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1572 lines (1244 loc) · 31.8 KB

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1572 lines (1244 loc) · 31.8 KB

DailyDiet API Documentation



method: POST


  • height in centimeters
  • weight in kilograms


  • bmi_value rounded up to 2 decimal points
  • bmi_status one of Underweight, Normal weight, Overweight or Obesity
  "bmi_status": "Normal weight",
  "bmi_value": 24.69

in case of errors:

response code will be 400

  "errors": {
    "height": [
      "This field is required."
    "weight": [
      "Number must be between 20 and 150."


method: POST


  • goal one of lose_weight, maintain or build_muscle
  • gender one of male or female
  • height in centimiters
  • weight in kilograms
  • age in years
  • activity level one of sedentary, lightly, moderately, very or extra


  • calorie is integer number
  "calorie": 2638

in case of errors:

response code will be 400

  "errors": {
    "activity": [
      "Invalid value, must be one of: sedentary, lightly, moderately, very, extra."
    "age": [
      "This field is required."
    "gender": [
      "Invalid value, must be one of: male, female."
    "goal": [
      "Invalid value, must be one of: lose_weight, maintain, build_muscle."
    "height": [
      "Number must be between 50 and 210."
    "weight": [
      "Number must be between 20 and 150."


method: POST


  • full_name
  • email
  • password
  • confirm_password
  "full_name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger",
  "email": "",
  "password": "p@$$word123",
  "confirm_password": "p@$$word123"


response code will be 201

  • msg is string
  "msg": "Account created successfully!"

in case of errors:

response code will be 400

  "errors": {
    "email": [
      "Email already registered."


  "errors": {
    "confirm_password": [
      "Passwords must match."
    "email": [
      "Invalid email address."
    "password": [
      "Field must be between 6 and 25 characters long."


method: GET

input: NONE


response code will be 204

  • The server successfully processed the request and is not returning any content.

in case of errors:

1- response code will be 404

  "error": "User not found."

2- response code will be 400

  "error": "The confirmation link is invalid or has expired."


  "error": "Account already confirmed. Please login."


method: POST


  • email
  • password
  "email": "",
  "password": "p@$$word123"


response code will be 200

  • is_active
  • access_token
  • refresh_token
  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1OTEzODEwOTYsIm5iZiI6MTU5MTM4MTA5NiwianRpIjoiYWViMjY5MDktYzUxZS00NTM0LTk0NWEtMzZkYzEwZjNiMjdhIiwiZXhwIjoxNTkxMzgxOTk2LCJpZGVudGl0eSI6Im1vaGFtbWFkaG9zc2Vpbi5tYWxla3BvdXJAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiZnJlc2giOnRydWUsInR5cGUiOiJhY2Nlc3MifQ.8iSlZyW2pQN-OzDiSUe7LKbgX6iS6CNOsPMUGZfhf-s",
  "is_active": true,
  "refresh_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1OTEzODEwOTYsIm5iZiI6MTU5MTM4MTA5NiwianRpIjoiMDA5N2E1M2ItYWI4Yi00YzAwLTkxZjUtZTgwNmNkNWFjNTRmIiwiZXhwIjoxNTkzOTczMDk2LCJpZGVudGl0eSI6Im1vaGFtbWFkaG9zc2Vpbi5tYWxla3BvdXJAZ21haWwuY29tIiwidHlwZSI6InJlZnJlc2gifQ.TpuHN33fO66LWVZktvYr10VGoDWwONJkPaC6WgywgQM"

in case of errors:

1- response code will be 403

  "error": "Email or Password does not match."

