- Understand the speed differences in data retrieval (RAM vs. storage vs. internet).
- Modify code to use cached data instead of repeatedly accessing the database.
- Implement these optimizations in functions such as `add_assessment`, `get_assessment`, and `get_chart`.
- Testing the changes to ensure improved performance.
Remember when we discussed optimisation, we focused on preventing the frontend from unnecessarily retrieving data from the backend. This was a low-hanging fruit in improving our website speed, since the communication between the frontend and the backend is the slowest communication that occurs in our web app.
Now that we have addressed this, we can look at other slow routes of data communication. To do this we need to understand the different speed of data retrieval:
- Fastest - retrieve from RAM (memory)
- Medium - retrieve from storage (HDD / SSD / Servers)
- Slowest - retrieve over internet
Looking at the diagram of our web app we can see that there are two more places that communication occurs:
- On the frontend between the application and the device
- On the backend between the server and the database
The frontend communication occurs by retrieving data from the RAM, so we can't get a significant increase in speed here, but the backend communication involves server retrieval from storage, so we can speed that up.
In our current assessment_service, the database is unnecessarily calls cached data in:
- add_assessment - user
- get_assessment - user
- get_chart - user and chart
In all these cases, the cached data can be passed to the server when the assessment_service method is called.
Lets start with the add_assessment.
- Open the assessment_service module and go to add_assessment
- Delete the
call in line 11 - Add
as an argument to be passed - like the highlight below
:lineno-start: 9
:emphasize-lines: 2
def add_assessment(user, subject, details, start_date, due_date):
app_tables.assessments.add_row(user= user,
subject= subject,
:class: notice
**line 10** → adds `user` as a value to be passed when the method is called
Now we have to change the call to add_assessment to include the user
- Open the data_access module
- Add line 51 below and change line 52
:lineno-start: 47
:emphasize-lines: 5-6
def add_assessment(subject, details, start_date, due_date):
global __assessments
print("Writing assessment details to the database")
user = the_user()
anvil.server.call('add_assessment', user, subject, details, start_date, due_date)
__assessments = None
:class: notice
- **line 51** → retrieves the cached user data
- **line 52** → adds the cached user data to the arguments passed to **add_assessment**
Launch your website and add a new assessment item.
Notice all the caching messages - think of the time you are saving.
New we will use caching data in the get_assessment function.
- Open the assessment_service module and go to get_assessment
- Delete the
call in line 20 - Add
as an argument to be passed - like the highlight below
:lineno-start: 18
:emphasize-lines: 2
def get_assessment(user):
return app_tables.assessments.search(tables.order_by('due_date'),
:class: notice
**line 19** → adds `user` as a value to be passed when the method is called
Now we have to change the call to my_assessment to include the user
- Open the data_access module
- Add line 39 below and change line 46
:lineno-start: 36
:emphasize-lines: 4, 11
def my_assessment():
global __assessments
user = the_user()
if __assessments:
print("Using cached assessments")
return __assessments
print("Accessing assessments from database")
__assessments = anvil.server.call('get_assessment', user)
return __assessments
:class: notice
- **line 39** → retrieves the cached user data
- **line 46** → adds the cached user data to the arguments passed to **get_assessment**
Launch your web app and check that pages that use assessment data:
- all the assessments load on the Home page
- the Calendar page
Finally the get_chart function:
- Open the assessment_service module and go to
- Delete the
call in line 43 - Delete the
call in lines 44 - 46 - Add
as arguments to be passed - like the highlight below
:lineno-start: 40
:emphasize-lines: 2
def get_chart(assessments):
# Create a DataFrame from the assessments data
data = []
for assessment in assessments:
# adjust for exams
start_date = assessment['start_date']
due_date = assessment['due_date']
if start_date == due_date:
due_date += pd.Timedelta(days=1)
"Subject": assessment['subject'],
"Details": assessment['details'],
"Start": assessment['start_date'],
"Due": due_date
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
:class: notice
**line 19** → adds `assessments` as a value to be passed when the method is called
Now we have to change the call to my_assessment to include the user
- Open the data_access module
- Add line 82 below and change line 83
:lineno-start: 74
:emphasize-lines: 9, 10
def get_chart():
global __chart
if __chart:
print("Using cached chart")
return __chart
print("Building new chart from database")
assessments = my_assessment()
__chart = anvil.server.call('get_chart', assessments)
return __chart
:class: notice
- **line 82** → retrieves the cached assessments data
- **line 83** → adds the cached user data to the arguments passed to **get_chart**
Launch your website, and navigate to the Calendar page.
By the end of this tutorial your code should be the same as below:
import anvil.server
import anvil.users
import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables
# cached values
__user = None
__assessments = None
__chart = None
def the_user():
global __user
if __user:
print("Using cached user")
return __user
print("Accessing user from database")
__user = anvil.users.get_user()
return __user
def logout():
global __user
__user = None
def update_user(first_name, last_name):
global __user
print("Writing user details to database")
anvil.server.call('update_user', first_name, last_name)
__user = None
__user = the_user()
def my_assessment():
global __assessments
user = the_user()
if __assessments:
print("Using cached assessments")
return __assessments
print("Accessing assessments from database")
__assessments = anvil.server.call('get_assessment', user)
return __assessments
def add_assessment(subject, details, start_date, due_date):
global __assessments
print("Writing assessment details to the database")
user = the_user()
anvil.server.call('add_assessment', user, subject, details, start_date, due_date)
__assessments = None
def update_assessment(assessment_id, subject, details, start_date, due_date, completed):
global __assessments
print("Updating assessment details on the database")
__assessments = None
__chart = None
def get_chart():
global __chart
if __chart:
print("Using cached chart")
return __chart
print("Building new chart from database")
assessments = my_assessment()
__chart = anvil.server.call('get_chart', assessments)
return __chart
import anvil.users
import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables
import anvil.server
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
def add_assessment(user, subject, details, start_date, due_date):
app_tables.assessments.add_row(user= user,
subject= subject,
def get_assessment(user):
return app_tables.assessments.search(tables.order_by('due_date'),
def update_assessment_completed(assessment_id, completed):
assessment = app_tables.assessments.get_by_id(assessment_id)
if assessment:
assessment["completed"] = completed
def update_assessment(assessment_id, subject, details, start_date, due_date, completed):
assessment = app_tables.assessments.get_by_id(assessment_id)
if assessment:
assessment['subject'] = subject
assessment['details'] = details
assessment['start_date'] = start_date
assessment['due_date'] = due_date
assessment['completed'] = completed
def get_chart(assessments):
# Create a DataFrame from the assessments data
data = []
for assessment in assessments:
# adjust for exams
start_date = assessment['start_date']
due_date = assessment['due_date']
if start_date == due_date:
due_date += pd.Timedelta(days=1)
"Subject": assessment['subject'],
"Details": assessment['details'],
"Start": assessment['start_date'],
"Due": due_date
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Create the Gantt chart using Plotly
fig = px.timeline(df,
title="Assessment Schedule"
return fig