Copyright 2019-2025 DMTF. All rights reserved.
A tool to manage virtual media of a system.
usage: [-h] --user USER --password PASSWORD --rhost RHOST
[--system SYSTEM] [--debug]
{info,insert,eject} ...
A tool to manage virtual media of a system
positional arguments:
info Displays information about the virtual media for a
insert Inserts virtual media for a system
eject Ejects virtual media from a system
required arguments:
--user USER, -u USER The user name for authentication
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
The password for authentication
--rhost RHOST, -r RHOST
The address of the Redfish service (with scheme)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--system SYSTEM, -s SYSTEM
The ID of the system containing the virtual media
--debug Creates debug file showing HTTP traces and exceptions
Displays information about the virtual media for a system.
usage: info [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The tool will log into the service specified by the rhost argument using the credentials provided by the user and password arguments. It will then locate the system specified by the system argument, find its virtual media collection, and display the virtual media instances.
$ -u root -p root -r info
Floppy1 | ImageName: Sardine2.
| Image:
| MediaTypes: Floppy, USBStick
| ConnectedVia: URI
| Inserted: True
| WriteProtected: False
CD1 | ImageName: mymedia-read-only
| Image:
| MediaTypes: CD, DVD
| ConnectedVia: Applet
| Inserted: True
| WriteProtected: False
Inserts virtual media for a system.
usage: insert [-h] --image IMAGE [--id ID] [--notinserted]
[--mediatypes MEDIATYPES [MEDIATYPES ...]]
required arguments:
--image IMAGE, -image IMAGE
The URI of the image to insert
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--id ID, -i ID The identifier of the virtual media instance to insert
--notinserted, -notinserted
Indicates if the media is to be marked as not inserted
for the system
--writable, -writable
Indicates if the media is to be marked as writable for
the system
A list of acceptable media types for the virtual media
The tool will log into the service specified by the rhost argument using the credentials provided by the user and password arguments. It will then locate the system specified by the system argument, find its virtual media collection. It will then iterate through the virtual media collection, and insert the virtual media specified by the image argument in an appropriate slot.
$ -u root -p root -r insert -image http://somefileserver/my_media.iso
Inserting 'http://somefileserver/my_media.iso'
Ejects virtual media from a system.
usage: eject [-h] --id ID
required arguments:
--id ID, -i ID The identifier of the virtual media instance to eject
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The tool will log into the service specified by the rhost argument using the credentials provided by the user and password arguments.
It will then locate the system specified by the system argument, find its virtual media collection.
It will then locate the virtual media instance with matching Id
property with the id argument, and then eject the media.
$ -u root -p root -r eject --id CD1
Ejecting 'CD1'