This is a terraform module used to install the grafana application into Cloud Foundry, and setting some of the configuration.
It is deployed using the Springer grafana buildpack.
Grafana can be integrated with google single sign on. This has a number of advantages, the main being there is no need to locally manage users. It provides readonly access by default, additional permissions are not persisted.
monitoring_space_id MANDATORY
monitoring_instance_name MANDATORY
prometheus_endpoint MANDATORY
admin_password MANDATORY
runtime_version OPTIONAL
google_client_id OPTIONAL
google_client_secret OPTIONAL
json_dashboards OPTIONAL
extra_datasources OPTIONAL
The default prometheus datasource is already preconfigured.
Additional data sources can be added via the extra_datasources
input. It represents a list of datasources, each one being the string content of the yaml datasource file.
Dashboards can be automatically loaded thanks to the json_dashboards
variable. It represents a list of dashboards, each one being the string content of the json dashboard file, as exported by grafana.
The following plugins are included. They are listed in the plugins.txt
By passing in the URL, Username and Password of an ELK stack end point, such as Logit the deployment will include a datasource which you can use in dashboards to incorporate log data. The ELK datasource does not need to be added as it is a default datasorce.
Grafana supports integration with google logins. The ID must be configured and passed in to support this, following the grafana instructions. It is also possible to include data from Google Sheets if a GOOGLE_JWT string is passed.
- Navigate to the Google API Console
- Navigate to the Credentials Screen
- At the top of the screen click on the link and choose OAuth Client ID from the pop-up list
- Enter NAME, put in a unique name that identifies your project.
- Under the AUTHORISED JAVASCRIPT AUTHORISATION field enter a list of URLs that your code uses. In our case we entered
- Under the AUTHORISED REDIRECT URIS field enter a list of feedback URLs, these are provided by Grafana, but in our case we used
That should be enough to configure Google. You will be given a client_id and a client_secret which you will need to use in Grafana. These two fields can be read again if you return to the screen.
The default version is 7. It has been tested successfully with version 6, 7 and 8.
module "grafana" {
source = "git::"
monitoring_space_id =
monitoring_instance_name = "Graphana"
admin_password = "xxxxx"
json_dashboards = [
extra_datasources = [file("${path.module}/datasources/elasticsearch.yml)",
prometheus_endpoint = ""
runtime_version = "x.x.x"
google_jwt = "very long and secret JWT String"
elasticsearch_credentials= {
url = xxxx
username = yyyyy
password = zzzzz