Learning objective: To perform actions in an iterative fashion on a list of contracts
- Daml SDK installed and setup
- Daml Fundamentals Training: Canton Ledger Programming in Daml - Lessons 1 to 9 completed.
The Epic Airlines (EA) needs to implement its Customer Loyalty Program (CLP) using Daml. Customers can register for CLP anytime. When they register, they get a CLP-account to store their loyalty points.
Continuing from the previous Lab, there are two templates - CLPAApplication and CLPAccount. There is no change required in the code written for these two templates.
This problem has two parts
Here is a script that creates CLPApplications for Alice and Bob.
testActionsLoops: Script () testActionsLoops = script do alice <- allocateParty "Alice" bob <- allocateParty "Bob" airline <- allocateParty "Epic Airlines" setTime (time (date 2023 Mar 01) 10 30 0) now <- getTime -- Alice creates a blank CLPApplication aliceCLPAppId <- submit alice do createCmd CLPApplication with customer = alice airline = airline id = "" name = "" address = "" email = "" phone = Some "" timestamp = now dob = toDateUTC now -- Alice submits the application with details filled in aliceCLPAppId <- submit alice do exerciseCmd aliceCLPAppId SubmitApplication with appCustomer = alice appAirline = airline customerId = "123" customerName = "Alice" customerAddress = "123 Main St ABCD" customerEmail = "" customerPhone = "+01-555-555-1234" appTimeStamp = now customerDob = date 2000 Jan 05 -- Bob creates a blank application bobCLPAppId <- submit bob do createCmd CLPApplication with customer = bob airline = airline id = "" name = "" address = "" email = "" phone = Some "" timestamp = now dob = toDateUTC now -- Bob submits application with details filled in bobCLPAppId <- submit bob do exerciseCmd bobCLPAppId SubmitApplication with appCustomer = bob appAirline = airline customerId = "234" customerName = "Bob" customerAddress = "123 Spring St EFGH" customerEmail = "" customerPhone = "+01-555-555-5678" appTimeStamp = now customerDob = date 2010 Jan 05
Once the above script is run, it should show the following output:
Extend this script to perform the following actions:
- The airline queries for all the applications and stores them in allApplications which will be a list of tuples (ContractId, Contract payload)
- Extract all contract-ids from allApplications and store them in allApplicationCids
- Extract all customer-ids from contract payloads in allApplications and store them in allCustomerIds
- Create a new list allCidsAndIds of tuples (ContractId, Text) by pairing elements from allApplicationCids and allCustomerIds
The following debug statements
debug allApplications debug allApplicationCids debug allCidsAndIds
should print the output as shown below
Trace: [(00aedaddf8684f16bc52e14bf9dac7aeca0c4d7f1d823a7d5420694c8fa7ead7f9,CLPApplication {customer = 'Alice', airline = 'Epic Airlines', id = "123", name = "Alice", address = "123 Main St ABCD", email = "", phone = Some "+01-555-555-1234", timestamp = 2023-03-01T10:30:00Z, dob = 2000-01-05}),(00bdc5727349c856efda728e229f546272586478b258bf83eb724fe3c216c83b65,CLPApplication {customer = 'Bob', airline = 'Epic Airlines', id = "234", name = "Bob", address = "123 Spring St EFGH", email = "", phone = Some "+01-555-555-5678", timestamp = 2023-03-01T10:30:00Z, dob = 2010-01-05})] [00aedaddf8684f16bc52e14bf9dac7aeca0c4d7f1d823a7d5420694c8fa7ead7f9,00bdc5727349c856efda728e229f546272586478b258bf83eb724fe3c216c83b65] [(00aedaddf8684f16bc52e14bf9dac7aeca0c4d7f1d823a7d5420694c8fa7ead7f9,"123"),(00bdc5727349c856efda728e229f546272586478b258bf83eb724fe3c216c83b65,"234")]
Here are some of the functions that you may find useful:
In this part, continue to extend the previous script that performs the following
- The airline submits a transaction that exercises ReviewApplication choices on all the applications and returns a list of CLPAccounts created. This list is stored in allAccountCids.
- With the accounts created in the previous step, the airline now exercises the AddPoints choice and adds 1000 points to each account.
Once the above script is executed, it should have two accounts as shown below:
Add the following statements at the end of your script:
allAccountTuples <- query @CLPAccount airline debug allAccountCids debug allAccountTuples
The Transaction Tree view of the script output should show the following output:
[Some 0050eb35ab8c025a0c59a15d5684355cc2d0a2cd4cad8004435a6818ef12192731,Some 005f605dc5ed79d9a98489ce31421d64d365ca550827954cb160c94154d2ef09c1] [(00691fb3d8526dc650dee23e15351e16272d18f59e3958a25a3629a784a85b85fc,CLPAccount {customer = 'Alice', airline = 'Epic Airlines', id = "123", name = "Alice", address = "123 Main St ABCD", email = "", phone = Some "+01-555-555-1234", timestamp = 2023-03-01T10:30:00Z, dob = 2000-01-05, points = 1000}),(00b325433392e50fe1f60b06b90671e067df8f08f1332cb0b0c82d950b9ef80d19,CLPAccount {customer = 'Bob', airline = 'Epic Airlines', id = "234", name = "Bob", address = "123 Spring St EFGH", email = "", phone = Some "+01-555-555-5678", timestamp = 2023-03-01T10:30:00Z, dob = 2010-01-05, points = 1000})]