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Task Model

The task model specifies how provenance of a task in BACARDI must be recorded according to the W3C PROV standard.

Task Namespaces

The task namespaces provide qualified names for types, roles and attributes used in the BACARDI task model.

Name Prefix full-qualified URL
Task Type task_type
Roles task_role
Attributes task_attr

In addition, the namespace defines resource locations to build stable resource identifiers for entities, activities and agents. The ID represents the unique record identifier and shall be replaced by a stable and well-defined id such as uuid.

Resource Identifier Prefix URI Description
Agent agent:ID Resource location for agents
TaskBundle task_bundle:ID Resource location for task bundle entities
Task task:ID Resource location for task activities
TaskConfiguration task_config:ID Resource location for task configuration entities
TaskLog task_log:ID Resource location for task log entities
Input input:ID Resource location for input collections entities
Output output:ID Resource location for output collections entities
DbEntry db_entry:ID Resource location for Database entry entities
Product product:ID Resource location for product entities

Task PROV Types

The task model defines its own set of qualified names to identify types of entities and activities. Types use the prefix task_type and are values to the prov:type attribute. The following list gives an overview of the defined types.

Type Concept Description
Task Activity A computational task executed by the system
TaskBundle Bundle A named set of provenance descriptions directly related to task activity
TaskConfiguration Entity The configuration used in an executed task
TaskLog Entity Additional meta information logged during the task run
Input Collection A collection of all inputs used by a task
Output Collection A collection of all inputs generated by a task
DbEntry Entity A database entry that was used or generated by a task
Product Entity A final data product used or generated by a task


A task is a program step executed by the BACARDI system. It must have a label indicating the task name.

Required attributes:

Attribute Value DataType
prov:type task_type:Task

PROVN Example:

activity(task:1, [prov:type='task_type:Task'])


The TaskBundle can be used to represent all provenance related to a single task activity as a single entity. This entity can be used to track task provenance in a higher level provenance model, such as a workflow model.

Required attributes:

Attribute Value DataType
prov:type prov:Bundle
prov:type task_type:TaskBundle

PROVN Example:

entity(task_bundle:1, [prov:type='task_type:TaskBundle'])


The TaskConfiguration holds all parameters and arguments that where passed to the task.

Required attributes:

Attribute Value DataType
prov:type task_type:TaskConfiguration

PROVN Example:

entity(task_config:1, [prov:type='task_type:TaskConfiguration'])


The TaskLog provides additional meta information about the task run.

Required attributes:

Attribute Value DataType
prov:type task_type:TaskLog

PROVN Example:

entity(task_log:1, [prov:type='task_type:TaskLog'])


The Input collection collects all entities that were used as input to the activity.

Required attributes:

Attribute Value DataType
prov:type prov:Collection OR prov:EmptyCollection
prov:type task_type:Input

PROVN Example:

entity(input:1, [prov:type='prov:Collection',


The Output collection collects all entities that were output by the activity.

Required attributes:

Attribute Value DataType
prov:type prov:Collection OR prov:EmptyCollection
prov:type task_type:Output

PROVN Example:

entity(output:1, [prov:type='prov:Collection',


The DBEntry type represents a single entry to a generalized database model. The type is used for all internal data that was used or generated in a task.

Required attributes:

Attribute Value DataType
prov:type task_type:DbEntry
task_attr:DbModel "MODELNAME" xsd:string
prov:location "Location of the Database Entry"

PROVN Example:

entity(db_entry:1, [prov:type='task_type:DbEntry',


The Product type represents a data product that was used or generated in a task. A product is defined as data with a well-defined data format that was exported or imported by a task
A product used in a task is usually associated to a different agent than the task itself.

Required attributes:

Attribute Value DataType
prov:type task_type:Product
task_attr:DataFormat "DATAFORMAT" xsd:string

PROVN Example:

entity(product:1, [prov:type='task_type:Product',

Required Task PROV Model Relations

The following PROV relations are required within the task model.

PROV Relation Type 1 Type 2
wasGenerated task_type:Output task_type:Task
used task_type:Input task_type:Task
hadMember task_type:Input task_type:DbEntry
hadMember task_type:Input task_type:Product
hadMember task_type:Input task_type:TaskConfiguration
hadMember task_type:Output task_type:DbEntry
hadMember task_type:Output task_type:Product
hadMember task_type:Output task_type:TaskLog
wasAssociatedWith task_type:Task prov:Agent
wasAttributedTo task_type:Input prov:Agent
wasAttributedTo task_type:Output prov:Agent
wasAttributedTo task_type:Product prov:Agent
wasAttributedTo task_type:DbEntry prov:Agent
wasAttributedTo task_type:TaskLog prov:Agent
wasAttributedTo task_type:TaskConfiguration prov:Agent

Optional Task PROV Model Relations

The following PROV relations are optional within the task model.

PROV Relation Type 1 Type 2
wasGenerated task_type:DbEntry task_type:Task
wasGenerated task_type:Product task_type:Task
wasGenerated task_type:TaskLog task_type:Task
used task_type:DbEntry task_type:Task
used task_type:Product task_type:Task
used task_type:TaskConfiguration task_type:Task
wasInformedBy task_type:Task task_type:Task
wasDerivedFrom task_type:DbEntry task_type:DbEntry
wasEndedBy task_type:Task task_type:DbEntry

Graphical representations

Task Model

Task example

Extended Task Model

Extended Task example

Multiple Bundle Example

Extended Task example