floor</string>
<string name="cc_playback_ceiling">Scanning ceiling</string>
<string name="cc_playback_horizontal">Scanning horizontally</string>
<string name="cc_playback_wrong_orientation">Wrong device orientation</string>
<string name="cc_playback_fast_rotation">Turning too fast</string>
<string name="cc_playback_too_close">Too close</string>

Drawable graphics

To change CubiCapture's default drawables you have to override them by redefining the drawables in your applications drawables.xml file. You need to have the drawables.xml file created to the values directory where the colors.xml file is as well.

Here's all the default drawables defined in CubiCapture library:

    Scan back button icon and background.
    Note: Background is only visible when fullscreen guide is shown
<drawable name="cc_scan_button_back_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_arrow_left</drawable>
<drawable name="cc_scan_button_back_background">@drawable/cc_back_button_background</drawable>

<!-- Scan timer background -->
<drawable name="cc_scan_timer_background">@drawable/cc_timer_background</drawable>

<!-- Record button -->
<drawable name="cc_not_recording">@drawable/cc_icon_not_recording</drawable>
<drawable name="cc_recording">@drawable/cc_icon_recording</drawable>

<!-- Displayed when the ARCore is initializing -->
<drawable name="cc_tracking_initializing_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_start_scanning</drawable>

<!-- Displayed if tracking is lost due to excessive motion -->
<drawable name="cc_tracking_excessive_motion_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_excessive_motion</drawable>

<!-- Displayed if tracking is lost due to insufficient visual features -->
<drawable name="cc_tracking_insufficient_features_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_insufficient_features</drawable>

<!-- Displayed if tracking is lost due to poor lighting conditions -->
<drawable name="cc_tracking_insufficient_lighting_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_insufficient_lighting</drawable>

<!-- Displayed if the user is walking sideways -->
<drawable name="cc_guide_sideways_left_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_turn_left</drawable>
<drawable name="cc_guide_sideways_right_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_turn_right</drawable>

<!-- Displayed icons for the rotate warning -->
<drawable name="cc_guide_rotate_90_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_rotate_device_90</drawable>
<drawable name="cc_guide_rotate_180_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_rotate_device_180</drawable>
<drawable name="cc_guide_rotate_270_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_rotate_device_270</drawable>

<!-- Displayed if the device is tilted forward too much -->
<drawable name="cc_guide_raise_device_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_raise_device</drawable>

<!-- Displayed if the user is rotating/turning too fast -->
<drawable name="cc_guide_fast_rotation_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_fast_rotation</drawable>

<!-- Displayed if the user is scanning too close to objects -->
<drawable name="cc_guide_too_close_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_too_close</drawable>

<!-- Displayed if the device's storage space is running low -->
<drawable name="cc_guide_low_storage_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_low_storage</drawable>

<!-- Displayed if the device experiences thermal throttling -->
<drawable name="cc_guide_throttling_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_device_hot</drawable>

<!-- Displayed if camera permission is not granted -->
<drawable name="cc_permission_camera_icon">@drawable/cc_icon_camera</drawable>

<!-- Top warning and info guide backgrounds -->
<drawable name="cc_guide_top_warning_background">@drawable/cc_top_warning_background</drawable>
<drawable name="cc_guide_top_info_background">@drawable/cc_top_info_background</drawable>

<!-- Fullscreen warning guide background, which is just a color by default -->
<drawable name="cc_guide_fullscreen_warning_background">#B85E1B2B</drawable>

<!-- Permission request button background -->
<drawable name="cc_permission_request_button_background">@drawable/cc_request_permission_button_background</drawable>

<!-- Scan dialog background and button backgrounds -->
<drawable name="cc_dialog_background">@drawable/cc_scan_dialog_background</drawable>
<drawable name="cc_dialog_button_positive_background">@drawable/cc_dialog_positive_button_background</drawable>
<drawable name="cc_dialog_button_negative_background">@drawable/cc_dialog_negative_button_background</drawable>

<!-- Scan view background color, which is just a color by default  -->
<drawable name="cc_scan_background">#0C2F46</drawable>

<!-- Processing screen background, which is just a color by default -->
<drawable name="cc_processing_background">#0C2F46</drawable>

