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File metadata and controls

125 lines (101 loc) · 5.88 KB


Lint Status LICENSE


        - name: namexyz
          environment_name: dev
            - "dev-apps"
          node_type: cache.t2.micro
          parameter_group_name: default.redis6.x
          engine_version: 6.x
          transit_encryption_enabled: false
          enabled: true
resource "aws_kms_key" "redis_key" {}

resource "aws_kms_alias" "redis_alias" {
  name          = "alias/redis-${local.workspace.environment_name}"
  target_key_id = aws_kms_key.redis_key.key_id

module "cache_redis" {
  source                        = "git::"
  for_each                      = { for redis in local.workspace.cache.redis : => redis }
  name                          = "redis-${each.value.environment_name}"
  environment_name              = each.value.environment_name
  automatic_failover_enabled    = try(each.value.automatic_failover_enabled, false)
  at_rest_encryption_enabled    = try(each.value.at_rest_encryption_enabled, false)
  transit_encryption_enabled    = try(each.value.transit_encryption_enabled, false)
  multi_az_enabled              = try(each.value.multi_az_enabled, false)
  engine                        = try(each.value.engine, "redis")
  engine_version                = each.value.engine_version
  kms_key_id                    = try(each.value.at_rest_encryption_enabled, false ) ? aws_kms_key.redis_key.arn : ""
  maintenance_window            = try(each.value.maintenance_window, "sun:05:00-sun:07:00")
  node_type                     = each.value.node_type
  notification_topic_arn        = try(each.value.notification_topic_arn, "")
  number_cache_clusters         = try(each.value.number_cache_clusters, 1)
  port                          = try(each.value.port, 6379)
  snapshot_retention_limit      = try(each.value.snapshot_retention_limit, 0)
  snapshot_window               = try(each.value.snapshot_window, "03:00-04:00")
  parameter_group_name          = each.value.parameter_group_name
  create_subnet_group           = try(each.value.create_subnet_group, true)
  subnet_group_name             = "${each.value.environment_name}-cachesubnet"
  allow_security_group_ids = concat(
    [for cluster_name in try(each.value.ecs_cluster_names, []) : module.ecs_cluster[cluster_name].ecs_nodes_secgrp_id], []

  allow_cidrs        = try(each.value.allow_cidrs, [local.common.vpn_cidr])
  subnet_ids         =
  vpc_id             =


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.0


Name Version
aws n/a
random n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
allow_cidrs List of CIDRs to allow connection to this DB list(string) [] no
allow_security_group_ids List of Security Group IDs to allow connection to this Redis list(string) [] no
at_rest_encryption_enabled n/a bool true no
automatic_failover_enabled n/a bool false no
create_subnet_group Create a subnet group bool false no
engine n/a string n/a yes
engine_version n/a string n/a yes
environment_name Environment name to use as a prefix to this Redis string n/a yes
kms_key_id KMS Key ARN to use a CMK instead of default shared key any null no
maintenance_window Specifies the weekly time range for when maintenance on the cache cluster is performed string "sun:05:00-sun:07:00" no
multi_az_enabled n/a bool false no
name Name of this Redis string n/a yes
node_type The instance class to be used string n/a yes
notification_topic_arn n/a string "" no
num_cache_clusters The number of cache clusters (primary and replicas) this replication group will have. If Multi-AZ is enabled, the value of this parameter must be at least 2 number 1 no
parameter_group_name The name of the parameter group to associate with this replication group string null no
port Port number for this Redis number 6379 no
snapshot_retention_limit The number of days for which ElastiCache will retain automatic cache cluster snapshots before deleting them number 0 no
snapshot_window The daily time range (in UTC) during which ElastiCache will begin taking a daily snapshot of your cache cluster. The minimum snapshot window is a 60 minute period string "03:00-04:00" no
subnet_group_name The name of the cache subnet group to be used for the replication group string n/a yes
subnet_ids List of Subnet IDs for the RDS Subnet Group list(any) [] no
transit_encryption_enabled n/a bool false no
user_group_ids (Optional) User Group ID to associate with the replication group. Only a maximum of one (1) user group ID is valid. NOTE: This argument is a set because the AWS specification allows for multiple IDs. However, in practice, AWS only allows a maximum size of one. set(string) null no
vpc_id n/a string n/a yes


Name Description
id n/a
redis_endpoint n/a
redis_sg n/a


Module managed by DNX Solutions.


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.