Attn: Wood Shop Committee
Feature enhancement change request
Change Request for Licences
Impaticing Maintenance Work
search the issue tracker and wiki for fix
Invalid request, issue, or other off topic item
SPAM issues either from email input or external sources
System effected - Active Directory
System effected - Security Cameras
System effected - Community Grid
System effected - Digital Media Library - Phraseanet
System effected - Active Directory
System effected - Metal Shop Dynatorch CNC
System effected - Security Cameras
System effected - PFSence
System effected - MakerManager
System effected - OpenCast Servers
System effected - Overcloud servers
System effected - Undercloud, Hypervisors, Physical Equipment
System effected - FreePBX and voip devices
Workstations, Laptops, Terminals, and PCs not part of the Undercloud