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198 lines (156 loc) · 6.97 KB

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198 lines (156 loc) · 6.97 KB

Assessment Service Module

- Create a server module to handle assessment data.
- Write a function to add assessment details to the database.
- Modify the frontend to call the server function when adding an assessment.
- Verify that the assessment data is correctly saved to the database.

Now that we have the AddComponent set and the user can input their data, we can save that data to the Assessments table. Just like we used a user_service to interact with the Users table, we will create an assessment_service to interact with the Assessments table.


We will need to make a method that accepts the assessment details and writes it to the Assessments table. This will reside in a Server-side module, so let's start by creating that module.

  1. Go to the file submenu
  2. Click on the + Add Server Module button

add server module

  1. Name the module assessment_service
  2. Delete all the comments from the code

assessment service


Now to add our assessment_service code

Add Assessment Function

Below the import section add the following code:

:lineno-start: 7
:emphasize-lines: 1 - 10
def add_assessment(subject, details, start_date, due_date):
  user = anvil.users.get_user()
  app_tables.assessments.add_row(user= user,
                                 subject= subject,
:class: notice
- **line 7** → this is the decorator that tells Anvil that this function can be called from the **frontend**
- **line 8** → creates the **add_assessment** function which expects the values of subject, details, start_date, and due_date to be passed.
- **line 9** → gets the details of the current user from the user table
- **lines 11-16** → this is one command split over multiple lines and adds the provided details to the assessment table.
:class: note
Python commands can become quite long, especially if you are using meaningful names (eg. line 11 in the above code). This can make them difficult to read. Fortunately Python provides ways to split commmands over muilitple lines. 

1. You can use a backslach `\` after a operations symbol
2. Within parentheses `()`, brackets `[]` or braces `{}`, you can press `return` after a comma `,`

Now that we have a function to add the user data to the Assessments table, we need to call that function from the AddComponent.

Call from Add Component

Open the AddComponent in Code mode.

In the else section of the button_add_click handler, add the highlighted code between the call to display_save and the call to reset_form.

:lineno-start: 32
:emphasize-lines: 7
      self.subject = self.text_box_subject.text
      self.details = self.text_box_details.text
      self.start =
      self.due =
      self.display_save(f"{self.subject} {self.details} assessment: {self.start} to {self.due} recorded")'add_assessment', self.subject, self.details, self.start, self.due)
:class: notice
- **line 38** → calls the **add_assessments** function that we just created. 
  - It is important that this is called before the **reset_form**, as **reset_form** deletes all the values we wish to save to the **Assessments** table.


Let's test the code.

  1. Launch your web app and then navigate to the Add page.
  2. Enter the details for an assessment, click on the Add Assessment button.
  3. Once the save message is displayed, stop the web app
  4. Go to the Assessments table and check if the data you entered is in the table.


Final code state

By the end of this tutorial your code should be the same as below:

Final AddComponent

from ._anvil_designer import AddComponentTemplate
from anvil import *
import anvil.server
import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables
import anvil.users

class AddComponent(AddComponentTemplate):
  def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.
    self.subject = ""
    self.details = ""
    self.start = None
    self.due = None

    # Any code you write here will run before the form opens.
    self.label_message.visible = False

  def button_add_click(self, **event_args):
    # validation
    if not self.text_box_subject.text:
      self.display_error("Subject name needed")
    elif not self.text_box_details.text:
      self.display_error("Assessment details needed")
    elif not
      self.display_error("Start date needed")
    elif not
      self.display_error("Due date needed")
      self.subject = self.text_box_subject.text
      self.details = self.text_box_details.text
      self.start =
      self.due =
      self.display_save(f"{self.subject} {self.details} assessment: {self.start} to {self.due} recorded")'add_assessment', self.subject, self.details, self.start, self.due)

  def display_error(self, message):
    self.label_message.visible = True
    self.label_message.foreground = "#ff0000"
    self.label_message.icon = "fa:exclamation-triangle"
    self.label_message.bold = True
    self.label_message.text = message

  def display_save(self, message):
    self.label_message.visible = True
    self.label_message.foreground = "#000000"
    self.label_message.icon = "fa:save"
    self.label_message.bold = False
    self.label_message.text = message

  def reset_form(self):
    self.subject = ""
    self.details = ""
    self.start = None
    self.due = None
    self.text_box_subject.text = ""
    self.text_box_details.text = "" = None = None

Final assessment_service

import anvil.users
import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables
import anvil.server

def add_assessment(subject, details, start_date, due_date):
  user = anvil.users.get_user()
  app_tables.assessments.add_row(user= user,
                                 subject= subject,