Several channels are available to get started with Hamilton, learn advanced usage, and participate in the latest feature development.
The user guide gives a complete overview of Hamilton's features.
The reference documentation details Hamilton's public API.
The website provides interactive tutorials in-browser to learn specific Hamilton concepts.
The Hamilton Dataflow Hub hosts user-created dataflows that are easy to download and reuse in your project.
The DAGWorks Blog publishes articles on problems Hamilton helps solve, reference architectures, and new features.
The Slack channel is the ideal place to ask questions, request features, and give feedback.
See our youtube for the most up to date recordings - we are slow to list them here.
2024-02 Hamilton Meet-up for February
2023-12 Why you should build your GenAI/LLM apps using Hamilton. AICamp End of Year in SF
2023-12 Bridging Classic ML Pipelines with the World of LLMs. PyData Global
2023-11 Hamilton: Natively bringing software engineering best practices to python data transformations. Scale by the Bay.
2023-09 Hamilton: Natively bringing software engineering best practices to python data transformations. Bay Area Python Interest Group (BAYPIGgies)
2023-08 dbt + Hamilton: Enabling you to maintain complex Python within dbt models. MDSFest'23
2023-06 Hamilton: an OS tool to add to your LLM App toolbelt. LLM Avalanche.
2023-06 Feature Engineering with Hamilton: Portability & Lineage. Budapest ML Forum June 2023
2023-06 British Cycling Data Platform in Python. Manchester PyData Meetup
- Slides
- Co-presented with Peter Robinson, and Murray Tait.
2023-04 Lightweight Lineage with Hamilton. PyData Seattle
2023-01 Hamilton: Natively bringing software engineering best practices to python data transformations. AI Camp Meetup San Jose
2022-10 Hamilton: an open source, declarative, micro-framework for clean & robust feature transform code in Python. Feature Store Summit
2022-09 Hamilton: enabling software engineering best practices for data transformations via generalized dataflow graphs. DEco - First International Workshop on Data Ecosystems
2022-09 Hamilton: a modular open source declarative paradigm for high level modeling of dataflows. CDMS - First International Workshop on Composable Data Management Systems
2022-08 Hamilton: A Python Micro-Framework for tidy scalable Pandas. Scalable Pandas Meetup
2022-08 Scalable feature engineering with Hamilton on Ray. Ray Summit
2022-07 Hamilton: A Python Micro-Framework for Data / Feature Engineering. MLOPsWorld Bay Area
2022-05 Hamilton: a python micro-framework for data / feature engineering at Stitch Fix. AICamp
2022-02 [Open Source] Hamilton, a micro framework for creating dataframes, and its application at Stitch Fix. Apply(Meetup)
2021-12 Hamilton an open source micro framework for creating dataframes. SF Python Meetup
For the latest blog posts, see the DAGWorks's Blog.
- 2024-03 RAG: ingestion and chunking using Hamilton and scaling to Ray, Dask, or PySpark
- 2024-02 A command line tool to improve your development workflow
- 2024-02 Monthly Meetup Recap and office hours
- 2024-02 Using IPython Jupyter Magic commands to improve the notebook experience
- 2024-02 Building a lightweight experiment manager
- 2024-01 Customizing Hamilton’s Execution with the new Lifecycle API
- 2024-01 How well-structured should your data code be?
- 2024-01 From Dev to Prod: a ML Pipeline Reference Post
- 2023-12 Winning over hearts and minds at work: ADKAR my favorite change management approach
- 2023-11 🚀 We’re launching the Hamilton Dataflow Hub!
- 2023-10 Separate data I/O from transformation -- your future self will thank you.
- 2023-09 Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) with Streamlit, FastAPI, Weaviate, and Hamilton!
- 2023-09 LLMOps: Production prompt engineering patterns with Hamilton
- 2023-09 Feature Engineering with Hamilton
- 2023-08 Expressing PySpark Transformations Declaratively with Hamilton
- 2023-08 Containerized PDF Summarizer with FastAPI and Hamilton
- 2023-08 Dynamic DAGs: Counting Stars with Hamilton
- 2023-08 Featurization: Integrating Hamilton with Feast
- 2023-07 Simplify Prefect Workflow Creation and Maintenance with Hamilton
- 2023-07 Building a maintainable and modular LLM application stack with Hamilton
- 2023-06 Simplify Airflow DAG Creation and Maintenance with Hamilton
- 2023-05 Lineage + Hamilton in 10 minutes
- 2022-11 Hamilton + DBT in 5 minutes
- 2022-07 Tidy production pandas with Hamilton
- 2022-06 Developing Scalable Feature Engineering DAGs with Metaflow & Hamilton
- 2022-05 Hamilton backstory and intro post on TDS
- 2022-05 Hamilton + Pandas in five minutes
- 2022-05 Iterating with Hamilton in a Notebook
- 2024-03 Hamilton mention in Real Python, about ipython magic command post
- 2023-06 Exploring the Intersection of DAGs, ML Code, and Complex Code Bases: An Elegant Solution Unveiled with Stefan Krawczyk of DAGWorks
- 2022-08 S01 E08 - MLOps Week 8: The MLOps Mindset with Stefan Krawczyk
- 2022-04 MLOps dla 100 data scientistów (in Polish)
- 2021-09 Aggressively Helpful Platform teams