<!-- Scan playback timeline thumb -->
<drawable name="cc_timeline_thumb">@drawable/cc_thumb_original</drawable>

<!-- Scan playback back arrow -->
<drawable name="cc_playback_back_arrow">@drawable/cc_icon_arrow_left</drawable>

For example, if you want to change the default record button drawable graphics to your own drawables, you need place your new record button drawable files to your applications drawable directory and then define the drawables in your applications drawables.xml file like so:

<drawable name="cc_not_recording">@drawable/not_recording_new</drawable>
<drawable name="cc_recording">@drawable/recording_new</drawable>

About warning priorities

During a scan, CubiCapture shows a warning to the user if it detects bad scanning styles or any issues with the tracking. All the warnings are divided into priority level groups. Higher priority warnings will override and hide any lower priority warning in order to only show the higher priority warning. Priority level 1 is the highest priority, 2 is the second highest priority and so on.

Priority level Warnings
1 Not tracking*
2 Rotate device
3 Sideways walking, Fast rotation, Too close
4 Device is tilted forward too much
5 Low storage, Device is hot

*Not tracking: ARCore's TrackingState is not TRACKING, and the position of the device can not be determined. In this case, CubiCapture shows a tracking warning (e.g., insufficient visual features warning) so that we can get the device tracking again as quickly as possible.

Status codes

0, "Device turned to correct orientation."

Received when the device is turned to portrait orientation.

1, "Started recording."

Received when the scan is started by pressing the record button.

2, "Finished recording."

Received when user has ended the scan and scan has enough data. The saving of the scan files begins after this.

3, "Finished recording - Not enough data."

Received when user has ended the scan and scan does not have enough data. The scan files will be deleted (code 15) and CubiCapture will be finished after this (code 5).

4, "Saving of scan files finished. (Beginning to zip files.)"

Received when the saving of the scan files is finished. Receiving this code means that the scan has data and scan files are successfully saved without errors. If auto zipping is enabled, zipping will start after this.

5, "CubiCapture is finished. You can now finish your scanning Activity."

You will always receive this code after a scan. To determine if the scan was successful or not you have to handle the codes received before this code, e.g. codes 4 and 7.

For example; When a scan is successful, before code 5 you will receive a code 4 for successful saving of scan data, and then a code 7 for successful zipping of the scan files (if you have auto zipping enabled). When a scan is not successful you will not receive code 4, but instead you will receive an error code (e.g. code 3, "Finished recording - Not enough data.").

6, "Scan folder: $folderPath"

Received when the saving of the scan files is finished. The description will contain a path to the scan directory. To receive the scan directory as a File use the CubiEventListener's onFile(code: Int, file: File) method where code 1 receives the scan directory.

7, "Zipping is done. Zip file: $zipFilePath"

Received when the zipping of the scan files is finished. The description will contain a path to the zip file. To receive the zip file as a File use the CubiEventListener's onFile(code: Int, file: File) method where code 2 receives the zip file.

8, "ARCore TrackingFailureReason: INSUFFICIENT_LIGHT"

Received when ARCore motion tracking is lost due to poor lighting conditions.

9, "ARCore TrackingFailureReason: EXCESSIVE_MOTION"

Received when ARCore motion tracking is lost due to excessive motion.

10, "ARCore TrackingFailureReason: INSUFFICIENT_FEATURES"

Received when ARCore motion tracking is lost due to insufficient visual features.

11, "ARCore TrackingState is TRACKING."

Received when ARCore is tracking again.

12, "MediaFormat and MediaCodec failed to be configured and started."

Received if MediaFormat and MediaCodec fails to be configured and started when record button is pressed for the first time. You will receive code 5 after this.

13, "Device position is sliding in an unnatural manner."

Received if the position of the device is "sliding" in an unnatural manner. The scan files will be deleted (code 15) and CubiCapture will be finished after this (code 5).

14, "The device was in the wrong orientation for too long."

The device was in the wrong orientation for too long. The scan files will be deleted (code 15) and CubiCapture will be finished after this (code 5).

15, "Error shutdown. Deleting scan folder: $folder-path

Received when the scan is not successful. The scan files are deleted and CubiCapture will be finished after this (code 5).

