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263 lines (203 loc) · 7.65 KB

File metadata and controls

263 lines (203 loc) · 7.65 KB

in-toto-dbom-wrapper example

This example modifies the in-toto demo to show how easy it is to store in-toto attestations in DBoM repositories using the in-toto-dbom-wrapper.

Prerequisites and setup

  • 2 or more machines/VMs

    • If you don't have access to a second machine, use a second terminal running in a different directory to simulate the second device
  • Machine 1

    • Stand up a DBoM node using the getting started insturctions

    • Clone the in-toto demo repository

      git clone
  • Machine 1 and 2

    • Install the in-toto-dbom-wrapper using the following instruction

Running the example

Machine 1

Start the terminal in the in-toto demo repository

Step 1

Set your environmental variables

export GATEWAY_ADDRESS=http://localhost:3000
export REPO_ID=DB1

Step 2

Create the dbom asset

curl -f --location --request POST "$GATEWAY_ADDRESS/api/v1/repo/$REPO_ID/chan/$CHANNEL_ID/asset/$ASSET_ID" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "standardVersion": 1.0,
    "documentName": "Test Asset 01",
    "documentCreator": "DBoM Organisation",
    "documentCreatedDate": "2021-10-01T10:06:47+0000",
    "assetType": "HardwareComponent",
    "assetSubType": "SubType1",
    "assetManufacturer": "DBoM Organisation",
    "assetModelNumber": "ABCXYZ",
    "assetDescription": "A DBoM Asset",
    "assetMetadata": {
        "aKey": "aValue"
    "manufactureSignature": "UNSIGNED(TEST)"

Step 3

Update in owner_alice so that it uses the DBoM Metablock wrapper.
The wrapper extends the in-toto Metablock module with two new functions so that the layout file and owner public key can be stored to a dbom.

    cd owner_alice

Add the dbom metablock wrapper and also read the asset id

    import os
    from in_toto_dbom_wrapper.metadata_dbom_wrapper import DbomMetablock
    assetID = os.getenv('ASSET_ID')

Use the dbom metadata wrapper

  • Before

        metadata = Metablock(signed=layout)
        # Sign and dump layout to "root.layout"
  • After

        metadata = DbomMetablock(signed=layout)
        # Sign and dump layout to "root.layout"
        metadata.save_owner_key(key_alice, assetID)
        metadata.save_layout("root.layout", assetID)

See for the final product

Step 4

Create the in-toto layout and confirm the update in the dbom


Get the DBoM

curl -f --location --request GET "$GATEWAY_ADDRESS/api/v1/repo/$REPO_ID/chan/$CHANNEL_ID/asset/$ASSET_ID" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 

In the assetMetadata section of the response, there is now an inToto section that includes the layout file that created.

"assetMetadata": {
		"aKey": "aValue",
		"inToto": {
			"layouts": {
				"root\\u002elayout": {
					"signatures": [

Step 5

Create the in-toto links and confirm the update in the dbom

cd ../functionary_bob
in-toto-run-dbom-wrapper --step-name clone --products demo-project/ --key bob -- git clone
in-toto-record-dbom-wrapper start --step-name update-version --key bob --materials demo-project/
cat <<EOF > demo-project/
VERSION = "foo-v1"
in-toto-record-dbom-wrapper stop --step-name update-version --key bob --products  demo-project/
cp -r demo-project ../functionary_carl/
cd ../functionary_carl
in-toto-run-dbom-wrapper --step-name package  --products demo-project.tar.gz --key carl -- tar --exclude ".git" -zcvf demo-project.tar.gz demo-project
cd ..
cp functionary_carl/demo-project.tar.gz final_product/

Get the DBoM

curl -f --location --request GET "$GATEWAY_ADDRESS/api/v1/repo/$REPO_ID/chan/$CHANNEL_ID/asset/$ASSET_ID" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 

In the assetMetadata section of the response, there is now a links section in the in-toto metadata that has all the links created

"assetMetadata": {
		"aKey": "aValue",
		"inToto": {
            "links": {
				"clone\\u002e776a00e2\\u002elink": {
                "package\\u002e2f89b927\\u002elink": {
                "update-version\\u002e776a00e2\\u002elink": {
					"signatures": [

Machine 2

Step 6

Set your environmental variables

export GATEWAY_ADDRESS=http://machine1Address:3000
export REPO_ID=DB1

Step 7

Create an empty directory and transfer the final product, demo-project.tar.gz, to the new directory

Step 8

Verify the final product. Rather than requiring the layout and link files, the wrapper pulls all of the in-toto attestations from the dbom

in-toto-verify-dbom-wrapper --layout root.layout --layout-key

This will return that the verification was successful

2021-02-24 15:52:03,814 ---------- Started in-toto-verify ----------
2021-02-24 15:52:04,124 ---------- Success in-toto-verify ----------

Step 9

Repackage the final product and see the failure message

tar -xvzf demo-project.tar.gz
rm demo-project.tar.gz
tar --exclude ".git" -zcvf demo-project.tar.gz demo-project
rm -rf demo-project
2021-02-24 15:59:21,484 ---------- Started in-toto-verify ----------
(in-toto-verify) RuleVerificationError: 'DISALLOW *' matched the following artifacts: ['demo-project.tar.gz']
Full trace for 'expected_materials' of item 'untar':
Available materials (used for queue):
['.keep', '', 'demo-project.tar.gz', 'root.layout']
Available products:
['.keep', '', 'demo-project.tar.gz', 'root.layout', 'demo-project/']
Queue after 'MATCH demo-project.tar.gz WITH PRODUCTS FROM package':
['demo-project.tar.gz', '', '.keep', 'root.layout']
Queue after 'ALLOW .keep':
['demo-project.tar.gz', '', 'root.layout']
Queue after 'ALLOW':
['demo-project.tar.gz', 'root.layout']
Queue after 'ALLOW root.layout':

2021-02-24 15:59:21,789 ---------- Failed in-toto-verify ----------
2021-02-24 15:59:21,790 1

In Review

This example showed how easy it was modify the in-toto demo with the in-toto-dbom-wrapper so that all of the in-toto attestations were stored and retrieved from a dbom asset. By using dbom for storage of the in-toto attestations, the attestations are now stored in a common locations there they can easily be shared with the client by using a secure dbom channel. DBoM also allows the use of multiple storage back ends including DLTs and transparency logs which ensures that the attestations have not been tampered with.

Getting Help

If you have any queries on in-toto-dbom-wrapper, feel free to reach us on any of our communication channels

If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's issue tracker.