This is a wrapper around web3modal that adds Safe Apps support.
If the app using the wrapper is run as a Safe App the connect
method will automatically connect to the Safe App.
- Install the package and its dependencies
npm i web3modal
yarn add web3modal
Setup Safe App
import { SafeAppWeb3Modal } from '';
const modal = new SafeAppWeb3Modal(web3modalOptions);
- Connect to the Safe
const provider = await modal.requestProvider();
This will connect to the Safe if it is available. Otherwise, it will fall back to web3modal's connect
method and show a modal with available wallets.
- Check if loaded as a Safe app
const loadedAsSafeApp = await modal.isSafeApp();
Is you use a server side rendering solution remember to instantiate the modal inside an useEffect to avoid NextJS to process this server side where the window
object does not exist.
const [provider, setProvider] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const modal = new SafeAppWeb3Modal();
const provider = await modal.requestProvider();
}, []);