16, "Device needs to be in correct orientation in order to start recording."

Received when the record button is pressed, but recording cannot be started because the device is not in the correct orientation.

17, "Device is in the wrong orientation."

Received when the device is in the wrong orientation.

18, "Playing warning sound."

Received when an warning sound is played and ARCore motion tracking is lost (codes 8, 9 and 10). Only received if the ARCore was tracking before the tracking is lost to avoid playing the error sound multiple times in a row. (The ARCore TrackingFailureReason might change (between codes 8, 9 and 10) during a short period of time).

19, "Back button press confirmed"

Received when the CubiCapture's back button press is confirmed via dialog. You should call Activity.finish().

21, "Tilting too far down."

Received when the pitch of the camera has been too low for a certain amount of time.

23, "Tilt angle optimal."

Received when the pitch of the camera is optimal again.

24, "ARCore TrackingState is PAUSED."

Received when ARCore's TrackingState is PAUSED and pitch of the camera cannot be calculated. The ceiling or the floor warning to hidden.

25, "Walking sideways. Displaying turn left warning."

Received when the user is walking sideways to the left while the camera is pointing forward.

26, "Walking sideways. Displaying turn right warning."

Received when the user is walking sideways to the right while the camera is pointing forward.

27, "Not walking sideways anymore."

Received when the user is not walking sideways anymore.

28, "ARCore was unable to start tracking during the first five seconds."

Received if the ARCore is unable to start tracking during the first five seconds. The scan files will be deleted (code 15) and CubiCapture will be finished after this (code 5).

50, "MediaMuxer.writeSampleData Exception: $exception"

Received if the video encoder fails to write an encoded sample into the muxer.

51, "Zipping failed! You can try zipping again with .zipScan($scanFolderPath)"

Received if the automatic zipping fails.

52, "Exception on the OpenGL thread: $throwable"

Received if there's an exception on the OpenGL thread.

53, "Failed to read an asset file: $exception"

Received if camera video preview surface fails to be initialized.

54, "Writing of scan data failed: $exception"

Received if the writing of the scan data fails. The scan files will be deleted (code 15) and CubiCapture will be finished after this (code 5).

55, "InputBuffer IllegalStateException: $exception"

Received if the input buffer is not in Executing state.

56, "MediaCodec.stop() exception: $exception"

Received if the finishing of the encode session fails.

57, "MediaMuxer.stop() exception: $exception"

Received if the stopping of the muxer fails.

58, "MediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer() exception: $exception"

Received if the releasing of the output buffer fails.

60, "dequeueOutputBuffer IllegalStateException: $exception"

Received if dequeuing an output buffer fails.

61, "getOutputBuffer IllegalStateException: $exception"

Received if the getting of the output buffer fails.

62, "queueInputBuffer IllegalStateException: $exception"

Received if queueing an input buffer to the codec fails.

64, "Unable to start saving. Error: $error"

Received if the conditions for saving are not met. The scan files will be deleted (code 15) and CubiCapture will be finished after this (code 5).

65, "Frame processing exception: $exception"

Received if the frame processing fails.

66, "Unable to get correct values for the device's position."

Received if ARCore has been unable to return correct values for the device's position for a certain amount of time. The scan files will be deleted (code 15) and CubiCapture will be finished after this (code 5).

67, "Location Services are off."

Received if the device has Location Services turned off on start. Only received if true north detection is enabled and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission is granted.

68, "Not able to get true north because Location Services were still off once recording was started."

Received if the device had Location Services turned off once recording was started. Only received if true north detection is enabled and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission is granted.

69, "Sensor is reporting true north data with low or unreliable accuracy. Not saving these true north values."

Received if the sensor is reporting true north data with low or unreliable accuracy. These values cannot be trusted so true north detection is not saving these values. Only received if true north detection is enabled and running.

70, "Thermal state nominal"

Received if thermal state changes to nominal.

71, "Thermal state light"

Received if thermal state changes to light.

72, "Thermal state moderate"

Received if thermal state changes to moderate.

73, "Thermal state severe"

Received if thermal state changes to severe.

