A temperature sensor is an input device that measures temperature. Your BBC micro:bit has a temperature sensor inside the processor which can give you an approximation of the air temperature.
:class: important
Full details can be found at the **[BBC micro:bit MicroPython temperature documentation](https://microbit-micropython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/microbit.html?highlight=Temperature%20#microbit.temperature)**.
To get a temperature reading, call the temperature()
For example:
:class: notice
- **line 5** → creates an infinite loop, since the condition (`True`) will never be `False`.
- **line 6** → checks if button A has been pressed
- **line 7** → scrolls the current temperature across the display
- Create a program that samples the air temperature every two seconds and keeps a record of the minimum and maximum temperatures. When button A is pressed the minimum temperature is displayed, and when button B is pressed the maximum temperature is displayed.
- For humans comfortable room temperature typically ranges between 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. Make your micro:bit monitor the room temperature and show a happy face if it is in the correct range. If the temperature is too high, show and up arrow, if it is too low shows a down arrow.