2- response code will be 400

  "errors": {
    "email": [
      "Invalid email address."


method: PUT


Authorization Header:

  • Bearer <refresh token>


  • None


response code will be 200

  • access_token
  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1ODc5OTQ1NDYsIm5iZiI6MTU4Nzk5NDU0NiwianRpIjoiZmU0YTE2MjUtNDFkMi00MjljLTlhZDItNmFlZDYyM2MzZDUwIiwiZXhwIjoxNTg3OTk1NDQ2LCJpZGVudGl0eSI6Im1vaGFtbWFkaG9zc2Vpbi5tYWxla3BvdXJAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiZnJlc2giOmZhbHNlLCJ0eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIn0.9Cybw84QcwAuxxPGoEhURAHFUTQpIK3A9N8TxE38NMw"

in case of errors:

1- response code will be 422

  "msg": "Signature verification failed"


  "msg": "Invalid header string: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x9a in position 15: invalid start byte"


  "msg": "Not enough segments"

2- response code will be 401

  "msg": "Token has expired"


method: GET


Authorization Header:

  • Bearer <access token>


  • None


response code will be 200

  • msg is string
  "msg": "A new confirmation email has been sent."

in case of errors:

1- response code will be 422

  "msg": "Signature verification failed"


  "msg": "Invalid header string: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x9a in position 15: invalid start byte"


  "msg": "Not enough segments"

2- response code will be 401

  "msg": "Token has expired"


method: PATCH

input: Authorization Header:

  • Bearer <access token>


  • old_password
  • new_password
  • confirm_password
  "old_password": "p@$$word123",
  "new_password": "123456",
  "confirm_password": "123456"


response code will be 204

  • The server successfully processed the request and is not returning any content.

in case of errors:

1- response code will be 401

  "msg": "Token has expired"

2t- response code will be 422

  "msg": "Signature verification failed"


  "msg": "Invalid header string: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x9a in position 15: invalid start byte"


  "msg": "Not enough segments"


method: PATCH


  • None


response code will be 204

  • The server successfully processed the request and is not returning any content.


method: GET

input: Authorization Header:

  • Bearer <access token>


  • None


response code will be 200

  "confirmed": "False",
  "email": "",
  "full_name": "Mohammad Hossein Malekpour"

in case of errors:

1- response code will be 401

  "msg": "Token has expired"


method: GET

recipe and foods detailed information

input: URL:

  • food id

sample input:



response code will be 200

  • The server successfully processed the request and it's returning the recipe in this format.

  • image id is 0 if image is a placeholder

  "author_id": 1,
  "category": "sandwich",
  "cook_time": 0,
  "date_created": "2020-05-07 15:10:07",
  "description": "Peanut butter + jelly",
  "directions": [],
  "food_name": "Big PB&J Sandwich",
  "id": 33482,
  "images": [
      "id": 7,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 2665,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 7744,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 10535,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 10833,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 10932,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 10933,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 13194,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 48032,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 73768,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 73769,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 160621,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
      "id": 270080,
      "image": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
  "ingredients": [
      "amount": 2.0,
      "food": {
        "food_name": "Whole-wheat bread",
        "id": 4025,
        "nutrition": {
          "calories": 70.56,
          "carbs": 11.9,
          "fats": 0.98,
          "proteins": 3.49
        "primary_thumbnail": ""
      "grams": 56.0,
      "preparation": null,
      "units": "slice"
      "amount": 4.0,
      "food": {
        "food_name": "Peanut butter",
        "id": 3594,
        "nutrition": {
          "calories": 188.48,
          "carbs": 6.9,
          "fats": 15.98,
          "proteins": 7.7
        "primary_thumbnail": ""
      "grams": 64.0,
      "preparation": null,
      "units": "tbsp"
      "amount": 2.0,
      "food": {
        "food_name": "Apricot jam",
        "id": 4715,
        "nutrition": {
          "calories": 48.4,
          "carbs": 12.88,
          "fats": 0.04,
          "proteins": 0.14
        "primary_thumbnail": ""
      "grams": 40.0,
      "preparation": null,
      "units": "tbsp"
  "nutrition": {
    "calories": 614.88,
    "carbs": 63.49,
    "fats": 34.02,
    "proteins": 22.66
  "prep_time": 5,
  "primary_image": "",
  "primary_thumbnail": "",
  "servings": 1,
  "source": "",
  "tag_cloud": "gluten Apricot jam Whole-wheat bread Sweets \"Big PB&J Sandwich\" Soy and Legume Products Baked Products Peanut butter"

in case of errors:

1- if food doesn't exist in the database, response code will be 404

  "error": "food not found."