74, "Thermal state critical"

Received if thermal state changes to critical.

75, "Thermal state emergency"

Received if thermal state changes to emergency.

76, "Thermal state shutdown"

Received if thermal state changes to shutdown.

78, "Storage: $minutes minutes left"

Received once on start when the fragment's activity has been created and in certain intervals during a scan while recording. minutes: Int is an estimation in minutes of the maximum scan length the device can store.

79, "Device ran out of storage space"

Received if the device runs out of storage space while scanning. The scan files will be deleted (code 15) and CubiCapture will be finished after this (code 5).

85, "Scanning too close. Showing proximity warning."

Received if the user is scanning too close to objects

87, "Too fast rotations. Showing fast movement warning."

Received when the user turns around too fast while scanning.

88, "Scan range normal. Hiding proximity warning."

Received when the user is not scanning too close to objects anymore.

89, "Not moving too fast anymore."

Received when the user is not turning around too fast anymore.

90, "Failed to write scan log data. $exception"

Received if writing of the scanLog.json file to scan folder fails.

91, "Failed to write feedback data. $exception"

Received if writing of the feedback.json file to scan folder fails.

92, "Gyroscope sensor not available. Not able to detect fast movements."

Received if there's no gyroscope sensor available. CubiCapture will not be able to detect fast movements.

93, "Proximity detection exception: $exception"

Received if the proximity detection fails.

94, "Rotation vector sensor is not supported. Using accelerometer and magnetometer instead."

Received if the rotation vector sensor is not supported on device. True north data will be acquired by using accelerometer and magnetometer instead.

100, "ARCore session is initializing"

Received if the ARCore session is initializing normally.

101, "ARCore session is initialized"

Received if the ARCore session is initialized and ARCore's TrackingState is TRACKING. Only received when the recording has not been started. While recording, status code 11 is received instead.

102, "ARCore session has to be initialized first in order to start recording."

Received when the record button is pressed and recording cannot be started because ARCore session is still initializing.

105, "Unable to create ARCore session. Error: $error"

Received if an internal error occurred while creating the ARCore session. You will receive code 5 after this.

106, "Device is not compatible with ARCore."

Received if the device is not compatible with ARCore. If encountered after completing the installation check, this usually indicates that ARCore has been side-loaded onto an incompatible device. You will receive code 5 after this.

107, "Device is too hot to start scanning."

Received if the thermal state is critical or higher on startup. You will receive code 5 after this.

116, "Device position jumped in an unnatural manner."

Received if the position of the device "jumps" in an unnatural manner. Note that this does NOT abort the scan.

120, "CAMERA permission is not granted."

Received when the CAMERA permission is not granted.

121, "Launching application settings to grant CAMERA permission."

Received when the camera permission view's permission request button is pressed, launching the application settings.

122, "Requesting CAMERA permission."

Received when the camera permission view's permission request button is pressed, prompting the CAMERA permission request through the Android OS permission dialog.

123, "User granted CAMERA permission."

Received when the CAMERA permission is granted through the Android OS permission dialog. Note that this is not received if the permission is granted through the application settings.

124, "User denied CAMERA permission."

Received when the CAMERA permission is denied through the Android OS permission dialog. Note that this is not received if the permission is denied through the application settings.

Archived Update Guides

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.8.0 you've probably done the next steps already:

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.6.0 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • If you want to implement the new scan playback Fragment to your application, see Scan playback and new resources for customization

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.5.2 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • Change your CubiCapture.CubiEventListener interface implementation to CubiEventListener
  • Check if you want to handle the new status codes: 70-76, 90 and 94
  • In previous library module documentation there was a typo where status code 88 was written as 86. If you handle code 86, change it to 88. This code is received when the user is not scanning too close to objects anymore and the too close warning is hidden.

