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Recommendation Systems in Python

In this project, we compared the results of different recommendation systems using the Surprise library based on the MovieLens Small dataset.

The recommendation systems used are:

  • NormalPredictor
  • SVD
  • SVD++
  • NMF
  • KNNBasic
  • KNNWithMeans
  • KNNWithZScore
  • KNNBaseline
  • SlopeOne
  • CoClustering

Additionally, custom recommendation systems have been implemented, such as:

  • KNNWithMeansWeighted, where the average ratings per user are calculated through weighted averaging. The weights used are represented by the timestamps of individual views
  • BinaryPredictor, where the values are converted from the scale $[0, 5]$ to the scale $[0, 1]$, using the mean rating value as the threshold

The complete report, which includes a comprehensive analysis of the data and a detailed explanation of each recommendation system, is available as a PDF inside the repository. The report is written in Italian.