2- if recipe doesn't exist, response code will be 404

  "error": "recipe not found."


method: GET

food summarized information

input: URL:

  • food id

sample input:



response code will be 200

  • The server successfully processed the request and it's returning food summary in this format.
  "id": 33482,
  "category": "sandwich",
  "image": "",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "title": "Big PB&J Sandwich",
  "nutrition": {
      "calories": 615,
      "fat": 34.0,
      "fiber": 8.6,
      "protein": 22.7}

in case of errors:

1- if food doesn't exist in the database, response code will be 404

  "error": "food not found."


method: GET

recipe and foods detailed information

input: GET method parameters:

  • query: text to search
  • page:pagination page, default value is 1
  • page:items per page, default value is 10

sample input:



response code will be 200

  • total results count in the elasticsearch
  • food sample view of foods found int the search ordered by relevance
        "results": [ "list of simple views.."],
        "total_results_count": "count..."

sample output

  "results": [
      "category": "pasta",
      "id": 384279,
      "image": "", 
      "nutrition": {
        "calories": 476,
        "fat": 8.6,
        "fiber": 1.6,
        "protein": 17.7
      "thumbnail": "", 
      "title": "Pasta, Corn & Artichoke Bowl"
      "category": "pasta",
      "id": 1493432,
      "image": "", 
      "nutrition": {
        "calories": 591,
        "fat": 15.8,
        "fiber": 4.7,
        "protein": 16.7
      "thumbnail": "", 
      "title": "Spaghetti with Mushrooms, Garlic and Oil"
      "category": "other",
      "id": 907167,
      "image": "", 
      "nutrition": {
        "calories": 309,
        "fat": 7.2,
        "fiber": 8.6,
        "protein": 16.1
      "thumbnail": "", 
      "title": "Pasta with Red Sauce and Mozzarella"
      "category": "pasta",
      "id": 905979,
      "image": "", 
      "nutrition": {
        "calories": 423,
        "fat": 12.3,
        "fiber": 4.0,
        "protein": 24.2
      "thumbnail": "", 
      "title": "Spaghetti with Meat Sauce"
      "category": "pasta",
      "id": 45500,
      "image": "", 
      "nutrition": {
        "calories": 285,
        "fat": 18.0,
        "fiber": 0.9,
        "protein": 15.4
      "thumbnail": "", 
      "title": "Rigatoni with Brie, Grape Tomatoes, Olives, and Basil"
  "total_results_count": 1211

in case of errors:

1- if you don't pass query parameter in the url

response code will be 422

            "error": "query should exist in the request"

2- if per_page value is more than 50

response code will be 422

            "error": "per_page should not be more than 50"

3- if search is timed out.

status code will be 408

            "error": "search request timed out."


method: GET

input: None


response code will be 200

  • return all posts
"1": {
    "author_email": "",
    "author_fullname": "Ken Adams",
    "category": "category",
    "content": "post content",
    "current_user_mail": "",
    "slug": "some-slug",
    "summary": "post summery",
    "title": "sample post"
  "10": {
    "author_email": "",
    "author_fullname": "iman123",
    "category": "asd",
    "content": "asd",
    "current_user_mail": "",
    "slug": "asdss",
    "summary": "asdsss",
    "title": "asdss"
  "11": {
    "author_email": "",
    "author_fullname": "iman123",
    "category": "asd",
    "content": "asdasd",
    "current_user_mail": "",
    "slug": "asdasd",
    "summary": "asdas",
    "title": "asdasd"


method: GET


pass query parametr in URL


response code will be 200

  "author_email": "",
  "author_fullname": "Mohammad Hossein Malekpour",
  "category": "recepie",
  "content": "who konws!",
  "post_id": 2,
  "slug": "avaliwern-post-dailywrdiet",
  "summary": "pooof",
  "title": "How To Get Diet?"