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.5.1 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • See Archived Release Notes if you want to customize CubiCapture's text sizes, or the size of the processing progress bar

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.5.0 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • Customization of the CubiCapture has changed. See Archived Release Notes for information about deprecations and how the CubiCapture is customized now
  • Check if you want to handle the new status codes: 85, 88 and 93

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.4.0 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • Remove deprecated feedbackGatheringEnabled: Boolean if you used it
  • Check if you want to handle the new status codes (codes 87, 89, 92, 105 and 106)

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.3.1 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • Set allScansDirectory: File which replaced allScansFolderName: String (see Implementation)
  • If you want to get an estimation in minutes of the maximum scan length the device can store, see Archived Release Notes for more information
  • Check if you want to handle the new status codes (codes 78, 91 and 100-102)

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.3.0 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • See how to enable/disable the true north detection (see Implementation)
  • Check if you want to handle the new status codes 67-69

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.2.2 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • If you want to set the enabled status of the record button View see Archived Release Notes for more information

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.2.1 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • Check if you want to handle the new status codes 65 and 66
  • See if you want to add information about your app's version to be written to the scan data (see variables appVersion and appBuild from Implementation)

Note! If you've previously implemented version 2.2.0 you've probably done the next steps already:

  • Remove calls to CubiCapture lifecycle functions resume(), pause(), stop() and destroy()
  • Check if you want to handle the new status codes 60-64

Archived Release Notes


  • Re-enabled Too close -warning for Depth API supported devices
  • Added new safeMode variable for enabling/disabling Depth API. See Safe mode for more information
  • Aborting scan when device runs out of storage space
  • New status code 79, "Device ran out of storage space"
  • Margins of the scan back button now match the margins of the scan timer
  • Updated dependencies (see Implementation below)


  • Ceiling warning adjustments
  • Updated dependencies (see Implementation)


  • Property type can now be added to the scan data with the new variable propertyType: PropertyType
  • Patch to prevent majority of the native ARCore crashes. Too close -warning is disabled for the time being and will be enabled again once Google has fixed the issue
  • Updated dependencies (see Implementation)
  • Various bug fixes


  • Bug fix: Fixed record button not being vertically centered when speech recognition was disabled


  • New scan playback Fragment available, which can be used to review the scan and to see any warnings that were shown during the scan, as well as any room labels that were added. See Scan playback for more information
  • Reminder view for microphone and location permission. See Reminder view for more information
  • New customization resources for scan playback and reminder view
  • Resource names open_settings_text, cc_location_background, cc_location_reminder_text_size and location_services_reminder_text renamed as cc_open_location_settings_text, cc_reminder_background, cc_reminder_text_size and cc_location_services_reminder_text
  • Default processing background cc_processing_background is now a color (previously a PNG format image)
  • CubiCapture's targetSdkVersion has been updated to API level 31
  • New status codes: 95-98. Changes to the status codes 37 and 38
  • Updated dependencies and added new dependencies for the scan playback (see Implementation)
  • Various bug fixes and optimizations


  • Thermal state monitoring. Changes in thermal state can be listened by using status codes 70-76
  • Scan log (extra information about the scanning session, included in the zip)
  • Changes to the click area of the CubiCapture's back button to prevent accidental clicks
  • CubiCapture.CubiEventListener interface implementation is now CubiEventListener
  • New status codes: 70-76, 90 and 94
  • Improvements to scan data


  • New variable matchHintLabelWidth: Boolean to set hint label widths to match the wider one or to wrap label text. This is true by default. For more information, see UI Settings
  • New customization resources in dimens.xml for CubiCapture text sizes, hint label width and processing progress bar size. See Dimensions
  • Various bug fixes


  • Too close warning. A warning which will trigger if the user is scanning too close to objects. This warning is currently only available on devices which support Depth API
  • End scan confirmation slider. In order to end the scan, user now has to slide the record button from right to left to the end of the slider. This feature was added to prevent the scan from being accidentally ended
  • Location Services reminder and a new variable requestLocationServices: Boolean. Settings this to true will show the Location Services reminder -view if Location Services are turned off. This is false by default (see Implementation).
  • Changes to the customization of the CubiCapture
    • Most of the customization is now done in the following resource files: colors.xml, dimens.xml, drawables.xml and strings.xml
    • Deprecated public scan warning ImageViews, error and speech recognition text CharSequences and image resource id Ints. All of these are now customizable via the resource files listed above
    • Scan warnings and guides are now combination of drawable icons, string resources and drawable backgrounds instead of being ImageViews. This allows better customization and the warnings can be localizable to any language
    • String resource names recordHintString, speakHintString and lowStorageString renamed as cc_record_hint_text, cc_speech_hint_text and cc_low_storage_text in the file strings.xml
    • Default string values reviewed
    • For more information about the customization changes, see UI Settings
  • New status codes: 37, 38, 85, 88 and 93. Changes to the description: String of the code 24
  • CubiCapture's targetSdkVersion has been updated to API level 30. Specifying a targetSdkVersion in your project's build.gradle or AndroidManifest.xml will override the CubiCapture's value
  • CubiCapture no longer use the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission or request the requestLegacyExternalStorage attribute
  • Default scan warning background is now more translucent
  • Various bug fixes
  • Updated dependencies and new dependency com.facebook.shimmer:shimmer:0.5.0 for the end scan confirmation slider (see Implementation)


