Copyright 2019-2025 DMTF. All rights reserved.
A tool to manage the event service on a Redfish service.
usage: [-h] --user USER --password PASSWORD --rhost RHOST
{info,subscribe,unsubscribe} ...
A tool to manage the event service on a Redfish service
positional arguments:
info Displays information about the event service and
subscribe Creates an event subscription to a specified URL
unsubscribe Deletes an event subscription
required arguments:
--user USER, -u USER The user name for authentication
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
The password for authentication
--rhost RHOST, -r RHOST
The address of the Redfish service (with scheme)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug Creates debug file showing HTTP traces and exceptions
Displays information about the event service and subscriptions.
usage: info [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The tool will log into the service specified by the rhost argument using the credentials provided by the user and password arguments. It will then locate the event service and event subscriptions and display their information.
$ -u root -p root -r info
Service Info
Status: Enabled
Delivery Retry Policy: 3 attempts, 60 second intervals
Event Types: StatusChange, ResourceUpdated, ResourceAdded, ResourceRemoved, Alert
Event Formats: N/A
Registries: N/A
Resource Types: N/A
Include Origin of Condition Supported: False
SSE URI: Not supported
SSE Filter Parameters: Unknown/Unspecified
Subscription Info
1 | Destination:
| State: Enabled
| Context: WebUser3
| Event Format: Event
| Event Types: Alert
2 | Destination:
| State: Enabled
| Context: My_SNMPv3_Events
| Event Format: Event
| Resource Types: Certificate, Volume, Thermal, VirtualMedia, Power
3 | Destination:
| State: Enabled
| Context: EmailUser3
| Event Format: Event
| Resource Types: Certificates, Systems
4 | Destination: syslog://123.45.10:514
| State: Enabled
| Context: Syslog-Mockup
| Event Format: Event
Creates an event subscription to a specified URL.
usage: subscribe [-h] --destination DESTINATION
[--context CONTEXT] [--expand]
[--format FORMAT]
[--registries REGISTRIES [REGISTRIES ...]]
[--eventtypes EVENTTYPES [EVENTTYPES ...]]
required arguments:
--destination DESTINATION, -dest DESTINATION
The URL where events are sent for the subscription
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--context CONTEXT, -c CONTEXT
The context string for the subscription that is
supplied back in the event payload
--expand, -e Indicates if the origin of condition in the event is
to be expanded
--format FORMAT, -f FORMAT
The format of the event payloads
A list of resource types for the subscription
A list of registries for the subscription
A list of event types for the subscription; this
option has been deprecated in favor of other methods
such as 'resource types' and 'registries'
The tool will log into the service specified by the rhost argument using the credentials provided by the user and password arguments. It will then locate the event service and perform a POST operation on the event destination collection to create a new subscription. The subscription will specify the destination to be the destination argument, and other optional arguments are provided as additional settings on the subscription.
$ -u root -p root -r subscribe -dest http://someremotelistener/redfish_event_handler
Created subscription '/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/5'
Deletes an event subscription.
usage: unsubscribe [-h] --id ID
required arguments:
--id ID, -i ID The identifier of the event subscription to be deleted
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The tool will log into the service specified by the rhost argument using the credentials provided by the user and password arguments.
It will then locate the event service and traverse the members of the event destination collection to find a member with the Id
property matching the id argument.
If a match is found, it will perform a DELETE on the member.
$ -u root -p root -r unsubscribe --id 5
Deleting subscription '5'