The task model specifies how provenance of a task in BACARDI must be recorded according to the W3C PROV standard.
The task namespaces provide qualified names for types, roles and attributes used in the BACARDI task model.
Name | Prefix | full-qualified URL |
Task Type | task_type | |
Roles | task_role | |
Attributes | task_attr | |
In addition, the namespace defines resource locations to build stable resource identifiers for entities, activities and agents.
The ID
represents the unique record identifier and shall be replaced by a stable and well-defined id such as uuid
Resource | Identifier Prefix | URI | Description |
Agent | agent:ID | | Resource location for agents |
TaskBundle | task_bundle:ID | | Resource location for task bundle entities |
Task | task:ID | | Resource location for task activities |
TaskConfiguration | task_config:ID | | Resource location for task configuration entities |
TaskLog | task_log:ID | | Resource location for task log entities |
Input | input:ID | | Resource location for input collections entities |
Output | output:ID | | Resource location for output collections entities |
DbEntry | db_entry:ID | | Resource location for Database entry entities |
Product | product:ID | | Resource location for product entities |
The task model defines its own set of qualified names to identify types of entities and activities.
Types use the prefix task_type
and are values to the prov:type
The following list gives an overview of the defined types.
Type | Concept | Description |
Task | Activity | A computational task executed by the system |
TaskBundle | Bundle | A named set of provenance descriptions directly related to task activity |
TaskConfiguration | Entity | The configuration used in an executed task |
TaskLog | Entity | Additional meta information logged during the task run |
Input | Collection | A collection of all inputs used by a task |
Output | Collection | A collection of all inputs generated by a task |
DbEntry | Entity | A database entry that was used or generated by a task |
Product | Entity | A final data product used or generated by a task |
A task is a program step executed by the BACARDI system. It must have a label indicating the task name.
Required attributes:
Attribute | Value | DataType |
prov:type | task_type:Task |
PROVN Example:
activity(task:1, [prov:type='task_type:Task'])
The TaskBundle
can be used to represent all provenance related to a single task activity as a single
entity. This entity can be used to track task provenance in a higher level provenance model, such as a workflow model.
Required attributes:
Attribute | Value | DataType |
prov:type | prov:Bundle | |
prov:type | task_type:TaskBundle |
PROVN Example:
entity(task_bundle:1, [prov:type='task_type:TaskBundle'])
The TaskConfiguration
holds all parameters and arguments that where passed to the task.
Required attributes:
Attribute | Value | DataType |
prov:type | task_type:TaskConfiguration |
PROVN Example:
entity(task_config:1, [prov:type='task_type:TaskConfiguration'])
The TaskLog
provides additional meta information about the task run.
Required attributes:
Attribute | Value | DataType |
prov:type | task_type:TaskLog |
PROVN Example:
entity(task_log:1, [prov:type='task_type:TaskLog'])
The Input
collection collects all entities that were used as input to the activity.
Required attributes:
Attribute | Value | DataType |
prov:type | prov:Collection OR prov:EmptyCollection | |
prov:type | task_type:Input |
PROVN Example:
entity(input:1, [prov:type='prov:Collection',
The Output
collection collects all entities that were output by the activity.
Required attributes:
Attribute | Value | DataType |
prov:type | prov:Collection OR prov:EmptyCollection | |
prov:type | task_type:Output |
PROVN Example:
entity(output:1, [prov:type='prov:Collection',
The DBEntry
type represents a single entry to a generalized database model.
The type is used for all internal data that was used or generated in a task.
Required attributes:
Attribute | Value | DataType |
prov:type | task_type:DbEntry | |
task_attr:DbModel | "MODELNAME" | xsd:string |
prov:location | "Location of the Database Entry" |
PROVN Example:
entity(db_entry:1, [prov:type='task_type:DbEntry',
The Product
type represents a data product that was used or generated in a task.
A product is defined as data with a well-defined data format that was exported or imported by a task
A product used in a task is usually associated to a different agent than the task itself.
Required attributes:
Attribute | Value | DataType |
prov:type | task_type:Product | |
task_attr:DataFormat | "DATAFORMAT" | xsd:string |
PROVN Example:
entity(product:1, [prov:type='task_type:Product',
The following PROV relations are required within the task model.
PROV Relation | Type 1 | Type 2 |
wasGenerated | task_type:Output | task_type:Task |
used | task_type:Input | task_type:Task |
hadMember | task_type:Input | task_type:DbEntry |
hadMember | task_type:Input | task_type:Product |
hadMember | task_type:Input | task_type:TaskConfiguration |
hadMember | task_type:Output | task_type:DbEntry |
hadMember | task_type:Output | task_type:Product |
hadMember | task_type:Output | task_type:TaskLog |
wasAssociatedWith | task_type:Task | prov:Agent |
wasAttributedTo | task_type:Input | prov:Agent |
wasAttributedTo | task_type:Output | prov:Agent |
wasAttributedTo | task_type:Product | prov:Agent |
wasAttributedTo | task_type:DbEntry | prov:Agent |
wasAttributedTo | task_type:TaskLog | prov:Agent |
wasAttributedTo | task_type:TaskConfiguration | prov:Agent |
The following PROV relations are optional within the task model.
PROV Relation | Type 1 | Type 2 |
wasGenerated | task_type:DbEntry | task_type:Task |
wasGenerated | task_type:Product | task_type:Task |
wasGenerated | task_type:TaskLog | task_type:Task |
used | task_type:DbEntry | task_type:Task |
used | task_type:Product | task_type:Task |
used | task_type:TaskConfiguration | task_type:Task |
wasInformedBy | task_type:Task | task_type:Task |
wasDerivedFrom | task_type:DbEntry | task_type:DbEntry |
wasEndedBy | task_type:Task | task_type:DbEntry |