  • Fast rotation warning. A warning which will trigger if the user turns around too fast while scanning. This is a customizable View fastMovementWarning: ImageView
  • Deprecated feedbackGatheringEnabled: Boolean option
  • New status codes (codes 39, 87, 89, 92, 105 and 106)
  • UI improvements
  • Various bug fixes
  • Updated ARCore version to 1.25.0


  • Replaced allScansFolderName: String with allScansFolder: File? (see Implementation)
  • AR Session initializing indication text. This text can be customized by changing the value of initializingErrorText: CharSequence
  • Low storage warning. Low storage warning text can be changed by redefining the string in your applications strings.xml file (see UI Settings)
  • New function getAvailableStorageMinutes(File) which returns an estimation in minutes of the maximum scan length the device can store (see Implementation)
  • New variable feedbackGatheringEnabled: Boolean to toggle the feedback data gathering, this is true by default
  • Various bug fixes and optimizations
  • New status codes (codes 78, 91 and 100-102)
  • Changes to the description message of the error code 45. It now contains the error code of the SpeechRecognizer
  • Updated ARCore version to 1.24.0


  • Horizontal scanning warning. This is a customizable View horizontalWarning: ImageView
  • True north detection (see Implementation)
  • New status codes (codes 31-36 and 67-69)
  • Dropped values from the arkitData.json (scan data file). Saving of the scan files is now faster
  • Changes to the device orientation detection (landscape, portrait etc)
  • Memory optimization
  • Fixes to scaling of depth camera intrinsics


  • Hint label texts can be changed by redefining the strings in your applications strings.xml file (see UI Settings)
  • New variables speechNoResultsText and readyForSpeechText to change speech recognition's pop-up texts (type: CharSequence, default values: "No results" and "Say the room name")
  • New function recordButtonEnabled(Boolean) to set the enabled status of the record button View
  • Updated ARCore version to 1.23.0


  • Possibility to add information about your app's version with new variables appVersion and appBuild. These will be written to the scan data
  • New status codes (codes 65 and 66)
  • Various bug fixes


  • Depth capturing support for the following devices; Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G, Galaxy S20+ 5G and Galaxy S10 5G
  • Speech recognition for room labels
  • Optimized frame-rate handling (more stable capturing frame-rate)
  • New status codes (codes 40-49 and 59-64)
  • Updated dependencies
  • CubiCapture lifecycle functions resume(), pause(), stop() and destroy() have been removed, those are now handled by CubiCapture. Note that onWindowFocusChanged() function is still required
  • Views buttonRecord and buttonRecordHint are now private and part of the speech recognition UI. Customizing these Views now works differently, for example, the setNewView() function for those Views will no longer work
  • Speech recognition UI can be modified by using the colors.xml and dimens.xml files. See UI Settings to see how to customize the graphics, size of the views and layout margins
  • New image resource variables hintLabelBackground and notRecordingImage
  • Record button hint label buttonRecordHint is now TextView
  • Default record button drawables have a new look and are now vector drawables for higher quality (previously a PNG format image)
  • Default status border drawables trackingStatusBorders and failureStatusBorders now as vector drawables for higher quality (previously a PNG format image)
  • Fixed sidewaysWarning status codes (codes 25 and 26) not being sent when image resource changes between turnLeftImage and turnRightImage when sidewaysWarning is already set to visible
  • Fixed video encoder crashes