in case of errors:

response code will be 404

  "error": "post not exist!"


method: POST


Authorization Header:

  • Bearer <access token>


  • category
  • content
  • slug
  • summary
  • title
  "category": "recepie",
  "content": "who konws!",
  "slug": "dovomi-podsasdt-daasdilywrdiet",
  "summary": "pooof",
  "title": "How asdToqwewdasde Get Diet?"


response code will be 200

  "msg": "Post created successfully"

in case of errors:

response code will be 400

  "error": {
    "title": [
      "This field is required."


method: DELETE


pass query parametr in URL

Authorization Header:

  • Bearer <access token>


response code will be 204

  • No content

in case of errors:

response code will be 403

  "error": "access denied!"


method: GET


Authorization Header:

  • Bearer <access token>


response code will be 200

  "2": {
    "author_email": "",
    "author_fullname": "Mohammad Hossein Malekpour",
    "category": "recepie",
    "content": "who konws!",
    "current_user_mail": "",
    "slug": "avaliwern-post-dailywrdiet",
    "summary": "pooof",
    "title": "How To Get Diet?"
  "3": {
    "author_email": "",
    "author_fullname": "Mohammad Hossein Malekpour",
    "category": "recepie",
    "content": "who konws!",
    "current_user_mail": "",
    "slug": "dovomi-post-dailywrdiet",
    "summary": "pooof",
    "title": "How Toqwewe Get Diet?"
  "4": {
    "author_email": "",
    "author_fullname": "Mohammad Hossein Malekpour",
    "category": "recepie",
    "content": "who konws!",
    "current_user_mail": "",
    "slug": "dovomi-post-daasdilywrdiet",
    "summary": "pooof",
    "title": "How Toqwewdasde Get Diet?"


method: GET


GET parameters:

  • page
  • per_page

Authorization Header:

  • Bearer <access token>

sample input:



response code will be 200

sample output:

    "diet": [
        "category": "breakfast",
        "id": 905755,
        "image": "",
        "nutrition": {
          "calories": 443,
          "fat": 18.6,
          "fiber": 6.2,
          "protein": 17.9
        "thumbnail": "",
        "title": "Peach Yogurt Parfait"
        "category": "mostly_meat",
        "id": 940743,
        "image": "",
        "nutrition": {
          "calories": 1633,
          "fat": 84.7,
          "fiber": 8.8,
          "protein": 112.4
        "thumbnail": "",
        "title": "Ham and Cheese Chicken Roll-ups"
        "category": "breakfast",
        "id": 983905,
        "image": "",
        "nutrition": {
          "calories": 214,
          "fat": 18.7,
          "fiber": 1.4,
          "protein": 9.3
        "thumbnail": "",
        "title": "Eggs & Greens"
    "time": "Fri, 12 Jun 2020 13:56:25 GMT"

in case of errors:

  • Logged in user is NULL


response code will be 404

       "error": "user not found"


text-search between ingredients in order to choose some of them to include in a recipe. (but it's not excluded to this)

method: GET

input: GET method parameters:

  • query: text to search
  • page:pagination page, default value is 1
  • page:items per page, default value is 10

sample input:



response code will be 200

  • total results count in the elasticsearch
  • ingredients info ordered by relevance
        "results": [ "list of simple views.."],
        "total_results_count": "count..."

sample output:

  "results": [
      "food_name": "Frozen Mango", 
      "id": 163245, 
      "nutrition": {
        "calories": 70.0, 
        "carbs": 19.0, 
        "fats": 0.0, 
        "proteins": 1.0
      "primary_thumbnail": ""
      "food_name": "Mango Chutney", 
      "id": 448267, 
      "nutrition": {
        "calories": 25.0, 
        "carbs": 7.0, 
        "fats": 0.0, 
        "proteins": 0.0
      "primary_thumbnail": ""
      "food_name": "Mango Juice", 
      "id": 85585, 
      "nutrition": {
        "calories": 30.0, 
        "carbs": 7.0, 
        "fats": 0.0, 
        "proteins": 0.0
      "primary_thumbnail": ""
  "total_results_count": 3

in case of errors:

1- if you don't pass query parameter in the url

response code will be 422

            "error": "query should exist in the request"

2- if per_page value is more than 50

response code will be 422

            "error": "per_page should not be more than 50"

3- if search is timed out.

status code will be 408

            "error": "search request timed out."


advanced search in foods

method: POST


            "text": "text_to_search",
            "category" : "one of [mostly_meat, appetizers,drink,main_dish,sandwich,dessert,breakfast,protein_shake,salad,pasta,other]" ,
            "ingredients": ["list of ingredient ids"],
            "carbs": {
            } , 
            "fats":  {
            "proteins": {
            } , 
            }  ,
            "prep_time": {
            } , 
            "total_time": {
            "page": "pagination page number (default is 1)" ,
            "per_page": "pagination per_page count (default is 10)"

output: response code will be 200

  • total results count in the elasticsearch
  • food sample view of foods found int the search ordered by relevance
        "results": [ "list of simple views.."],
        "total_results_count": "count..."

in case of errors:

1- if you don't pass query parameter in the url

response code will be 422

            "error": "some query should exist in the request"

2- if per_page value is more than 50

response code will be 422

            "error": "per_page should not be more than 50"

3- if search is timed out.

status code will be 408

            "error": "search request timed out."

sample input 1:


sample output 1:

    "results": [
            "category": "breakfast",
            "id": 906721,
            "image": "",
            "nutrition": {
                "calories": 393,
                "fat": 34.2,
                "fiber": 13.5,
                "protein": 10.3
            "thumbnail": "",
            "title": "Avocado Egg Bake"
            "category": "pasta",
            "id": 1015979,
            "image": "",
            "nutrition": {
                "calories": 935,
                "fat": 41.7,
                "fiber": 9.7,
                "protein": 49.5
            "thumbnail": "",
            "title": "Creamy Chicken Avocado Pasta"
            "category": "sandwich",
            "id": 906763,
            "image": "",
            "nutrition": {
                "calories": 675,
                "fat": 36.1,
                "fiber": 16.9,
                "protein": 50.8
            "thumbnail": "",
            "title": "Chicken and Avocado Sandwich"
            "category": "mostly_meat",
            "id": 905623,
            "image": "",
            "nutrition": {
                "calories": 260,
                "fat": 18.1,
                "fiber": 3.4,
                "protein": 19.5
            "thumbnail": "",
            "title": "Ham, Egg, and Cheese Cupcake"
            "category": "sandwich",
            "id": 211831,
            "image": "",
            "nutrition": {
                "calories": 1184,
                "fat": 54.3,
                "fiber": 29,
                "protein": 33.6
            "thumbnail": "",
            "title": "Nutribullet Portabella Burgers"
    "total_results_count": 10

sample input 2:


sample output 2:

    "results": [
            "category": "other",
            "id": 390740,
            "image": "",
            "nutrition": {
                "calories": 541,
                "fat": 42.2,
                "fiber": 13.9,
                "protein": 26.1
            "thumbnail": "",
            "title": "Baked Seafood Stuffed Avocados"
            "category": "main_dish",
            "id": 943329,
            "image": "",
            "nutrition": {
                "calories": 145,
                "fat": 10.8,
                "fiber": 6.8,
                "protein": 2.1
            "thumbnail": "",
            "title": "Strawberry Salsa Stuffed Avocados"
    "total_results_count": 418

sample input 3:

	"ingredients":[4914 ,2057,2042]

sample output 3: found foods contain all the ingredients that we have given ids.

    "results": [
            "category": "pasta",
            "id": 57154,
            "image": "",
            "nutrition": {
                "calories": 2701,
                "fat": 69.7,
                "fiber": 39.3,
                "protein": 102.8
            "thumbnail": "",
            "title": "Pasta Puttanesca"
    "total_results_count": 1